Tags: frappe/erpnext
chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.55.0 # [15.55.0](v15.54.5...v15.55.0) (2025-03-25) ### Bug Fixes * add base_outstanding and base_paid_amount in payment schedule table ([412e6be](412e6be)) * add patch to update base_outstanding and base_paid_amount ([c3221c4](c3221c4)) * correct accumulated depreciation calculation for disposed assets (backport [#46660](#46660)) ([#46661](#46661)) ([4df5f18](4df5f18)) * correct invoice order in payment reconcillaiton ([2a70791](2a70791)) * customer credit limit check based on `bypass_credit_limit_check` in Journal Entry ([6c443bd](6c443bd)) * date added to wrong patch ([2bfaf64](2bfaf64)) * do not validate if conversion rate is 1 for different currency ([391b5c4](391b5c4)) * don't filter payment entries on Bank Account in Payment Clearance ([dc3b5e2](dc3b5e2)) * **Payment Entry:** get contact details from existing contact ([#40556](#40556)) ([f964178](f964178)) * unwired order_by argument in get_transaction_list (backport [#46636](#46636)) ([#46643](#46643)) ([2ebea88](2ebea88)) ### Features * **accounting:** allow chart_of_account.get_chart to be whilelist ([e69c722](e69c722)) * **projects:** add option to hide timesheets for project users ([#46173](#46173)) ([3834d6f](3834d6f)) * repost accounting ledger for purchase receipt ([4edfc6f](4edfc6f)) ### Performance Improvements * timeout while renaming cost center ([58eb184](58eb184))
chore(release): Bumped to Version 14.84.0 # [14.84.0](v14.83.4...v14.84.0) (2025-03-25) ### Bug Fixes * assign dialog instance to a variable in update_child_items function ([690a939](690a939)) * customer credit limit check based on `bypass_credit_limit_check` in Journal Entry ([331ecc1](331ecc1)) * do not validate if conversion rate is 1 for different currency ([c3447c0](c3447c0)) * fix lint issues with trailing whitespaces ([df64d2e](df64d2e)) * removed test case ([509c5c4](509c5c4)) ### Features * repost accounting ledger for purchase receipt ([88e664b](88e664b)) ### Performance Improvements * timeout while renaming cost center ([b9b08c3](b9b08c3))
chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.5 ## [15.54.5](v15.54.4...v15.54.5) (2025-03-19) ### Bug Fixes * add parenttype condition to payment schedule query in accounts receivable report (backport [#46370](#46370)) ([#46499](#46499)) ([32335da](32335da)) * add validation to rename_subcontracting_fields patch ([bc408d9](bc408d9)) * also consider CRM Deal as party type for ERPNext CRM Integration ([65a80cf](65a80cf)) * dashboard link for QC from PR ([426222d](426222d)) * Debit and Credit not equal for Purchase Invoice ([46b6e62](46b6e62)) * debit in transaction currency ([8e19b46](8e19b46)) * ensure qty conversion when creating production plan from SO ([8162fb3](8162fb3)) * exclude current doc when checking for duplicate ([b638aed](b638aed)) * fetch bom_no when updating items in sales order ([41d8b26](41d8b26)) * fetch quality inspection parameter group ([cd0abba](cd0abba)) * get bom_no from sales order item and material request item ([e241810](e241810)) * hide subcontracted qty field if PO is not subcontracted ([62feec5](62feec5)) * incorrect production item and bom no in job card ([d071a6c](d071a6c)) * not able to make PR against stand alone Debit Note ([d62960e](d62960e)) * not able to select the item in the BOM ([59c653e](59c653e)) * patch ([36ffc2e](36ffc2e)) * performance issue for item list view ([34d6e4b](34d6e4b)) * remove duplicate ([e5b2801](e5b2801)) * repost future sle and gle after capitalization ([#46576](#46576)) ([2144f89](2144f89)) * SABB validation for packed items ([2d6626e](2d6626e)) * set correct currency for offset account gl entries ([e6dd3f3](e6dd3f3)) * set landed cost based on purchase invoice rate ([56bc26a](56bc26a)) * set stock adjustment account in difference account ([6202e30](6202e30)) * take function call outside loop ([ec1a3a1](ec1a3a1)) * **Transaction Deletion Record:** sql syntax error while fetching lead address ([ea68cae](ea68cae)) * UOM conversion error when creating pick list from material transfer request ([2f3dcc2](2f3dcc2)) * use base currency total ([3e2749d](3e2749d)) * use party explicitly ([5dd5784](5dd5784)) * use shipping_address_name for address validation in sales invoice ([#46473](#46473)) ([38dabdf](38dabdf)) * using `in` for lookup in list instead of directly assigning ([#46492](#46492)) ([950656d](950656d)) * valuation for moving average with batches ([5f1bb1f](5f1bb1f)) * wrong field mapping ([be3e083](be3e083)) ### Performance Improvements * faster count estimation (backport [#46550](#46550)) ([#46551](#46551)) ([01bab8f](01bab8f))
chore(release): Bumped to Version 14.83.4 ## [14.83.4](v14.83.3...v14.83.4) (2025-03-19) ### Bug Fixes * fetch quality inspection parameter group ([6e497f7](6e497f7)) * not able to make PR against stand alone Debit Note ([16fe53b](16fe53b)) * order by condition ([af3089b](af3089b)) * repost future sle and gle after capitalization ([#46576](#46576)) ([805549f](805549f)) * set stock adjustment account in difference account ([6f0c67a](6f0c67a)) * **Transaction Deletion Record:** sql syntax error while fetching lead address ([20b43b4](20b43b4))
chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.4 ## [15.54.4](v15.54.3...v15.54.4) (2025-03-12) ### Bug Fixes * `base_net_rate` Required to Check Valid Range (backport [#46332](#46332)) ([#46382](#46382)) ([877d5bd](877d5bd)) * **account:** update account number from parent company ([428aedc](428aedc)) * Allow rename prospect doctype ([#46352](#46352)) ([de46165](de46165)) * auto email report creation ([#46343](#46343)) ([5cc251a](5cc251a)) * backport translations from develop ([#46428](#46428)) ([9c70376](9c70376)) * calculate due date based on payment term (backport [#46416](#46416)) ([#46479](#46479)) ([7f14744](7f14744)) * change fieldname for cash_flow to export (backport [#46353](#46353)) ([#46366](#46366)) ([23c4252](23c4252)) * check if set_landed_cost_based_on_purchase_invoice_rate is enabled before running patch ([7047fe2](7047fe2)) * clear cashe on employee hierarchy change to reflect updated permissions ([4dfdb2b](4dfdb2b)) * consider account freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([8b67527](8b67527)) * consider stock freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([8264d42](8264d42)) * credit note creation during pos invoice consolidation (backport [#46277](#46277)) ([#46469](#46469)) ([a4b8b4c](a4b8b4c)) * do not recalculate qty for batch items during reposting ([bac36f3](bac36f3)) * doctype name ([1dcbdf3](1dcbdf3)) * enable no copy for serial no field ([3f9df2f](3f9df2f)) * error in production analytics report ([db6ae61](db6ae61)) * error when creating delivery note from pick list ([#46417](#46417)) ([0b92101](0b92101)) * filter batches that going to be zero ([ac97489](ac97489)) * incorrect category in list ([002685f](002685f)) * make 'company_tax_id' and 'company_fiscal_code' as mandatory ([229f4d3](229f4d3)) * not able to save work order with alternative item ([9554a49](9554a49)) * **payment entry:** fetch default bank account based on company (backport [#46379](#46379)) ([#46471](#46471)) ([1371199](1371199)) * pricing rule not ignored in Sales Order ([#46248](#46248)) ([8def42f](8def42f)) * rare precision issue preventing submission of subcontracting order ([6419d02](6419d02)) * recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([f247f02](f247f02)) * remove no copy for serial no field of purchase receipt item ([baa564f](baa564f)) * rename sla fields patch ([73f11cf](73f11cf)) * rename sla fields patch ([#46465](#46465)) ([5edbd88](5edbd88)) * rename_sla_fields patch ([7bc7557](7bc7557)) * run bank reconciliation as a background job to prevent request timeout ([739cd18](739cd18)) * set correct account currency for deferred expence account in PI ([f96848a](f96848a)) * show remaining qty on 'Complete Job' button instead of full qty ([79e6550](79e6550)) * sla fields patch ([0d044bc](0d044bc)) * stock balance in and out value ([c2001e9](c2001e9)) * **test:** incorrect transaction exchange rate in test case ([b76c968](b76c968)) * typo in sales_invoice_print ([b610621](b610621)) * uom reverts to default upon selecting do not explode ([#45693](#45693)) ([6b1d209](6b1d209)) * validate accounting dimension company in Journal Entry & Stock Entry (backport [#46204](#46204)) ([#46369](#46369)) ([c816f9b](c816f9b)) * validate last_gl_update exists before comparing (backport [#46464](#46464)) ([#46468](#46468)) ([3cef94e](3cef94e)) * validations and account type filter for `Tax Withholding Category` ([#46207](#46207)) ([cc30a01](cc30a01))
chore(release): Bumped to Version 14.83.3 ## [14.83.3](v14.83.2...v14.83.3) (2025-03-12) ### Bug Fixes * **account:** update account number from parent company ([1f54c27](1f54c27)) * not able to save work order with alternative item ([6ca1f9b](6ca1f9b))
chore(release): Bumped to Version 15.54.3 ## [15.54.3](v15.54.2...v15.54.3) (2025-03-09) ### Bug Fixes * consider account freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([34f03d6](34f03d6)) * consider stock freeze date in recalculate_amount_difference_field patch ([a18721d](a18721d))