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Jinho D. Choi edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 1 revision

Tim Sort

Mergesort gives good average and worst-case complexities, O(n log n), but is slower than Insertion sort for the best-case. Timesort is a hybrid between Mergesort and Insertion sort that takes advantages of both algorithms. Here is the idea behind Timsort.

  • Start performing Mergesort on the input list.
  • For each partition, check if the size of the partition is smaller or equal to 64.
  • If it is, stop Mergesort and start performing Insertion sort.
  • If it is not, keep performing Mergesort.

Task 1 - TimSort

  • Create two classes LastnameTimSort1 and LastnameTimSort2 under sort.
  • Extend the AbstractSort class.
  • Define the sort method in LastnameTimSort1 implementing the Timesort algorithm using Insertion sort.
  • Define the sort method in LastnameTimSort2 implementing the Timesort algorithm using Shell sort.
  • Ensure your program runs correctly. I'll perform several unit tests to assess the correctness of your program.
  • MergeSort, InsertionSort, ShellSort.

Task 2 - Speed Comparison

  • Create lists of 100, 200, ..., 1000 random comparable keys, keys in ascending order, and keys in descending order (you will end up creating 10*3 = 30 lists).
  • For MergeSort, LastnameTimSort1, and LastnameTimSort2:
  • Measure the time it takes to sort all keys in each list.
  • Repeat this procedure 1K times, and sum the times for each algorithm.
  • SortTest#compareSpeeds().

Task 3 - Report

  • Explain briefly about your implementation of TimSort.
  • Create tables and charts showing the speed comparisons with respect to the nature of the lists and their sizes.
  • Write analysis of the speed comparisons given different conditions.

CS323: Data Structures and Algorithms


Emory University

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