This repository is a set of tools for processing and analyzing terabyte size 3D segmentation datasets using Dask. Processing tools involve reading in dataset(s) and outputting another - processed - dataset. These processing tools include the calculation of:
Connected Components
: includes thresholding and maskingContact Sites
: includes setting a distance for contact sitesFilling holes
: fills holes in segmentationsFiltering ids
: filters segmented ids to remove unwanted ones.
In addition, there are also tools for analysis of the 3D datasets including:
: measures a variety of properties of the segmented ids (volume, surface area, etc.) as well as properties of contact sites (volume, surface area, contacting objects, etc.).Fitting lines to segmentations
: useful for cylindrical-type objects.Assigning to cells
: Assigns objects to the cells they are in based on the center of mass lcoations of the cells.
TODO: Include a detailed description of installation and running the code