This is file-based storage for Neuroglancer 3D blocks. Design elements:
- Multithreaded write optimized for a FS with many disk spindles. No support for anything but block writes in order to remove the necessity to read data back into core. No worries about contention and locking. Multiple subprocesses can write to the same FS at the same time.
- Simple disk reads of blocks
- Unabashedly focused on reading and writing blocks.
- Very few files / very large files
So simple to use:
import numpy as np
from blockfs import Directory
import multiprocessing # not neccessary, demo its use though
import itertools
directory = Directory(1024, 1024, 1024, np.uint16, "volume.blockfs",
x_block_size=64, y_block_size=64, z_block_size=64)
directory.start_writer_processes() # need this for multithreading setup
def do_something_awesome(x, y, z):
block = np.random.randint(0, 65535, (64, 64, 64), np.uint16)
directory.write_block(block, x, y, z)
with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
pool.starmap(do_something_awesome, itertools.product(range(0, 1024, 64),
range(0, 1024, 64),
range(0, 1024, 64)))
block_128_64_0 ="volume.blockfs").read_block(128, 64, 0)
Works in conjunction with precomputed-tif
blockfs-mv <src> <dest>
Moves a blockfs directory file and its block files to a new location. The source should be a blockfs directory file and the destination should be the target directory for the files. The utility will move the block files and rewrite the directory file to point at the new block file locations.
It's necessary to use blockfs-mv instead of mv because the file names of the block files are embedded within the directory file.
- src - the name of the directory file of the blockfs to be moved
- dest - the name of the filesystem target directory for the new locations of the files
blockfs-cp <src> <dest>
Copies a blockfs directory file. Same as blockfs-mv except does not (re)move the files.
blockfs2tif converts a blockfs volume to TIFF stacks.
blockfs2tif \
--input <blockfs-file> \
--output-pattern <output-pattern> \
[--n-workers <n-workers>] \
[--silent] \
[--compression <compression>]
blockfs-file is the index file of the blockfs, e.g. precomputed.blockfs
output-pattern is the naming convention for .tiff files, e.g. /path/to/img_%04d.tiff
n-workers is the number of worker processes to use
silent will prevent display of tqdm progress bar
compression compression level = 0 to 9
Note: only available if parallel HDF is built for current environment
blockfs2hdf converts a blockfs volume to HDF5.
mpiexec -n <n-workers> blockfs2hdf \
<src> \
<dest> \
<name> \
[--compression <compression>] \
[--compression-opts <compression-opts>]
n-workers is the number of worker processes to use
src is the blockfs index file, e.g. precomputed.blockfs
dest is the name of the HDF5 file. It must already have been created.
name is the name of the dataset to be created.
compression is the name of the compression to use, e.g. "lzf". By default, blockfs2hdf uses GZIP.
compression-opts gives the compression options for the compression, such as a number for gzip
blockfs2jp2k converts a blockfs volume to JPEG 2000 stacks.
Note: blockfs2jp2k is only available if you have installed the optional dependency, "glymur".
blockfs2jp2k \
--input <blockfs-file> \
--output-pattern <output-pattern> \
[--n-workers <n-workers>] \
[--silent] \
[--psnr <psnr>]
blockfs-file is the index file of the blockfs, e.g. precomputed.blockfs
output-pattern is the naming convention for .jp2 files, e.g. /path/to/img_%04d.jp2
n-workers is the number of worker processes to use
silent will prevent display of tqdm progress bar
psnr this is the signal-to-noise ratio for data loss for lossy compression, measured in DB. Higher numbers result in less loss and 80dB, for instance, yields an image with little visible difference from the original. The default is lossless compression.
blockfs-rebase fixes up the blockfs directory file after it and the block files have been moved to a new directory.
blockfs-rebase [--block-size ]
blockfs-file is the path to the precomputed.blockfs file
block-size is the number of bytes in each read of the blockfs index file.