Code about RobustCL for real-world experiment(client part). Still editting...
- Create the workspace
mkdir -p ~/cl_ws/src && cd ~/cl_ws/src
- Go to workspace and install this repo by:
cd ~/cl_ws/src/
git clone
# Give execute authority
chmod -R +x ./robust_cl_real_world_client/scripts/
# (Option) If using virtual environment
conda create -n CL python=3.9 # version of Python is not important. If there are conflicts while installing dependencies, just change the version
conda activate CL
# Install necessary Python package
pip install -r ./robust_cl_real_world_client/scripts/requirements.txt
- Deploy the environment for UWB(NoopLoop)
# (If needed)Install serial driver
# First, go to any directory, such as "~"
cd ~
sudo bash ~/cl_ws/src/robust_cl_real_world_client/deployment/uwb/
# Make ROS wrapper about UWB
cd ~/cl_ws/src
bash ./robust_cl_real_world_client/deployment/uwb/
- Deploy the environment for movement(6-robot, other type needs DIY)
# Make ROS wrapper about movement
cd ~/cl_ws/src
bash ./robust_cl_real_world_client/deployment/uwb/
- make
# If using virtual environment, need to set up. we used miniconda
cd ~/cl_ws
catkin_make -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=~/miniconda3/envs/CL/bin/python3
# Execute file: "" with id: 0, for example.
cd ~/cl_ws
bash ./src/robust_cl_real_world_client/test/ 0