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dead code elimination optimization (#393)
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* commit for VM migration

* first pass of fully-integrated dead code elimination, proof goes through'

* removed extraneous print statement

* Apply suggestions from code review

Misc. cleanup edits to dead code elimination (testing GItHub commit suggestions feature)

Co-authored-by: Samuel Gruetter <[email protected]>

* more PR requested cleanup changes to DeadCodeElim

* more PR requested cleanup changes to DeadCodeElim

* removed redundant helper file and moved non-general lemmas to DeadCodeElim

* proof restructuring due to helper lemmas being generalized


Co-authored-by: Samuel Gruetter <[email protected]>
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0adb and samuelgruetter authored Mar 11, 2024
1 parent 5d98dad commit 0263922
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Showing 3 changed files with 985 additions and 2 deletions.
375 changes: 375 additions & 0 deletions compiler/src/compiler/DeadCodeElim.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
Require Import compiler.FlatImp.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Import ListNotations.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.fwd.
Require Import String.
Require Import coqutil.Map.MapEauto.
Open Scope Z_scope.
Require Import coqutil.Datatypes.PropSet.
Require Import coqutil.Datatypes.ListSet.
Local Notation var := String.string (only parsing).
Require Import compiler.util.Common.
Require Import bedrock2.MetricLogging.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.fwd.
(* below only for of_list_list_diff *)
Require Import compiler.DeadCodeElimDef.

Section WithArguments1.
Context {width: Z}.
Context {BW: Bitwidth.Bitwidth width }.
Context {word : word width } { word_ok : word.ok word }.
Context {env: string (list var * list var * stmt var) } { env_ok : map.ok env }.
Context {mem: word (Init.Byte.byte : Type) } {mem_ok : map.ok mem } .
Context {locals: string word } {locals_ok : map.ok locals }.
Context {ext_spec : Semantics.ExtSpec } {ext_spec_ok: Semantics.ext_spec.ok ext_spec } .

Lemma agree_on_put_existsb_false:
forall used_after x (l: locals) lL,
map.agree_on (diff (of_list used_after) (singleton_set x)) l lL
-> existsb (eqb x) used_after = false
-> forall v, map.agree_on (of_list used_after) (map.put l x v) lL.
intros. eapply agree_on_put_not_in; try eassumption.
eapply agree_on_subset.
2: { eapply H. }
- unfold subset, diff, singleton_set, elem_of.
propositional idtac.
eapply existsb_of_list in H1. rewrite H1 in H0.

Ltac subset_union_solve :=
match goal with
| |- subset (union _ _) _ => eapply subset_union_l; subset_union_solve
| |- subset _ (union (union _ _) (union _ _)) => idtac (* not planning to make sure this case is handled safely, so not handling it at all *)
| |- subset (of_list ?x) (union (of_list ?y) (diff (of_list ?x) (of_list ?y))) =>
try solve [ eapply subset_trans; [ | eapply union_comm ]; subset_union_solve ]
| |- subset (of_list ?x) (union (diff (of_list ?x) (of_list ?y)) (of_list ?y)) => try solve [ eapply subset_trans; [ | eapply sameset_union_diff_of_list; eapply String.eqb_spec ]; subset_union_solve ]
| |- subset _ (union (union ?x1 ?x2) ?y) =>
(* try x1 \/ x2 *)
try solve [ eapply subset_union_rl; subset_union_solve ];
(* try x1 \/ y *)
try solve [ eapply subset_trans; [ | eapply subset_union_l; [ eapply subset_union_rl; eapply subset_union_rl; eapply subset_refl | eapply subset_union_rr; eapply subset_refl ]]; subset_union_solve ];
(* try x2 \/ y *)
try solve [ eapply subset_trans; [ | eapply subset_union_l; [ eapply subset_union_rl; eapply subset_union_rr; eapply subset_refl | eapply subset_union_rr; eapply subset_refl ]]; subset_union_solve ]
| |- subset _ (union _ _) =>
try solve [ eapply subset_union_rl; subset_union_solve ]; try solve [ eapply subset_union_rr; subset_union_solve ]
| |- subset ?x ?x => solve [ eapply subset_refl ]
| |- _ => idtac

Ltac agree_on_solve :=
match goal with
| H: map.agree_on (diff (of_list ?x) (singleton_set ?y)) ?l ?lL,
H1: existsb (eqb ?y) ?x = false
|- map.agree_on (of_list ?x) (map.put ?l ?y _) ?lL =>
eapply agree_on_put_existsb_false; solve [eauto]
| H: map.agree_on ?s ?x ?y |-
map.agree_on _ ?x ?y =>
eapply agree_on_subset with (ks := s);
[ idtac | eapply H ]; subset_union_solve
| H: map.agree_on ?s ?x ?y |-
map.agree_on _ ?y ?x =>
eapply agree_on_comm; agree_on_solve
| H: map.agree_on ?s ?mH ?mL,
H1: map.putmany_of_list_zip ?lk ?lv ?mH = Some ?mH',
H2: map.putmany_of_list_zip ?lk ?lv ?mL = Some ?mL'
|- map.agree_on _ ?mH' ?mL' =>
eapply agree_on_subset;
[ idtac
| eapply agree_on_putmany_of_list_zip;
[ eapply H | eapply H1 | eapply H2 ]
| H: map.agree_on (diff (of_list ?x) (singleton_set ?y)) ?l ?lL |-
map.agree_on (of_list ?x) (map.put ?l ?y ?v) (map.put ?lL ?y ?v)
=> eapply agree_on_diff_put; eapply H
| _ => idtac

Ltac listset_to_set :=
match goal with
| H: context[of_list (ListSet.list_union _ _ _)] |- _ => rewrite ListSet.of_list_list_union in H
| H: context[of_list (ListSet.list_diff _ _ _)] |- _ =>
rewrite of_list_list_diff in H;
try match goal with
| |- EqDecider String.eqb => eapply String.eqb_spec
| H: context[of_list (List.removeb _ _ _)] |- _ =>
rewrite ListSet.of_list_removeb in H
| |- context[of_list (ListSet.list_union _ _ _)] => rewrite ListSet.of_list_list_union
| |- context[of_list (ListSet.list_diff _ _ _)] =>
rewrite of_list_list_diff;
try match goal with
| |- EqDecider String.eqb => eapply String.eqb_spec
| |- context[of_list (List.removeb _ _ _)] =>
rewrite ListSet.of_list_removeb

Lemma dce_correct_aux :
forall eH eL,
dce_functions eH = Success eL ->
forall sH t m mcH lH postH,
exec eH sH t m lH mcH postH ->
forall used_after lL mcL,
map.agree_on (of_list (live sH used_after)) lH lL ->
exec eL (dce sH used_after) t m lL mcL (compile_post used_after postH).
induction 2;
match goal with
| |- context[SLoop] => idtac
| |- _ => simpl in *
- intros.
eapply @exec.interact; try solve [eassumption].
+ erewrite agree_on_getmany.
* eapply H1.
* repeat listset_to_set. agree_on_solve.
+ intros.
eapply H3 in H5.
let Heq := fresh in
pose proof H5p0 as Heq;
eapply map.putmany_of_list_zip_sameLength, map.sameLength_putmany_of_list in Heq.
* eapply H5.
* intros.
unfold compile_post.
exists l'. eexists. split.
-- agree_on_solve. repeat listset_to_set.
-- eauto.
- intros.
eapply; try solve [ eassumption ].
+ unfold dce_functions, dce_function in *.
eapply map.try_map_values_fw in H.
2: { eapply H0. }
fwd. eassumption.
+ erewrite agree_on_getmany.
* eapply H1.
* listset_to_set. agree_on_solve.
+ eapply IHexec.
eapply agree_on_refl.
+ intros.
unfold compile_post in *.
fwd. eapply H4 in H6p1. fwd.
let Heq := fresh in
pose proof H6p1p1 as Heq;
eapply map.putmany_of_list_zip_sameLength, map.sameLength_putmany_of_list in H6p1p1. fwd.
exists retvs. eexists. repeat split.
* erewrite agree_on_getmany.
-- eapply H6p1p0.
-- listset_to_set. agree_on_solve.
* eapply H6p1p1.
* do 2 eexists. split; [ | eassumption ].
repeat listset_to_set.
- intros.
eapply agree_on_find in H3; fwd.
destr (existsb (eqb x) used_after); fwd.
+ eapply @exec.load.
* rewrite <- H3p1. eassumption.
* eauto.
* unfold compile_post.
exists (map.put l x v); eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
repeat listset_to_set.
+ eapply @exec.skip.
* unfold compile_post.
exists (map.put l x v); eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
repeat listset_to_set.
- intros. repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_union in H4; fwd.
all: try solve [ eauto using String.eqb_spec ].
+ erewrite <- H4p0; eauto.
unfold elem_of; destr (a =? v)%string; eapply in_eq.
+ erewrite <- H4p0; eauto.
unfold elem_of; destr (a =? v)%string; [ eapply in_eq | eapply in_cons, in_eq ].
+ eassumption.
+ unfold compile_post. exists l; eexists; split; eassumption.
- intros.
eapply agree_on_find in H4; fwd.
destr (existsb (eqb x) used_after); fwd.
+ eapply @exec.inlinetable; eauto.
* rewrite <- H4p1. eassumption.
* unfold compile_post; do 2 eexists; split ; [ | eassumption ].
repeat listset_to_set; agree_on_solve.
+ eapply @exec.skip; eauto.
unfold compile_post.
do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
repeat listset_to_set; agree_on_solve.
- intros.
repeat listset_to_set.
eapply @exec.stackalloc.
* eassumption.
* intros. eapply H2 with (used_after := used_after) (lL := (map.put lL x a)) in H4.
2: eapply H5.
2: { agree_on_solve. }
eapply @exec.weaken.
-- eapply H4.
-- unfold compile_post. intros. fwd. exists mSmall'. exists mStack'. split.
++ eassumption.
++ split.
** eassumption.
** do 2 eexists; split; [ eassumption | eapply H6p1p2 ].
- intros. destr (existsb (eqb x) used_after).
+ eapply @exec.lit.
unfold compile_post.
repeat listset_to_set.
do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
+ eapply @exec.skip.
unfold compile_post.
repeat listset_to_set.
do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
- destr z.
+ intros. repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_union in H3; try solve [ eauto using String.eqb_spec ].
destr (existsb (eqb x) used_after).
* eapply @exec.op.
-- rewrite <- H3p0; [ eassumption | ].
unfold elem_of; destr ((y =? v)%string).
++ eapply in_eq.
++ eapply in_eq.
-- unfold exec.lookup_op_locals; simpl.
rewrite <- H3p0; [ eassumption | ].
unfold elem_of; destr ((y =? v)%string).
++ eapply in_eq.
++ eapply in_cons, in_eq.
-- unfold compile_post.
do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
* eapply @exec.skip.
unfold compile_post.
do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
+ intros.
eapply agree_on_find in H3; fwd.
destr (existsb (eqb x) used_after).
* eapply @exec.op.
-- rewrite <- H3p1. eassumption.
-- simpl. constructor.
-- unfold compile_post. simpl in *. inversion H1. fwd. do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
repeat listset_to_set.
* eapply @exec.skip. unfold compile_post.
do 2 eexists; split ; [ | eassumption ].
repeat listset_to_set.
- intros.
eapply agree_on_find in H2; fwd.
repeat listset_to_set.
destr (existsb (eqb x) used_after).
{ eapply @exec.set.
- rewrite <- H2p1; eassumption.
- unfold compile_post. do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
{ eapply @exec.skip.
- unfold compile_post. do 2 eexists; split; [ | eassumption ].
- intros.
repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_union in H2; fwd.
eapply agree_on_union in H2p0; fwd.
eapply @exec.if_true.
+ erewrite agree_on_eval_bcond; [ eassumption | ].
eauto using agree_on_comm.
+ eauto.
- intros.
repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_union in H2; fwd.
eapply agree_on_union in H2p0; fwd.
eapply @exec.if_false.
+ erewrite agree_on_eval_bcond; [ eassumption | ].
eauto using agree_on_comm.
+ eauto.
- intros.
cbn - [live].
rename IHexec into IH1.
rename H6 into IH12.
rename H4 into IH2.
cbn - [live] in IH12.
eapply @exec.loop with (mid2 := compile_post (live (SLoop body1 cond body2) used_after) mid2).
{ eapply IH1.
eapply agree_on_subset.
- let Heq := fresh in
specialize (live_while body1 cond body2 used_after) as Heq; cbn zeta in Heq.
eapply H4.
- eapply H7.
{ intros.
unfold compile_post in *.
repeat destr H4.
eapply H1 in H6.
erewrite agree_on_eval_bcond; [ eassumption | ].
eapply agree_on_comm.
repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_union in H4.
eapply agree_on_subset; [ | eapply H4p1 ].
{ intros.
unfold compile_post in *.
repeat destr H4.
eapply H2 in H8.
- exists x.
+ repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_subset; [ | eapply H4 ].
+ eapply H8.
- erewrite agree_on_eval_bcond; [ eassumption | ].
repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_subset; [ | eapply H4 ].
unfold compile_post in *.
repeat destr H4.
eapply IH2.
- eapply H8.
- erewrite agree_on_eval_bcond; [ eassumption | ].
repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_subset; [ | eapply H4 ].
- repeat listset_to_set.
eapply agree_on_subset; [ | eapply H4 ].
unfold compile_post in *.
repeat destr H4.
eapply IH12.
- eapply H6.
- eapply H4.
- intros.
eapply @exec.seq.
+ eapply IHexec. eassumption.
+ unfold compile_post. intros. fwd.
eapply @exec.weaken.
* eapply H2.
-- eassumption.
-- eassumption.
* unfold compile_post. intros. fwd.
do 2 eexists; split; eassumption.
- intros.
eapply @exec.skip.
unfold compile_post. do 2 eexists; split; eassumption.
End WithArguments1.

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