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Best Practices For Wrtiting A Component

Kato Charles edited this page May 27, 2019 · 1 revision
  1. Each component should be in a separate file.
  2. The filename should be in PascalCase e.g class FooBar extends React.Component {}.
  3. Each component should have corresponding tests.
  4. When writing a stateful component you should order your component as follows:
    class Foo extends React.Component {
         constructor(props) {

         componentWillMount() {

         componentDidMount() {
         classMethod1() {

         classMethod2() {

         handler1 = () => {};
         handler2 = () => {};     

         render: void;

First, your constructor should be the first thing you declare after your class please do note that this applies when you don't have class property otherwise they should come first.


The second thing that should follow is React lifecycle methods, yes I know the constructor is part of the lifecycle methods too but since it's the method that start's the birth of your component I think it should stay there.


then any class methods you might want to include in your class that don't act as handlers for the component, e.g

isValidUser() {

and then finally, your handlers clickHandlers or eventHandlers


the last thing should be the render method

render() {}
  1. When conditionally rendering element(s) or component(s) inline, JavaScript logical && operator should be used. For example,

Don't do this(notice the ''):

    render() {
       const { showModal } = this.state.showModal;
       return (
               ? (<Modal />) 
               : ''

Also, don't do this(notice the null):

    render() {
       const { showModal } = this.state.showModal;
       return (
               ? (<Modal />) 
               : null

Do this:

    render() {
       const { showModal } = this.state.showModal;
       return (
              && (<Modal />)

Naming Things

  • action types - use constants, [NOUN]_[VERB], eg. SEARCH_TAGS_SUCCESS or LOAD_CONTRIBUTIONS_SUCCESS
  • action creators - [verb]_noun eg. loadTagsSuccess(), loadContributionsSuccess()

Concise Code

  • You don't need to keep typing function
  • It lexically captures the meaning of this

with arrow functions, you can write concise code

export const loadContributionsSuccess = (contributions) => {
       return {

you can make this action creator even more concise. if the only statement an arrow function contains is the return statement you can wrap the curly brace that indicates the starting block and the end with parenthesis so that parser or the engine understands this as an expression rather than a block this makes your code more compact.

export const loadContributionsSuccess = contributions => ({
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