[hotfix] allow only 5 character in company_abbr field in setup wizard (#9779 )
[wiz] add user slide, enforce first entry, static labels (#9744 )
changes as per review
patch for removing the address field from company and creating address doc, fixes #9011
Added Lead fixture, Added test for Lead, Opportunity (#9607 )
[Fix] Taxable amount in tax breakup showing wrong value for duplicate items in the invoice
[tests] update travis.yml to run ui-tests (#9748 )
change in the student type
[docs] corrected the filename from sms_setting2 -> sms_settings2
treat use case where Journal entry is contained in outstanding_invoices
in get_outstanding_reference_documents
frappe call if posting date is defined
[Fix] Budget against the field in the validation message
minor fixes while upgrading an old instance
[minor] fixed depends on for stock entry expense_account and purchase receipt item's cost_center field
added student type in program enrollment and changes in the student dashboard
[hotfix] check if the item group exist or not
Added Quotation as Standard Sidebar Menu
add few details in the student log (#9670 )
Breadcrumbs management (#9544 )
don't request another ajax call if one is pending (#9620 )
changes in the student dashboard
Revert sales invoice dn link issue
Remove sales invoice from serial number while making sales return entery using delivery note
[minor] fix bom price resetting on validation
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