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Firedrake meeting 2024 02 07

Jack Betteridge edited this page Feb 7, 2024 · 8 revisions

Date and time 2024-02-07 1600 GMT (1600 UTC)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (JB to pick)
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. JB: Move pyop3 and FInAT to firedrakeproject
  4. ALL: do things with SV's branches
  5. DH: Email to Andreas to have 2 (+ others!!!) loopy PRs merged TODO: FIND OUT WHICH PRS THESE ARE
  6. DH: Get Firedrake a docker open source account (link here)
  7. DH: Talk to GregVernon about PR#2116.
  8. DH: Revisit PR#2484.
  9. DH: Order more Firedrake stickers
  10. NB: Update on what is needed for ExternalOperator to be merged
  11. ALL: Submit abstract for PDESoft PDESoft)


Present: JB, KS, DH, CW, DD, FA, RK, PB, IM, UZ, NB


DH: Update on outstanding action items

DH: Postpone until next week

DH: Review old pull requests

DH: Postpone until next week

DH: Review old issues

DH: Postpone until next week

NB: SIAM PP24 minisymposium

Who is going ? Travel/Hotel ? Session chairs (I can chair one session but someone else needs to chair the session where I am giving a talk) ?

Action NB: Create a slack channel, post in #general or #random asking people to join. Coordinate from there. Pick a chair! Don't break SIAM rules.

Merge PRs

Note that PRs put in this section should either be trivial or already have been reviewed. Discussion-worthy PRs should be separate agenda items.

  • NB: #3390

  • PB #3372. Merged

  • PB FIAT. *

  • PB FInAT. *

  • PB TSFC. *

  • PB #3300. * Merged

  • UZ #3314. (Minor) Changes applied, merged. UZ: Find a test for exotic refinement which I didn't catch the name of.

  • NB #3394. Changes requested

Date of next meeting

1600 GMT (1600 UTC) 2024-02-14

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