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teknek stream stack

edwardcapriolo edited this page Dec 14, 2013 · 4 revisions

Teknek stream stack is designed so first time users can get started with teknek quickly. To accomplish this teknek-stream-stack builds an uber-project together the required teknek components (teknek-core, zookeeper) with several of the common systems found in most streaming applications today (Kafka, Cassandra).

Most streaming applications require some message queue to transmit data a NoSQL store for persistence. The goal of stream stack is to give users and out-of-the box experience and a simple system to prototype streaming applications to see the utility of teknek. It should not be used for production installations.

1st time building

From the root of the project run sh

Only building teknek-stream-stack tar

cd teknek-stream-stack
mvn clean install assembly:single

A tar file with a name similar to teknek-stream-stack-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz should exist in the target directory. Create a file named


Then run sh

The starter should start 4 java processes on your system. teknek-core, zookeeper, kafka, and Cassandra. The storage for these daemons is set up in the ./target directory. Next you can start teknek-web to build your first plan, or interact with the stack through your IDE.