Repository for reusable "simple" devops for the graph agent.
The goal of this devops setup is to:
- Create a centralized and "sharable" description of machines and related services in AWS.
- Have this shared description be the mechanism for change in AWS.
- Create an environment and set of tools to manipulate this description, which is then relfected in the machines and services available in AWS.
In other words: you are creating a devops envirnment, "joining" a shared workspace, then adding and removing machines, storage, and networks in this shared workspace.
Currently, when using this devops setup, you are manipulating the following things in AWS as a unit:
- an EC2 instance
- an EBS (disk for EC2 instances)
- an elastic IP address
- a public DNS entry pointing to the instance above w/EIP
- a dynamic security group (using default VPC, etc.)
- a dynamic key pair
In the EC2 instance, you will be creating:
- An Ubuntu 24.04 LTS release
- MongoDB 8.x release
- Simple SCRAM setup
- Docker
NOTE: we have a docker-based environment with all these tools installed.
Your (personal developer) AWS credentials are used by Terraform to provision the AWS instance and by the provisioned instance to access the certificate store and the S3 buckets used to store Apache logs. These are your personal AWS credentials and should have been appropriately created to give you these permissions.
NOTE: specifically, you will need to supply an aws_access_key_id
and aws_secret_access_key
. These will be marked with REPLACE_ME
in the ga-aws-credentials.sample
file farther down.
The keys we'll be using can be found in the shared SpiderOak store. If you don't know what this is, ask @kltm.
For testing purposes you can use your own ssh keys. But for production please ask for the graph agent ssh keys. The names will be: "" and "ga-ssh".
- Spin up the provided dockerized development environment:
docker rm ga-dev || true
docker run --name ga-dev -it geneontology/go-devops-base:tools-jammy-0.4.4 /bin/bash
- Copy in SSH keys
From outside the docker image, copy the ssh keys from your docker host into the running docker image, in /tmp
docker cp ga-ssh ga-dev:/tmp
docker cp ga-dev:/tmp
From here, commands are from within the docker image.
- Update Ansible
Update to a more recent ansible (required as client python2.7 is no longer supported); basically: .
(TODO: make new dev image to incorporate this.)
apt update && apt install software-properties-common && add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible && apt install ansible
- Get the devops repo
cd /tmp
git clone
cd graph-agent-devops/provision
- Establish the AWS credential files
The next commands will be within the devops docker image, within the /tmp/graph-agent-devops/provision
Note: you should now have the following in your image:
Make sure they have the right perms to be used within in the docker image:
chmod 600 /tmp/ga-ssh*
Copy and modify the AWS credential file to the default location /tmp/ga-aws-credentials
cp production/ga-aws-credentials.sample /tmp/ga-aws-credentials
Add your personal dev keys into the file; update the aws_access_key_id
and aws_secret_access_key
emacs /tmp/ga-aws-credentials
- Initialize the S3 Terraform backend:
"Initializing" a Terraform backend connects your local Terraform instantiation to a workspace backend; we are using S3 as the shared workspace backend (Terraform has others as well). This workspace backend will contain information on EC2 instances, network info, etc.; you (and other developers in the future) can discover and manipulate these states, bringing servers and services up and down in a shared and coordinated way. These Terraform backends are an arbitrary bundle and can be grouped as needed. In general, the production systems should all use the same pre-coordinated workspace, but you may create new ones for experimentation, etc.
For our current purposes, we will use a shared workspace backend with the name ga-workspace
cp ./production/ ./aws/
Optional. This should be pre-filled as ga-workspace
, but can be changed for reasons listed above.
emacs ./aws/
Use the AWS CLI to make sure you have access to the Terraform S3 backend bucket:
export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/tmp/ga-aws-credentials
Optional. Check credentials with a test connection to the S3 workspace backend bucket.
aws s3 ls s3://ga-workspace
Proceed with Terraform initialization; if it doesn't work, we fail). This will connect the devops with the desired "backend":
go-deploy -init --working-directory aws -verbose
Use these commands to figure out the name of existing workspaces, if any. If following these instructions, the names should have the pattern ga-production-YYYY-MM-DD
or default
go-deploy --working-directory aws -list-workspaces -verbose
- Provision new instance on AWS, for potential production use:
These next few commands will setup creating a (new) production workspace using the following namespace pattern ga-production-YYYY-MM-DD
; e.g.: ga-production-2025-03-03
cp ./production/config-instance.yaml.sample config-instance.yaml
Replace the two instances of REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE with today's date (e.g. 2025-03-04); giving e.g.: ga-production-2025-03-03
As well, verify the location of the SSH keys for your AWS instance:
emacs config-instance.yaml
If you want to change the size of the machine (instance_type
) or the size of the attached storage (disk_size
), AMI, this is the time/place to do it.
Technically optional; verify the location of the public ssh key in aws/
emacs aws/
- Test the deployment
For the next command, REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE
should be something like YYYY-MM-DD; giving a final full workspace name of something like ga-production-2025-03-03
Test configuration:
go-deploy --workspace ga-production-REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE --working-directory aws -verbose -dry-run --conf config-instance.yaml
- Deploy
For the next command, REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE
should be something like YYYY-MM-DD; giving a final full workspace name of something like ga-production-2025-03-03
Deploy command:
go-deploy --workspace ga-production-REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE --working-directory aws -verbose --conf config-instance.yaml
For the next commands, REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE
should be something like YYYY-MM-DD; giving a final full workspace name of something like ga-production-2025-03-03
Just to check, ask it to display what it just did (display the Terraform state):
go-deploy --workspace ga-production-REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE --working-directory aws -verbose -show
This will dump out the changes/current state of the workspace we created.
Finally, just show the IP address of the AWS instance:
go-deploy --workspace ga-production-REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE --working-directory aws -verbose -output
Access graph-agent-devops instance from the CLI by ssh'ing into the newly provisioned EC2 instance:
ssh -i /tmp/ga-ssh ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS
cd ../ansible
In hosts
with the IP address of your new instalce from above.
emacs hosts
Replacing BBOP_HIDDEN_TEXT with the appropriate text, setup software with:
ansible-playbook mongo-setup-for-agent.yaml --inventory=hosts --private-key="/tmp/ga-ssh" -e mongodb_cli_password=BBOP_HIDDEN_TEXT
These commands will produce an IP address in the resulting inventory.json
The previous command creates Terraform "tfvars". These variables override the variables in aws/
If you need to check what you have just done, here are some helpful Terraform commands:
cat ga-production-REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE.tfvars.json
The previous command creates an ansible inventory file.
cat ga-production-REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE-inventory.cfg
Useful Terraform commands to check what you have just done
terraform -chdir=aws workspace show # current terraform workspace
terraform -chdir=aws show # current state deployed ...
terraform -chdir=aws output # shows public ip of aws instance
If doing fast iteration for development on mongo directly and you want to completely wipout the installation, running the ansible playbookd from partway through, this is a nice command in the EC2 instance:
sudo service mongod stop && sudo apt-get purge mongodb-org* && sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb && sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb && sudo rm /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
Destroy using tool: make sure you point to the correct workspace before destroying the stack by using the -show command or the -output command.
go-deploy --workspace ga-production-REPLACE_ME_WITH_DATE --working-directory aws -verbose -destroy
Destroy manually: make sure you point to the correct workspace before destroying the stack.
terraform -chdir=aws workspace list
terraform -chdir=aws workspace show # shows the name of the current workspace
terraform -chdir=aws show # shows the state you are about to destroy
terraform -chdir=aws destroy # You would need to type Yes to approve.
Now delete the workspace.
terraform -chdir=aws workspace select default # change to default workspace--cannot delete workspace that you are "in"
terraform -chdir=aws workspace delete ga-production-YYYY-MM-DD