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A simple utility to generate a precomputed data source as TIF files along with a simple HTTP server of those files.


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A simple utility to generate a precomputed data source as TIF files along with a simple HTTP server of those files.

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precomputed-tif has few dependencies. It can be installed using the commands:

pip install
pip install


precomputed-tif takes a z-stack of tif files as input. The stack will be assembled in alphabetical order, so numerical filenames should be used with zero-padding, e.g. "image_0000.tif". These are assembled into a directory that can be referenced using the cors_webserver.

The command-line is:

precomputed-tif --source <source-glob> \
                --dest <destination-folder> \
                [--levels <levels>] \
                [--chunk-size <chunk-size>] \
                [--voxel-size <voxel-size>] \
                [--format <format>] \
                [--n-cores <n-cores>] \
                [--log <log-level>] \


  • source-glob is a "glob" expression that collects the files, e.g. "/path/to/img_*.tiff"
  • destination-folder is the name of the folder that will hold the mipmap levels of the precomputed tifs.
  • levels the number of mipmap levels. The first level has the same resolution as the input. Each subsequent level has half the resolution as the previous level.
  • chunk-size is the size of a precomputed chunk in x,y,z. The default is 64,64,64 except for ngff which is 128,128,128
  • voxel-size is the voxel size in microns as three comma-separated values, e.g. "1.8,1.8,2.0" in X, Y, Z order. The default is "1.8,1.8,2.0" which is the voxel size for 4x SPIM.
  • format is "tiff", "zarr" or "blockfs" to store the image data blocks as 3D TIFF files, ZARR array blocks or in the blockfs format. The default is "tiff", but "blockfs" is the most scalable for very large volumes.
  • n-cores is the number of processes that will be used for parallel processing.
  • log is the logging level, one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR".
  • segmentation if present marks the volume as a segmentation instead of an image


precomputed-write-points writes a json-encoded set of points in x, y, z format out to the precomputed neuroglancer format for points display. Note: for Leviathan, if you use an output directory of "/mnt/beegfs/neuroglancer/points/name", Leviathan will serve it at the url, "precomputed://*name*".


[--voxel-size ]
[--lower-bound ]
[--upper-bound ]


  • points-file is the points .json file
  • output-directory is the base directory for storing the neuroglancer annotations
  • voxel-size is the size of a voxel in microns, expressed as "x,y,z" The default is 1.8,
  • lower-bound is the lower bound of the annotation volume in voxels, expressed as "x,y,z". The default is 0,0,0
  • upper-bound is the upper bound of the annotation volume in voxels, expressed as "x,y,z". The default is the maximum value per coordinate in the points file
  • --no-by-id - providing this flag will prevent writing the by-id annotations. These are one annotation per file and, if there are a large number of points, there will be too many of them for a file-system.


ims2precomputed takes an Imaris file as input and outputs a Blockfs precomputed volume.

Usage: ims2precomputed
[--levels ]
[--n-cores ]
[--log ]
[--voxel-size ]


  • source-file is the path to the source .ims file
  • channel is the channel number within the IMS file, e.g. "0"
  • dest is the name of the destination directory for the volume
  • levels the number of mipmap levels. The first level has the same resolution as the input. Each subsequent level has half the resolution as the previous level.
  • voxel-size is the voxel size in microns as three comma-separated values, e.g. "1.8,1.8,2.0" in X, Y, Z order. The default is "1.8,1.8,2.0" which is the voxel size for 4x SPIM.
  • n-cores is the number of processes that will be used for parallel processing.
  • log is the logging level, one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR".

dandi2precomputed takes a set of DANDI NGFF volumes as input and outputs a Blockfs precomputed volume.

Usage: dandi2precomputed
[--levels ]
[--n-cores ]
[--log ]
path [path...]


  • dest is the name of the destination directory for the volume
  • levels the number of mipmap levels. The first level has the same resolution as the input. Each subsequent level has half the resolution as the previous level.
  • n-cores is the number of processes that will be used for parallel processing.
  • log is the logging level, one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR".
  • path is the path to one or more .ngff directories, e.g. /path/to/*_stain-YO_*.ngff


The precomputed-webserver serves the precomputed TIF files as a "precomputed:" data source for Neuroglancer. You can create a layer within Neuroglancer with one of these precomputed URLs. The format is "precomputed://http://:" where server-address is typically "localhost", but can also be the IP address of your machine. "port" is the port number of the precomputed-webserver.

The command-line for the cors-webserver is:

precomputed-webserver \
  --port <port-number> \
  --bind <ip-address> \
  --directory <directory>
  --format tiff


  • port-number is the port number that the webserver will use to serve the volume.
  • bind is the bind IP address - typically "localhost", but possibly the ip-address of one of the network cards if serving outside of the machine
  • directory is the directory created by precomputed-webserver

Apache / wsgi webserver

The WSGI webserver serves precomputed datasources via the WSGI interface. If you install mod_wsgi for Apache, then you can serve a configurable set of precomputed datasources. To configure Apache, install and enable mod_wsgi, e.g. for Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3

Create a sources.json file. This is a list of dictionaries with each dictionary representing a precomputed data source. There are 3 keys:

  • name: The name to use in the precomputed URL, e.g. your experiment and channel.
  • directory: The root directory of the datasource
  • format: either "tiff" or "zarr"

Here is a possible sources.json:

       "name": "expt1-dapi",
       "directory": "/data/expt1/dapi_precomputed",
       "format": "tiff"
       "name": "expt1-phalloidin",
       "directory": "/data/expt1/phalloidin_precomputed",
       "format": "zarr"

Next, create a WSGI script that points at both the wsgi_webserver and the sources.json file. A WSGI script is a Python file with a single function or class (see This file should be created in an empty directory which will be served by mod_wsgi.

For instance:

from precomputed_tif.wsgi_webserver import serve_precomputed

CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/sources.json"

def application(environ, start_response):
    return serve_precomputed(environ, start_response, CONFIG_FILE)

Finally, configure the webserver to serve the file. See for directions on how to do this. Here's a quick config file example that works and may provide a rough template:

WSGIDaemonProcess precomputed python-home=<path-to>/anaconda3/envs/precomputed-tif
WSGIProcessGroup precomputed
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
<Directory /usr/local/apache-scripts>
<IfVersion < 2.4>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
<IfVersion >= 2.4>
    Require all granted
WSGIScriptAlias /precomputed /usr/local/apache-scripts/precomputed.wsgi

With the above, you should be able to serve precomputed datasources at precomputed://http://localhost/precomputed/expt1-dapi, etc.


precomputed_subvolume takes precomputed blockfs files and outputs subvolumes across all the z dimension with the x and y dimensions specified by the user .

Usage: precomputed_subvolume


  • input-file-path is the path to the directory with the blockfs files.
  • output-file-path is the path to the directory where the outputted tiffiles will be saved.
  • chunk is how many values to process in z per call. In other words how many values will each subvolume contain. A chunk size of 64 is recommended as it results in a faster processing speed.
  • y0 is the starting point in the y dimension.
  • y1 is the end point in the y dimension.
  • x0 is the starting point in the x dimension.
  • x1 is the end point in the x dimension.


A simple utility to generate a precomputed data source as TIF files along with a simple HTTP server of those files.







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