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Command Line Tools

David Wood edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 24 revisions

Command Line Tools Installation and Overview


Acquire the This can be found in the aisp-core/aisp-core-main/target directory after building with maven.

  1. Install one of Java 8 through 14 (15 does not include Nashorn, which we require) JDK including javadoc.
    • Setting JAVA_HOME and/or adding java to your path is required.
  2. cd SOMEDIR
  3. unzip .../ to create a directory tree rooted at the directory aisp.
  4. Set AISP_HOME and the PATH environment variables
    • On Windows
      1. set AISP_HOME=%SOMEDIR%\aisp
      2. set PATH=%PATH%;%AISP_HOME%\bin
    • On Linux
      1. export AISP_HOME=$SOMEDIR/aisp
      2. export PATH=$AISP_HOME/bin:$PATH
  5. Optional steps
    1. Enable GPUs on linux, if you have a cuda build of the zip file (See GPU Enablement for details).
      • Run sudo setup-aisp -gpu to configure the run-time to have access to the GPU drivers and libraries
      • Note however, that using the GPUs requires
        • Using the DCASE model from the GPU build of the zip file.

Now you should have access to the command line tools. Try executing train -help and verify that you get the help text.

Core Sound Command Line Tools

The following tools, in rough order of usage, are available from the aisp-core project:

  • sound-info - shows summary information about labeled data from 1 or more metadata.csv files.
  • evaluate - get the accuracy for a model including confusion matrix.
  • train - trains a model local or remotely on local sounds or those stored in a server.
  • classify - enables classification of a sound against a trained model. Can be run as a server or continuous sound monitor.
  • audacity2metadata - converts Audacity label files to metadata format used by the tool.
  • metadata2audacity - converts a metadata-formatted label file to 1 or more Audacity label files (1 per sound file).
  • label - label sound files using a pre-trained model.
  • ls-models - list the model identifiers recognized by the other command line tools.
  • capture - records sounds from the environment and stores them locally or in a server.
  • cut-sounds - extracts fixed size segments from 1 or more sound files.
  • model-info - loads a model from disk and displays its contents.
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