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Jinho D. Choi edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 18 revisions

Finding All MSTs

Your task is to write a program that find all minimum spanning trees given an undirected graph.


  • Create a class MSTLastname (e.g., MSTChoi) that implements the MSTAll interface.
  • Override the getMinimumSpanningTrees method in MSTLastname.
  • Pick either Prim's or Kruskal's algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees.
  • @param graph an undirected graph containing zero to many spanning trees.
  • @return list of all minimum spanning trees.
  • Use the SpanningTree, Graph, Edge classes without modifying.
  • Write a report that explains your logic of generating all minimum spanning trees and save it as hw3.pdf.
  • Compress MSTLastname and hw3.pdf into and submit it to canvas:

Extra Credit

  • Create an interesting graph and submit both the source code (as in MSTAllTest) and the diagram representing your graph (up to 1 point).
  • Submit two codes, one finding all minimum spanning trees using Prim's algorithm and the other using Kruskal's algorithm (up to 2 point).
  • Compress all source codes and necessary files to and submit it to canvas:


  • Test your code with graphs consisting of zero to many spanning trees.
  • Your output must include only minimum spanning trees.
  • Your output should not include redundant trees. For example, if there are three vertices, 0, 1, and 2, {0 -> 1, 0 -> 2} is considered the same as {0 -> 1, 0 <- 2} or {0 <- 1, 0 -> 2} or {0 <-1, 0 <- 2}.

CS323: Data Structures and Algorithms


Emory University

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