Single header PID controller. See pid.hpp
// Controller defined in the `pid` namespace
using namespace pid;
// Template argument specifies data type
P<int> proportional;
I<float> integral;
D<double> derivative;
// Controller class inherits P,I,D sub-classes
Controller<P<float>, I<float>> pi; // good
Controller<P<float>, P<float>> pp; // error - repeated P sub-class
Controller<P<float>, D<double>> pd; // error - different data types
Controller<P<int>, I<int>, D<int>> pid; // good
// Controllers do not define a constructor
Controller<P<float>, I<float>, D<float>> pid{}; // zero-initialize
// Aliases are defined for convenience
PI<float> pi; // equivalent to the `pi` variable above
PID<> pid; // default data type is double
// Each controller object defines a gain field
pid.Kp = 1.0; // only from P<>
pid.Ki = 2.0; // only from I<>
pid.Kd = 3.0; // only from D<>
// Some controller sub-classes also define specific methods
double totalError = pid.total_error(); // only from I<>
double prevError = pid.prev_error(); // only from D<>
// Ensure the `dt` field is correct in every loop
pid.dt = 4.0;
// Use the controller by passing the error to the operator()
double output = pid(5.0);
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