Releases: genome/docker-mapq0-filter
Releases · genome/docker-mapq0-filter
Pass variants with no DP information.
fixing a logic error
Merge pull request #7 from GruA/master Update
bugfix - pysam incompatibility
the newest version of pysam has some incompatibilities with pysamstats. Pinning to the older version fixes that.
Revamped algorithm
Now explicitly pulls MQ0 for every site, instead of relying on existing values, and also uses the tumor samples DP, rather than that from the INFO field. This results in improved filtering - more sites removed.
dockerhub compatibility
Builds which succeed on other machines fail on dockerhub until cython is manually installed. This release does so.
CRAM support
- Now supports cram files
- pinned pip package versions
- updated GATK link to new repo
bugfix for scoping issue causing no filtering
Merge pull request #2 from genome/fix fixes scoping problem that prevented filtering
handle both zipped and unzipped vcfs
v0.3 cleaning up syntax
bugfix for vcfs where every variant already has MQ tag
Merge pull request #1 from genome/bugfix input is expected to be gzipped - handle that in edge case