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Stream Operator Langage (SOL)

edwardcapriolo edited this page Dec 22, 2013 · 1 revision

Root level commands

The SOL shell is a simple way to create, modify, and save plans. At the root level SOL has commands to open and save plans. It also provides the import command allowing the user to quickly install components from remote sites.

teknek> help
CREATE PLAN: Make a new plan and begin editing it
OPEN PLAN: Open a plan stored in zookeeper
IMPORT: fetch a bundle of operators and load into zookeeper

teknek> help create
Make a new plan and begin editing
    teknek> create plan x

teknek> help open
Loads a plan from zookeeper and begin editing
    teknek> open plan x

teknek> help import
    Imports operations and feeds from URLs.
    teknek> import https://..../bundle_io.teknek_itests1.0.0.json