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sketch wp_read_RDH
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samuelgruetter committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent 0263922 commit 0fa3944
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 45 deletions.
94 changes: 49 additions & 45 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/e1000_read_write_step.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -394,55 +394,59 @@ Section WithMem.

(* read RDH: new RDH can be anywhere between old RDH (incl) and old RDT (excl),
we receive the memory chunk for each descriptor between old and new RDH,
as well as the buffers pointed to by them, which contain newly received packets
Lemma wp_read_RDH: forall e mNIC rdh tdh old_rx_descs rx_queue_cap tx_queue_cap
rdba tdba rx_buf_size t m l r post
rxq txq rx_bufs tx_bufs,
as well as the buffers pointed to by them, which contain newly received packets *)
Lemma wp_read_RDH: forall e t m l s r mNIC rxq txq post,
externally_owned_mem t mNIC ->
(* begin NIC invariant, TODO factor out *)
getRDBA t rdba ->
getRDH t rdh ->
get_receive_queue_cap t rx_queue_cap ->
get_receive_buf_size t rx_buf_size ->
getTDBA t tdba ->
getTDH t tdh ->
get_transmit_queue_cap t tx_queue_cap ->
let rx_buf_addrs := (fun d => /[d.(rx_desc_addr)]) rxq in
let tx_buf_addrs := (fun d => /[d.(tx_desc_addr)]) txq in
<{ (* receive-related: *)
* circular_buffer_slice rx_desc_t rx_queue_cap \[rdh] rxq rdba
* scattered_array (array (uint 8) rx_buf_size) rx_bufs rx_buf_addrs
(* transmit-related: *)
* circular_buffer_slice tx_desc_t tx_queue_cap \[tdh] txq tdba
* layout_absolute ( (fun pkt => array' (uint 8) pkt) tx_bufs) tx_buf_addrs
}> mNIC ->
(* end of NIC invariant *)
(forall (m' mRcv: mem) (packets: list buf),
map.split m' mRcv m ->
len packets <= len rxq ->
let new_RDH := /[(\[rdh] + len packets) mod rx_queue_cap] in
(* we get back a (wrapping) slice of the rx queue as well as the corresponding
buffers *)
<{ * circular_buffer_slice rx_desc_t rx_queue_cap \[rdh]
old_rx_descs[:len packets] rdba
* scattered_array (array (uint 8) rx_buf_size) packets
( (fun d => /[d.(rx_desc_addr)]) (old_rx_descs[:len packets]))
}> mRcv ->
post (cons ((map.empty, "MMIOREAD", [| register_address E1000_RDH |]),
e1000_initialized s t ->
e1000_invariant s rxq txq mNIC ->
(forall m' mRcv (done: list (rx_desc * buf)) new_RDH,
(* need explicit mRcv because it appears in trace *)
map.split m' m mRcv ->
\[new_RDH] = (s.(rx_queue_head) + len done) mod s.(rx_queue_cap) ->
len done <= len rxq -> fst done = fst rxq[:len done] ->
(* snd (new buffer) can be any bytes *)
circular_buffer_slice (rxq_elem s.(rx_buf_size))
s.(rx_queue_cap) s.(rx_queue_head) done s.(rx_queue_base_addr) mRcv ->
post (cons ((map.empty,
[| register_address E1000_RDH |]),
(mRcv, [|new_RDH|])) t)
m' (map.put l r new_RDH)) ->
exec e (cmd.interact [|r|] "MMIOREAD" [|expr.literal \[register_address E1000_RDH]|])
t m l post.
exec e (cmd.interact [|r|] "memory_mapped_extcall_read32"
[|expr.literal \[register_address E1000_RDH]|]) t m l post.
eapply exec.interact_cps.
2: {
cbn [eval_call_args eval_expr]. rewrite word.of_Z_unsigned. reflexivity.
2: {
unfold ext_spec. left. do 2 (split; [reflexivity | ]).
eexists. split. 1: reflexivity.
(* looks promising, but still need to determine ?mGive and ?mKeep *)
Abort. *)
eapply exec.interact_cps with (mGive := map.empty).
{ eapply map.split_empty_r. reflexivity. }
{ cbn [eval_call_args eval_expr]. rewrite word.of_Z_unsigned. reflexivity. }
{ unfold ext_spec. exists 4%nat.
split; [solve [clear; auto] | ]. left.
split; [reflexivity | ].
split; [reflexivity | ].
split; [reflexivity | ].
unfold read_step, e1000_MemoryMappedExtCalls, e1000_read_step.
split; [reflexivity | ].
exists s, mNIC, rxq, txq.
do 3 (split; [assumption | ]).
split; [reflexivity | ].
intros mRcv done B F M.
rewrite LittleEndian.combine_split. cbn [map.putmany_of_list_zip].
change (Z.of_nat 4 * 8) with 32.
split; [reflexivity | ].
intros m' Sp.
eapply H2.
- exact Sp.
- rewrite word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap.
+ case TODO. (* bound rx_queue_cap *)
+ destruct width_cases as [W | W]; rewrite W;
Z.to_euclidean_division_equations; lia.
- eassumption.
- assumption.
- exact M. }

End WithMem.

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