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Ashley Muncaster edited this page Oct 3, 2016 · 7 revisions

My modded objects aren't showing up in game

Check to see that your objects are being properly include in the mod.bundle AssetBundle. You need to tag each Prefab with the mod.bundle tag in order for it to be included. The console output of the asset bundling process will list which objects have been included and should warn you if any Prefabs outside the Examples folder do not have a tag set.

My textures aren't working

When loading your mod, KTaNE will attempt to texture-pack your bundled textures onto a common texture atlas to improve rendering performance. To do this, the texture needs to be read/write enabled to allow the game the appropriate access to read the texture information directly. Without this flag, the texture will likely not work properly.

To set this flag, select your texture from the Asset Explorer within Unity, then go to the Inspector Window and you should see the properties for that texture. Ensure that the Texture Type is set to Advanced, and then check the Read/Write Enabled checkbox. Then, hit Apply at the bottom. This will now allow the texture to be correctly texture-packed in KTaNE.

How do I get Debug.Log() output?

All Unity debug output goes to the <yourktaneinstall>/ktane_Data/output_log.txt file.