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AACPlus Config

Celebrimbor edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 6 revisions
### || AACPLUS || ###
# Developer:
# Report issues/errors to the Optimized Config Discord
# After how many aacpluskicks should a player be banned?
# The kick count is reset on server restart.
# If you don't want to ban just set this to an arbitrarily high number smaller than 2147483647
# Setting this to 0 or a negative number will cause instant bans.
ban_threshold: 10
# The command to be executed when the threshold is reached
ban_command: "ban {player} Illegal client modifications"
# The command ran by console when /aacpluskick is registered
# Allows you to tie the kick into your punishment plugin
# Otherwise, leave this alone for a standard Minecraft kick
kick_command: "minecraft:kick {player} {reason}"
# After running /aac, what should a player see instead of AAC's output?
# Be sure to escape special characters according to the java String format with a backslash.
# Color codes utilize the character § (not &)
# Multi-line output is NOT possible.
# In order to have multi-line output code a little help-command on your own and execute the command via the commands
# section below. In this case you should utilize the following format, this will make no message appear at all:
# replacement: "{}"
replacement: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
# The following command(s) will be run after a player runs /aac
# You can also run multiple commands with the following format:
# commands:
#    - "first command"
#    - "second command"
# Running no commands is possible as well by using the following format:
# commands: "{}"
commands: "<ADD YOUR STAFFCHAT COMMAND HERE> ยง8ยงl[ยงcยงlAACPlusยง8ยงl] ยงe{player} ยงfjust ran a command associated with AAC in {world}."
# || EXEMPTIONS || #
# Players who are op will automatically be exempt from all features listed above.
# Moreover, you can use the following permissions to fine-tune AACPlus:
# aacplus.exempt.commands   | This will allow a player to access AAC / AACAdditionPro commands.
# aacplus.exempt.kick       | A player with this permission cannot be kicked with the aacpluskick command.
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