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2023 PSC Meeting Reports
François Prunayre edited this page Dec 11, 2023
4 revisions
- Date: 7-12-2023
- Date: 26-10-2023
- Date: 28-09-2023
- Date: 23-08-2023
- Date: 06-07-2023
- Date: 25-05-2023
- Date: 04-05-2023
- Date: 30-03-2023
- Date: 23-02-2023
Location: https://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- Jeroen, Florent, Jose, Francois
- Report on GeoNetwork User meeting Brussels
- Roadmap for GN / GN-UI / microservices.
- DCAT support
- PR / Some users would appreciate indication of origin of funding (like QGIS do https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/52676 which also highlight this in changelog)
- we should respond to osgeo budget 2024 request
- Identify sponsorship opportunities for the project in 2024
User meeting
- Utilized Slido for conducting polls.
- We didn't present any updates or developments from this year; the time was too limited.
- Our focus was on gathering user feedback regarding their needs, potential contributions, and funding aspects.
- There was a strong interest in supporting DCAT (Data Catalog Vocabulary).
- Users expressed the need for regular meetings, suggesting biannual gatherings, both online and through in-person workshops.
- Feedback from FGN emphasized the need for greater transparency in operations and suggested that community-driven rather than company-led organization would be preferable.
Discussion on Geonetwork-ui
- Clarification needed on the project's scope: Is it intended to replace the current system or just serve as a new user interface?
- The dependency on geOrchestra.
- Concerns raised about whether 'Geonetwork-ui' is an appropriate name.
- Consideration of embedding it in the installer.
- Initially intended to replace the current UI, but later shifted towards simplification.
- If replacing GeoNetwork isn't the goal (for instance, it might remain a light skin of GeoNetwork as suggested by Jeroen), this should be clearly stated.
- Presence of two separate development teams.
- The need to formalize and clarify the project's objectives.
- Discussion on the next UI for the official GeoNetwork:
- The necessity to move away from AngularJS and initiate a discussion on this transition.
DCAT support
- Improve ISO metadata record eport to various DCAT flavors
- GeoNetwork provide export to DCAT based on various work made since 2012.
- Goal: Improve export to DCAT formats (convert ISO-19115-3 to DCAT, DCAT-AP, GeoDCAT-AP, mobility DCAT, DCAT HVD).
- Identify validation tools for the output
- ISO stays the basis
- Sponsors: BRGM, Wallonia(ongoing work)
- DCAT editing in GeoNetwork
- Use an agnostic model of DCAT in XML (kind of pivot format), with a XSD, and XSLT mappers to/from real DCAT plugins. It is close to what has been propose for the simple metadata edition.
- Interested parties: Geocat BV
- Add sponsor in PR title
- Maybe try the Github project, or think about it. Does it have a value for the core devs.
- Use the discussion board instead of the mailing list ?
OSgeo budget
- 1K (improve a code sprints, pay for something specific)
- Possibility to ask for more money (GeoTools request 15K and got 10K)
- Next OSGeo board in a week or 2.
Sponsoring other projects
- Eg. MKdocs
- Check pages for correct reflection of the PSC members (Jeroen)
- Define Camptocamp perspective about the geonetwork-ui (Florent)
- PR template / Add “Funded by “
- Think of ideas to claim for OSGeo budget
Location: https://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- Jose
- François
- Olivia
- Release of 4.2.7 / 4.4.1 - 22 of November: changes allowed until 15 November
- Docker published today for version 4.4.0 https://hub.docker.com/_/geonetwork/tags
- Review Docker install instructions for 4.2.x / 4.4.x as seem hard to follow..
- ToDo - Discuss with Jody / Juan
- Roadmap for GN / GN-UI / microservices.
- Check for each release to update the versions of the main libraries (minor versions).
- Document current DCAT support.
- Prepare a document with a proposal for branch maintenance and list features expected in new versions.
- Check with Jody about the workflow to make automatic backports PR.
- Check with Juan about the redirects for the manual in the application help links.
- Update doc manual url in the OnlineHelpDirective for 4.2.x and 4.4.x.
Location: https://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- Jose
- François
- Juan Luis
- Jo
- Jeroen (chair)
- Releases of 3.12.11 / 4.2.6 and 4.4.0
- ToDo - Pending PR required?
- ■ https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7248 Fix working copy display so that links go to working copy
- ■ https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7302 Datastore
- ■ https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7346 Groovy formatter
- ■ https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7292 Mail notification
- ■ https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7212 GeoDCATAP
- ■ Update documentation to use MkDocs (https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/pull/7329)
- ToDo - Pending PR required?
- Propose to make releases next week (Wednesday 4 october)
- Discuss a plan for security updates in the different branches
- Make a proposal for maintenance of releases
- End-of-life for 3.12.x date? Jo: propose sending a mail with 6 months (end of March 2024)
- ■ Propose a vote for this.
- End-of-life for 3.12.x date? Jo: propose sending a mail with 6 months (end of March 2024)
- Scope the work (Francois / Jose)
- for ElasticClient client code upgrade to support latest ElasticClient versions.
- Better support of batch operations https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/issues/6818
- Improve support of multiple instances https://github.com/geonetwork/docker-geonetwork/tree/update-gn-4.4.0/4.4.0#clustering-experimental
- Library updates
- Merge important PRs for next releases
- Release 4.4.0 / 4.2.6 / 3.12.11 on Wednesday 4 october
- Publish MkDocs on https://docs.geonetwork-opensource.org/
- Document current DCAT support
- Make a PSC voting for 3.12.x end-of-life (end of March 2024)
Location : Bolsena
- Jose
- François
- Florent
- Juan
- Michel
- Olivia
- Sébastien
- Release of GeoNetwork 4.4.0
- Java 11 only
- Any features to put in?
- ■ robots.txt improvements - webserver rewrite example
- ■ Check list of PRs - plan some time this week
- ■ Geotools update
- Docker configuration with env variables
- Release date?
- ■ In September - with main PRs, doc update
- Release of GeoNetwork 4.2.6
- Security : library updates - Check dependabot PRs
- Java future - discuss Java 17+
- Microservices strategy?
- Remove geonetwork-microservices repo if no usage?
- Feedbacks on using Spring cloud? (eg. from GeoServer, geOrchestra ?)
- Combine with harvester/ingester services made for INSPIRE geoportal (that maybe should be renamed) ?
- Move OGC API Records to core ?
- Datahub roadmap
- Elasticsearch version : 7.11 or 7.17.12 or 8 or OpenSearch - Update to latest 7.x version
- Helm repository information - How does this work ? Do we need GeoNetwork in it ?
- Documentation : move from sphinx to mkdocs
- Other wishes
- Michel ?
- Multiple instances exercise
- GeoDCAT-AP mapping
- Improve batch operations support (eg. batch editing, exports)
- PDF printing
- Merge important PRs for next releases
- Release 4.4.0 and 4.2.6 in September with the same set of features
- Organize a talk about data ingestion/api stuff
- Organize a PSC meeting about gn-ui strategy and governance
- Add documentation in helm-charts repo (and add geonetwork)
Location: http://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- François Prunayre
- Florent Gravin
- Jose Garcia
- Jeroen Ticheler
- FOSS4G feedback?
- 4.2.5 release tomorrow ?
- Next major release on Java 11 only with Spring 5 updates ? 4.4.0 ?
- Security / BGS, DK, BRGM
- AOB ?
- October 3 : GeoNetwork user meeting in Swisstopo
- Provide a list of people to invite to Michel by Wednesday next week
- Draft agenda next week
- Suggestion to organize a poll in September
- Issue on clean install if initial records imported creates a wrong index schema (eg. a metadata having a date in a text field may create an index field typed as date if not declared in index structure) ?
- Branches
- After release 4.2.5, add 4.2.x for minor release
- And use main branch for Java 11 and Spring 5
Location: http://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- François Prunayre
- Florent Gravin
- Jo Cook
- Jose Garcia
- Review pull requests and issues to identify different cases.
- Discuss branch management.
- Metadata101
- https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Proposal-template requires updating (Florent)
- Create a v4.2.x branch (Jose)
- Update the https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Git-merge-branching-good-practices documentation (Jose)
- Create a README file in metadata101 (https://github.com/metadata101) to highlight maintained schemas (Francois)
- Create releases 3.12.10 and v4.2.4 (Jose and François)
- Florent requested to clarify the release process.
- Discussed approaches to manage GeoNetwork versions by the different companies.
- Discussed Java 11 upgrade challenges and proposed to work in Bolsena codesprint.
- Discussed about what requires a proposal or not.
- Not for small features or bug fixes.
- New features or visual changes.
- Benefits:
- Facilitate discussion between developers.
- Help to look for funding.
- Discussed how to manage the documentation:
- Florent suggested putting documentation in the code repository.
- Ask Jody Garnettabout how GeoServer manages the documentation.
- Most schemas in metadata101 are not maintained.
- How to highlight which are not maintained?
- Behavior in communication channels:
- Make smoother communication.
- Check if there is a budget for pull request review to improve the number of reviews / quality.
- OGC GeoDCAT group: https://www.ogc.org/press-release/ogc-forms-new-geodcat-standards-working-group/
- Florent indicates to be more active for proposals, like facets.
Location: http://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- François Prunayre
- Florent Gravin
- Jeroen Ticheler
- Jose
- Florent to contact Francois to see if he is attending the Lausanne Codesprint
- Organize a call about opendata visions (maybe at LSN codesprint)
- Rearrange date of April PSC meeting so it doesn't clash with Lausanne codesprint - Moved to 4 May 2023
- Decide on note taker for this meeting
- Workshop(s) and Presentations FOSS4G
- Code Sprint Lausanne
- GeoNetwork developments
- Should we enable "Private vulnerabilities reporting" similar to the GeoServer project? (facilitates the request of CVE numbers etc...)
- Release Planning / https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/milestones
- OSGeo Budget 2023
- https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Proposal-template requires updating (Florent)
- Create a v4.2.x branch (Jose)
- Update the https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Git-merge-branching-good-practices documentation (Jose)
- Create releases 3.12.10 and v4.2.4 (Jose and François)
- The process of writing proposals needs to be followed before new functionality is added
- Breaking changes that are introduced should be clearly identified and described in the proposal to avoid dependent systems to fail after an upgrade
- https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Proposal-template requires updating
- Good documentation of migration steps to come with new releases
- The practice of developing on main and having a stable branch causes some discussion because it increases the amount of work.
- Update the https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/wiki/Git-merge-branching-good-practices documentation
- Create a v4.2.x branch
Location: http://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- Jeroen Ticheler
- Jo Cook
- Simon Pigot
- Florent Gravin
- Send an email to Jesse and Emanuele to ask them if they want to stay in the PSC or not (Jeroen)
- Jesse confirmed removal
- Emanuele confirmed removal
- Send proposal to FOSS4G before the 28th of Feb 2023 (Florent, Paul, Jeroen)
- Clarify who is coming to the code sprint, people, remote or indoor
- Michel Gabriel, Jose Garcia, Jeroen Ticheler in person
- Jody Garnett remote
- Organize a workshop to better support DCAT and open data eco system (who?)
- Decide on note taker for this meeting
- Review PSC membership
- Workshop(s) and Presentations FOSS4G
- Code Sprint Lausanne
- GeoNetwork developments
- How to maintain a stable release and where to do developments?
- Release Planning / https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/milestones
- OSGeo Budget 2023
- Florent to contact Francois to see if he is attending the Lausanne Codesprint
- Organize a call about opendata visions (maybe at LSN codesprint)
- Rearrange date of April PSC meeting so it doesn't clash with Lausanne codesprint
- Jo taking notes
- Jeroen emailed Jesse and Emanuele, they are both happy to stand down from the PSC
- No other changes to PSC membership
- FOSS4G proposals (State of GeoNetwork, approach for new editor) submitted by Florent but no feedback yet
- No Geonetwork workshop though
- Michel and Jose from Geocat attending Lausanne Codesprint in person, Jody online
- Michel and Jose interested in geonetwork-ui, ogc-api
- Jo and Elena from Astun hoping to participate remotely in the first two days
- Possibly able to work on documentation, if not other things
- Florent, Olivia and Sebastien from CamptoCamp
- Bolsena will be happening from August 20th for 2 weeks
- CamptoCamp starting on data platform project, looking at a data API (picking up on work started at Bolsena some years ago)
- Geonetwork 4 now able to export entire catalog as DCAT
- No progress on OSGeo budget
Location: http://meet.google.com/yie-pxig-pxh
- Jeroen Ticheler
- François Prunayre
- Florent Gravin (takes notes)
- Jo Cook
- Jose Garcia
- Paul Genuchten
- Decide on note taker for this meeting
- Review PSC membership
- Workshop(s) and Presentations FOSS4G
- Code Sprint Lausanne
- GeoNetwork developments
- How to maintain a stable release and where to do developments?
- Release Planning / https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/milestones
- OSGeo Budget 2023
- Send an email to Jesse and Emanuele to ask them if they want to stay in the PSC or not (Jeroen)
- Jesse confirmed removal
- Send proposal to FOSS4G before the 28th of Feb 2023 (Florent, Paul, Jeroen)
- Clarify who is coming to the code sprint, people, remote or indoor
- Organize a workshop to better support DCAT and open data eco system (who?)
Who is going ?
- Paul
- Florent
- Jeroen
- Francois ? What presentation ?
- Alternative editor proposal (Florent)
- State of GeoNetwork (Florent, Jeroen)
- Keep the tradition of leading a workshop (Paul, Jeroen)
Could be a intermediate code sprint Who is going ?
- Florent, Olivia, Christophe, Sebastien
- GeoCat BV ?
- Francois ?
- Jo 2 days remote ?
- Paul/Luis remote Topic
- Florent OGC API Record:
- plug geonetwork-ui to an OGC API records backend and have abstraction on the backend.
- OGC API record browser
- MeDAL (Metadata Abstraction Library)
- Francois: testing ongoing already
- Jo: low entry level documentation (geonetwork-ui or other things)
- Setup MkDocs
- Open data
- Migrating Enterprise version to version 4.2 and wishes to have a very stable version.
- Want to create a 4.2.x branch to be stable and have a main branch for devs.
- Freeze 4.2.x to security fixes and small devs.
- Release GN 4.2.3 in a couple of weeks
- Make a tag of OGC API Records 4.2.3 too
- New feature: filter out some fields depending on the user privileges
- Minor changes, some issues
- Stabilizing geocat.ch on 4.2
- Trying to port back some code about the shared object.
- Data API (for dataviz purpose in the record view)
- Trying to improve open data interoperability (simple harvester and XSL)
- Lot’s of stuff in geonetwork-ui (editor, backoffice, dataviz)
- New GeoNetwork dev Sebastien Riollet
- Moving to GN 4.2 and learning how to apply old customisation.
- New colleague working with GeoNetwork (low level documentation).
- Make GeoNetwork not only geo ?
- Embrace the open data world ?
- AngularJS not supported, an issue ?
- GeoCat has several ideas (UI for the European project).
- Tries to find funding at the EU level
- Jo/Astun gives very good feedback on the datahub and start deploying it
- Michel has done a POC with Mkdocs
- Jeroen requested 1K
- Will ask more for Bolsena 20th August (for 2 weeks)
If you have some comments, start a discussion, raise an issue or use one of our other communication channels to talk to us.