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Firedrake meeting 2021 04 07

JDBetteridge edited this page Apr 14, 2021 · 10 revisions

Date and time 2021-04-07 15:00UTC (16:00BST)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter.
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. PB: add comments to own code in this PR
  4. LM: Crap out the geometric boundary stuff done: please review
  5. ALL: (ongoing) schedule Firedrake Meeting + tutorial session for ICG


Present: Lawrence, Paul, Koki, David, Pablo, Nacime, Rob, Sophia, Jack, Stephan

Apologies: Reuben

DRS: coding style w/black (continued...)

  • (DRS) This could be an issue with git blame as it will touch all of the source files.
  • (DRS) Also will cause a problem with existing PRs as they would have to rebase.
  • Decision is to delay this discussion for those not present to get involved with.

One-off change. One option might be that code would be black-formatted automatically. Current proposal instead is that users should run black before commit.
Q: what problem does it solve? Proposition: it reduces barriers to entry in committing to codebase. Q: are there contribution guidelines on the website? A: not good enough. Q: what about shared code?

Better projects: docstrings should switch from rst to numpy style.


  • let's not introduce black at this time
  • but let's fix the contribution guidelines

Followup question: should we have a code of conduct? Cf Arguments were presented on both sides. There is a confusion of objectives. If we have one, it should be well-written.

DH: Orientations

At p3 or above, PetSC save-restore scrambles dofs due to an orientation problem. Orientation is resolved by numbering - but (with a perhaps-different partitioning) reloaded data has a new numbering.

PetSC has explicit orientations. But to restore we'd have to renumber for consistency.

One option would be to make orientation explicit in Firedrake. We would need gather and scatters to know about this (a permutation in the PyOP2 wrapper generator). And FIAT would need to know about it (to provide the required permutation). Like Basix.

The permutations would need to come from the cell-node map. Then we'd have a big switch in the wrapper.

We want outer-loop vectorisation to propagate through this.

Q: how big is the switch? The size of the symmetry group - hundreds. Q: it's not just a permutation? In general we need an orientation-specific linear operator.

No conclusion.

Merge PRs:


Date of next meeting

2021-04-14 15:00UTC (16:00BST)

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