StereoSiTE is a package for the analysis and visualization of spatial transcriptome data. It builds on top of anndata, scanpy and squidpy, from which it inherits modularity and scalability. It provides analysis tools to dissect cellular neighborhood based on cell composition and quantitatively define cell-cell communication in spatial.
- Cellular Neighborhood (CN) clustering based on cellular composition of each bin
- Spatial Cell Interaction Intensity (SCII) analysis
- Tissue domain clustering based on intercellular interactions within each bin (SCIITensor)
demo (Fetch code: nFks)
If you use stereosite in your work, please cite the publication as follows:
StereoSiTE: A framework to spatially and quantitatively profile the cellular neighborhood organized iTME
Xing Liu, Chi Qu, Chuandong Liu, Na Zhu, Huaqiang Huang, Fei Teng, Caili Huang, Bingying Luo, Xuanzhu Liu, Min Xie, Feng Xi, Mei Li, Liang Wu, Yuxiang Li, Ao Chen, Xun Xu, Sha Liao, Jiajun Zhang, StereoSiTE: a framework to spatially and quantitatively profile the cellular neighborhood organized iTME, GigaScience, Volume 13, 2024, giae078,
SCIITensor: A tensor decomposition based algorithm to construct actionable TME modules with spatially resolved intercellular communications
Huaqiang Huang, Chuandong Liu, Xin Liu, Jingyi Tian, Feng Xi, Mei Li, Guibo Li, Ao Chen, Xun Xu, Sha Liao, Jiajun Zhang, Xing Liu bioRxiv 2024.05.21.595103; doi:
Install StereoSiTE via PyPi by running:
>>> conda create -y -n stereosite python=3.9.12 >>> conda activate stereosite >>> pip install stereosite
or via raw code by running:
>>> git clone >>> cd StereoSiTE >>> python install
Transfer spatial gene expression matrix (gem|gef) to anndata
from import Gem_Reader gem_file = "to/path/sn.gem.gz" gem_reader = Gem_Reader(gem_file) # without cell mask, bin_size must be specified. Here bin_size=200 adata_bin200 = gem_reader.gem2anndata(200) adata_bin200_file = "to/path/sn_bin200.h5ad" adata_bin200.write(adata_bin200_file) # or with cell mask, gem will be transfered to anndata in single-cell resolution. mask_file = "to/path/sn_mask.tif" adata = gem_reader.gem_with_cellmask_2anndata(mask_file)
Cellular Neighborhood (CN)
from import Cell2location # Get the cellular composition of each square bin by deconvolution ref_file = "to/path/scCell_reference.csv" adata_file = "to/path/sn_bin200.h5ad" out_dir = "to/out/deconvolution/bin200" cell2loc = Cell2location(ref_file, adata_file, out_dir = out_dir, bin_size = 200, gpu = 0) cell2loc.run_deconvolution() # Analyze the Cellular Neighborhood based on deconvolution result from import cn_deconvolve import anndata adata_anno_file = "to/out/deconvolution/bin200/cell2location_map/sp.h5ad" adata = # use_rep specify matrix used to calculate cell composition of every bin cn_deconvolve(adata, use_rep='q05_cell_abundance_w_sf') # Or use the annotated cell bin data to dissect the CNs from import cn_cellbin import anndata adata = cn_cellbin(adata, 400, n_neighbors = 20, resolution = 0.4, min_dist = 0.1) # CN result visualization from stereosite.plot.cellneighbor import umap, heatmap, spatial spatial(adata, spot_size=20) umap(adata) heatmap(adata)
Spatial Cell Interaction Intensity (SCII)
from stereosite.scii import intensities_count # The annotated cellbin or square bin at single-cell resolution data is required. # Choose LR database based on the sample type. CellChatDB provide mouse and human database separatly. # CellphoneDB provide only human database, but also can be used to analyse mouse data by transfer mouse gene into homologous # human gene, which will be automaticaly done by the software. interactiondb_file = "./datasets/LR_database/CellChatDB.mouse.csv" scii_dict = intensities_count(adata, interactiondb_file, distance_threshold = 50, anno = 'cell_type') # Or we can specify different distance_threshold for individual LR types scii_dict = intensities_count(adata, interactiondb_file, distance_threshold = {'Secreted Signaling': 200, 'ECM-Receptor': 200, 'Cell-Cell Contact': 30}, anno = 'cell_type') # Or specify the distance_coefficient parameter to consider distance when caculating interaction intensity. # distance_coefficient=0 means distance would not influence the interaction intensity. scii_dict = intensities_count(adata, interactiondb_file, distance_threshold = {'Secreted Signaling': 200, 'ECM-Receptor': 200, 'Cell-Cell Contact': 30}, distance_coefficient = {'Secreted Signaling': 1, 'ECM-Receptor': 0.1, 'Cell-Cell Contact': 0}, anno = 'cell_type') # The interaction result can be writen into a pickle file, and can be re-loaded when you want to re-analyze it. import pickle os.makedirs("./out/scii", exist_ok=True) interaction_file = "./out/scii/interactions.pkl" with open(interaction_file, 'wb') as writer: pickle.dump(scii_dict, writer) with open(interaction_file, 'rb') as reader: scii_dict = pickle.load(reader) # SCII result visualization #filter scii result based on intensities value or pathway cell_pairs = [('cell1', 'cell2'), ('cell1', 'cell3'), ...] # cell pairs that will be remained gene_list = ['gene1', 'gene2', 'gene3', ...] # list of genes that will be filtered out filter_interaction = interaction_select(scii_dict, cell_pairs=cell_pairs, filter_genes=gene_list, intensities_range=(6000, 8000)) pathway_names = ['EGF'] # Interactions of these pathways will be remained. pathway_interaction = interaction_pathway_select(scii_dict, pathway_name=pathway_names, interactiondb_file=interactiondb_file) # Users can combine the intensities filter with the pathway selection pathway_interaction = interaction_pathway_select(filter_interaction, pathway_name=pathway_names, interactiondb_file=interactiondb_file) # Visualize the interaction result by bubble plot from stereosite.plot.scii import ligrec import numpy as np ligrec(scii_dict, intensities_range=(50, np.inf), pvalue_threshold=0.05, alpha=1e-4, swap_axes=False, source_groups=["Non-immune cells", "M2-like", 'DC', 'Teff'], target_groups = ["M1-like", "M2-like", "Monocytes", "Teff", "CD8+ Tcells"], title=" ", ) # Or visualize the selected interactions ligrec(pathway_interaction, pvalue_threshold=0.05, alpha=1e-4, swap_axes=False, ) # Show spatial distribution of interaction intensity between specific cell pair meidated by specific LR pair. from stereosite.plot.intensity import intensity_insitu cells = ['Non-immune cells', 'M2-like'] genes = ['Ptprc', 'Mrc1'] intensity_insitu(adata, cells, genes, radius = 50, distance_coefficient=0.01, spot_size=5) # Visualize the interaction result by circle plot and graph from stereosite.plot import scii_circos, scii_net anno='cell_type' cell_colors = dict(zip(adata.obs[anno].cat.categories, adata.uns[f'{anno}_colors'])) # Define the color of sectors representing cells filter_matrix = filter_interaction['intensities'].fillna(0) scii_circos.cells_lr_circos(filter_matrix, cell_colors=cell_colors) pathway_matrix = pathway_interaction['intensities'].fillna(0) scii_circos.cells_lr_circos(pathway_matrix, cell_colors=cell_colors) scii_circos.cells_circos(filter_matrix) scii_circos.cells_circos(pathway_matrix) #Draw the network diagram based on the Graph generated previously. g1 = scii_net.lr_link_graph_generate(filter_matrix, cell_colors=cell_colors, reducer=6) scii_net.cell_lr_grap_plot(g1, figsize=10, vertex_label_size=6) g2 = scii_net.cell_graph_generate(filter_matrix, reducer=30, cell_colors=cell_colors) scii_net.cell_graph_plot(g2, vertex_label_size=8, figsize=5, edge_width=[0.5, 3]) g3 = scii_net.lr_link_graph_generate(pathway_matrix, cell_colors=cell_colors, reducer=6) scii_net.cell_lr_grap_plot(g3, figsize=8, edge_width=[0.5, 2]) g4 = scii_net.cell_graph_generate(pathway_matrix, reducer=15, cell_colors=cell_colors) scii_net.cell_graph_plot(g4, vertex_label_size=8, figsize=5, edge_width=[0.5, 3])
SCIITensor -- single sample analysis
from stereosite import scii_tensor import anndata import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle import numpy as np import scanpy as sc # Generate interactiontensor object and evaluate the optimal combination of ranks adata = interactionDB = "./datasets/LR_database/CellChatDB.mouse.csv" sct = scii_tensor.InteractionTensor(adata, interactionDB=interactionDB) radius = {'Secreted Signaling': 100, 'ECM-Receptor': 100, 'Cell-Cell Contact': 30} scii_tensor.build_SCII(sct, radius=radius, window_size=200, anno_col='cell2loc_anno') scii_tensor.process_SCII(sct, zero_remove=True, log_data=True) reconstruction_errors = scii_tensor.evaluate_ranks(sct, use_gpu=True, device='cuda:1') # Visualize the reconstruction errors using line plot from stereosite.plot.scii_tensor import reconstruction_error_line reconstruction_error_line(reconstruction_errors, figsize=(4, 4)) # Decompose the interaction tensor with optimal combination of ranks scii_tensor.SCII_Tensor(sct, rank=[15, 15, 15], device='cuda:0') with open("out/scii_tensor_res.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(sct, f) # spatial distribution of each TME module import scanpy as sc, color='TME_module', img_key=None, spot_size=20) ## visualization of core matrix from stereosite.plot import sankey, scii_circos, scii_net #normalize the core matrix norm_core = scii_tensor.core_normalization(sct.core, feature_range=(0, 100)) #process core matrix to generate dataFrame that will be used to draw sankey plot. left_df, right_df = sankey.core_process(norm_core) sankey.sankey_3d(left_df, right_df, link_alpha=0.5, interval=0.005) from stereosite.plot.scii_tensor import tme_core_heatmap, core_heatmap core_heatmap(norm_core) # 3D heatmap plot showing the core matrix tme_core_heatmap(sct.core, tme_number=1, figsize=(4, 4)) # 2D heatmap plot showing the result of one TME ## cell-cell factor heatmap from stereosite.scii_tensor import top_pair import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt top_cc_pair = top_pair(sct, pair='cc', top_n=20) fig = sns.clustermap(top_cc_pair.T, cmap="Purples", standard_scale=0, metric='euclidean', method='ward', row_cluster=False, dendrogram_ratio=0.05, cbar_pos=(1.02, 0.6, 0.01, 0.3), figsize=(4, 6), ) ## ligand-receptor factor heatmap top_lr_pair = top_pair(sct, pair='lr', top_n=20) fig = sns.clustermap(top_lr_pair.T, cmap="Purples", standard_scale=0, metric='euclidean', method='ward', row_cluster=False, dendrogram_ratio=0.05, cbar_pos=(1.02, 0.6, 0.01, 0.3), figsize=(4, 6), ) ## visualize selected interactions using heatmap from stereosite.plot.scii_tensor import interaction_heatmap interactions = scii_tensor.interaction_select(sct, tme_module=1, cellpair_module=1, lrpair_module=11, n_lr=15, n_cc=15) interaction_heatmap(interactions, figsize=(5, 3), vmax=50) ## visualize selected interactions using circle plot from stereosite.plot.scii_circos import cells_lr_circos, cells_circos, lr_circos cells = adata.obs['cell2loc_anno'].unique() cell_colors = dict(zip(adata.obs[anno].cat.categories, adata.uns[f'{anno}_colors'])) # Define the color of sectors representing cells scii_circos.cells_lr_circos(interaction_matrix, cells=cells, cell_colors=cell_colors, scii_tensor=True) #Draw the circos which only contains cell types and the links between them. scii_circos.cells_circos(interaction_matrix, cells, cell_colors=cell_colors, label_orientation='vertical', scii_tensor=True) #Draw circos which only contains ligand-receptor genes scii_circos.lr_circos(interaction_matrix, cells=cells, scii_tensor=True) #Draw the network diagram based on the Graph generated previously. from stereosite.plot.scii_net import lr_link_graph_generate g1 = lr_link_graph_generate(interaction_matrix, cells = cells, separator="_", cell_colors=cell_colors, scii_tensor=True) scii_net.cell_lr_grap_plot(g1, figsize=10,
SCIITensor -- multiple sample analysis
adata_1 = ## decompose another sample data ## evaluate the optimal combination of ranks interactionDB = "./datasets/LR_database/CellChatDB.mouse.csv" sct_1 = scii_tensor.InteractionTensor(adata_1, interactionDB=interactionDB) radius = {'Secreted Signaling': 100, 'ECM-Receptor': 100, 'Cell-Cell Contact': 30} scii_tensor.build_SCII(sct_1, radius=radius, window_size=200, anno_col='cell2loc_anno') scii_tensor.process_SCII(sct_1, zero_remove=True, log_data=True) reconstruction_errors = scii_tensor.evaluate_ranks(sct_1, use_gpu=True, device='cuda:1') ## visualize the reconstruction errors using line plot from stereosite.plot.scii_tensor import reconstruction_error_line reconstruction_error_line(reconstruction_errors, figsize=(4, 4)) scii_tensor.SCII_Tensor(sct_1, rank=(20, 20, 13), device='cuda:0') with open("out/scii_tensor_res_1.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(sct_1, f) ## merge decomposed matrices sct_merge = scii_tensor.merge_data([sct, sct_1], patient_id=['p1' ,'p2']) ## visualize the reconstruction errors from stereosite.plot.scii_tensor import reconstruction_error_line reconstruction_error_line(reconstruction_errors, figsize=(4, 4)) scii_tensor.SCII_Tensor_multiple(sct_merge, rank=[15,15,10], device='cuda:1') ## spatial distribution of meta-module[0], color=['TME_module', 'TME_meta_module'], img_key=None, spot_size=20)[1], color=['TME_module', 'TME_meta_module'], img_key=None, spot_size=20) #normalize the core matrix norm_core = scii_tensor.core_normalization(sct.core, feature_range=(0, 100)) #process core matrix to generate dataFrame that will be used to draw sankey plot. left_df, right_df = sankey.core_process(norm_core) sankey.sankey_3d(left_df, right_df, link_alpha=0.5, interval=0.005) from stereosite.plot.scii_tensor import tme_core_heatmap, core_heatmap core_heatmap(norm_core) # 3D heatmap plot showing the core matrix tme_core_heatmap(sct.core, tme_number=1, figsize=(4, 4)) # 2D heatmap plot showing the result of one TME ## visualize selected interactions using heatmap from stereosite.plot.scii_tensor import interaction_heatmap interactions = scii_tensor.interaction_select_multiple(sct_merge, tme_module=0, sample='p2', cellpair_module=0, lrpair_module=1, n_lr=15, n_cc=15) interaction_heatmap(interactions, figsize=(5, 3), vmax=10) ##visualize selected interactions using circle plot from stereosite.plot.scii_circos import cells_lr_circos, cells_circos, lr_circos cells = adata.obs['cell2loc_anno'].unique() cell_colors = dict(zip(adata.obs[anno].cat.categories, adata.uns[f'{anno}_colors'])) # Define the color of sectors representing cells scii_circos.cells_lr_circos(interaction_matrix, cells=cells, cell_colors=cell_colors, scii_tensor=True) #Draw the circos which only contains cell types and the links between them. scii_circos.cells_circos(interaction_matrix, cells, cell_colors=cell_colors, label_orientation='vertical', scii_tensor=True) #Draw circos which only contains ligand-receptor genes scii_circos.lr_circos(interaction_matrix, cells=cells, scii_tensor=True)