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Sara Mirzaee edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 65 revisions

Welcome to the rsmas_insar wiki!

This is a wrapping python package for InSAR time series analysis written in University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Department of Marine Geology and Geophysics (Geodesy Lab). The main Core is named MINSAR (Miami INterferometric SAR) and it uses following packages and softwares to work with for time series analysis.

ISCE, MintPy, PyAPS, MiNoPy

Follow the instruction on Installation Guide to install the package.

To start working with this package you need to have a template file as the example. All other available options can be found in template file.

For testing, follow the commands in testing the code.

All the process is started and continues with There are several steps included in the and the way they can be run individually or at once, is as follows:

Command line options for steps processing with names are chosen from the following list:

download:   downloading data
dem:        downloading DEM
ifgrams:    processing images from unpacking to generating interferograms
mintpy:     time series analysis based on smallbaseline method or single master interferograms (MiNoPy)
insarmaps:  exporting products for insarmaps website
geocode:    Exporting geocoded products (Amplitudes, Interferograms and Coherences)

In order to use either --start or --step, it is necessary that a
previous run was done using one of the steps options to process at least
through the step immediately preceding the starting step of the current run.

example:  <customTemplateFile>             # run with default and custom templates  <customTemplateFile>  --submit   # submit as job  -h / --help                      # help -H                                # print    default template options

# Run with --start/end/step options GalapagosSenDT128.template --step download         # run the step 'download' only GalapagosSenDT128.template --start download        # start from the step 'download' GalapagosSenDT128.template --end  ifgrams          # end after step 'interferogram'