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Working With Preferences

Saket Patel edited this page May 8, 2020 · 6 revisions

Add your own preferences to the Settings Menu by using the settings plugin with a settings configuration object:

Full Example

plugins.register('settings', {
  // A unique ID for this zimlets settings menu.
  id: 'com_zimbra_x_your_zimlet_name',

  // The text in the Settings panel list
  title: 'My Zimlet',

  // The body of the Settings panel
  // props.value           contains all information about the current settings provided by `fields`
  // props.onFieldChange   use this to change the values of a field. changes are not committed until the user presses "Save".
  component: ({ value, onChange ...props }) => 'Settings for My Zimlet.',

  // The preference fields that your zimlet will be modifying.
  // See `fields` below.
  fields: {
    // The value of `myPreference` will be passed to the `component` so it can be rendered in a form.
    myPreference: {
      type: 'userPref',
      key: 'zimbraPrefSomethingRandom',
      defaultValue: 0

  // Optional, hide the settings when this function returns true.
  hide: (props) => false



A string or vNode.


A React Component, with props containing the current settings values defined by options.fields.

Use props.value to create an HTML form which calls onFieldChange when values change. Fields are not saved to the server until the user presses "Save".


A field represents a preference on the server. The value of the field will be passed to options.component, along with an onFieldChange prop that can be used to change the field.

onFieldChange(['myPreference'], [{ target: { value: 1 } }]);

Typings for the fields object are as follows:

enum FieldTypes {
  mailboxMetadata: 'mailboxMetadata',
  userPref: 'userPref',
  whiteBlacklist: 'whiteBlacklist',
  filterRules: 'filterRules',
  MODIFY_PROPERTIES: 'modifyProperties', // Coming soon!
  zimletPrefs: 'zimletPrefs'

type FieldConfig<T> = {
 type: FieldType
 key: string        // the preference being changed, such as `zimbraPrefMailPollingInterval`
 defaultValue: T

 /** Transform the value after it is received from the server */
 toJS?: (value: any) => T

 /** Transform the value before it is saved to the server */
 fromJS?: (value: T) => any

For real examples of settings config objects, see ZimbraOS/zm-x-web/blob/master/src/components/settings/constants.js

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