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David Wood edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 1 revision


Converts an AISP metadata labels file to 1 or more Audacity label files.
The input Audacity label file contains 1 or more rows, each
The input metadata file has segmented audio labeling. For example,
Each wav file listed in the metadata file will have a corresponding .txt
file with the same base name as the .wav file.
The output is 3 white-space separated columns. Each row defines a labeled
segment. Columns are defined as follows:
  1: the offset in seconds of the start of the segment
  2: the offset in seconds of the end of the segment
  3: the single label value to assign to the segment

positional arguments:
  metadata_files  Specifies name of 1 or more metadata files to be converted to 1 or more Audacity files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
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