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\__|___/_|_|\__\___| v2.0.0
a lightwieght timeseries library
A lightweight, performant, pure python timeseries library for Python 3+
import tslite
This is an update to a timeseries library that I wrote years ago. I still use it to manipulating timeseries for fun an profit (literally).
I wanted something that dealt with timeseries in an elagant scalable fashion.
Download and place in the same directory as your project.
In version 2 I cleaned up some cruft and introduced the following breaking changes:
- tslite timeseries object is now a pure timeseries, I ripped out quality flags, which really should be stored in another timeseries.
- I standardized method names to be camelCase.
- IO routines now disregard quality flags, you can use v1 IO methods to convert old data stores.