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athertop edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 13 revisions

#Welcome to the MavLink FrSky S.Port Converter Wiki

##Introduction This project, put simply allows the telemetry information provided by an Ardupilot flight controller to be displayed on the screen of a FrSky Taranis radio transmitter (running OpenTx v2.1.7 or newer inc. v2.2.0), producing a screen which looks like this:

Project History

This project started life back in January 2014, the original idea thought up by Rolf Blomgren, and discussed in the following forum thread: (there is still ongoing discussion in this thread for anyone wanting to take part).

The project found its way onto github (based on the original 1.3 version of the above repo) in October of 2014 and has been forked several times since, each time advancing and improving on what it initially provided in terms of features and abilities. This is the beauty of open source.

In 2015 a new fork known as "Clooney82" was started when several developers (who each had their own independent fork of the original project) came together to consolidate their efforts, and the project was further developed for Open Tx 2.1. This gave the project a new lease of life and it became quite popular amongst the Ardupilot-FrSky RC community.

In 2016 the project seemed to go very quiet and in an effort to further maintain the code, hobbyist Paul A (athertop) joined the Clooney82 collaboration and continued with support and minor development efforts.

2017 now sees the project taking a further step with the v2.0 code now hosted on this (athertop) repository. All prior versions will remain in the Clooney82 repo, but moving forward from v2.0, this (athertop) repo will be given the main project focus.

We are always interested in hearing from new developers who might be interested in getting involved in the project, so please don't be shy.

##Currently available branches Mav_Sport2.1-2.2-master -

  • Current release version for openTX 2.1.7 or newer (earlier 2.1 versions not supported). Recent changes to the LUA pages to make this OpenTx 2.2.0-rc16(n369) compatible also.
  • Supports both Copter and Plane versions of Ardupilot (not tested with AP versions <3.21).
  • Works with both APM and Pixhawk based flight controllers.
  • This branch provides two telemetry scripts and two (optional) mixer scripts providing additional features.

Mav_Sport2.1-2.2-dev -

  • Current dev branch - the content in this branch may not be stable so proceed with care.

Older branches

Branches for older revisions of this project (v1.8 and older) are contained in the old repository:

The old repository also contains a branch for installation with OpenTx 2.0