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AACPlus Features

Celebrimbor edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 6 revisions

AACPlus Features

Hide every presence of AAC from your players! AAC forces the /aac command output in game (piracy reasons) with no traditional workaround (e.g. negating permissions), allowing hackers to run the /aac command to see if they need to put their client into "Bypass Mode". AACplus fixes this!

Also, AACplus injects a customizable autobanning feature that hooks into your punishment plugins (i.e. LiteBans).

No other server has these options unless they make it themselves, but they also risk piracy issues because their solutions are not authorized by the AAC Developer like AACPlus!

Feature List:

  • Authorized by AAC Dev and developed by the AAC team
  • Block/hide all output from the /aac commands
  • Will block/hide all AACadditionPro commands if you use that plugin.
  • Supports latest AAC5
  • Custom message to player (e.g. Fake "unknown command")
  • Custom command(s) to run on executor (e.g. Staff notify, kick or ban)
  • Bypass for server staff by permission and/or name
  • Autoban based on number of kicks, customizable ban and kick commands.
  • For Bungee functionality, place on all servers
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