- Background Suppression-Based Methods
- Human Visual System-Based Methods
- Optimization-Based Methods
- Deep Learning-Based Methods
- Datasets
Tophat, Morphology-based algorithm for point target detection in infrared backgrounds.
MaxMedian, Max-mean and max-median filters for detection of small targets.
PFT, Spatio-temporal saliency detection using phase spectrum of Quaternion Fourier Transform.
LACM-LSK, Robust infrared small target detection using local steering kernel reconstruction.
Infrared Small Target Detection by Density Peaks Searching and Maximum-Gray Region Growing.
Structure-Adaptive Clutter Suppression for Infrared Small Target Detection: Chain-Growth Filtering.
LCM, A Local Contrast Method for Small Infrared Target Detection.
ILCM, A Robust Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithm Based on Human Visual System.
LSM, An Efficient Infrared Small Target Detection Method Based on Visual Contrast Mechanism.
WLDM, Small infrared target detection based on weighted local difference measure.
IDoGb, An infrared small target detecting algorithm based on human visual system.
NLCM, Effective infrared small target detection utilizing a novel local contrast method.
MPCM, Multiscale patch-based contrast measure for small infrared target detection.
LDM, Entropy-based window selection for detecting dim and small infrared targets.
DECM, Derivative entropy-based contrast measure for infrared small-target detection.
RLCM, Infrared small target detection utilizing the multiscale relative local contrast measure.
WMFD, Infrared small target detection based on flux density and direction diversity in gradient vector field.
HB-MLCM, High-boost-based multiscale local contrast measure for infrared small target detection. TGRS Letters, 2017.
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Derivative Dissimilarity Measure.
IPI, Infrared patch-image model for small target detection in a single image.
NIPPS, Non-negative infrared patch-image model: Robust target-background separation via partial sum minimization of singular values.
TV-PCP, Infrared dim target detection based on total variation regularization and principal component pursuit.
NRAM, Infrared small target detection via non-convex rank approximation minimization joint l2, 1 norm.
NOLC, Infrared small target detection based on non-convex optimization with Lp-norm constraint.
LRSR, Small infrared target detection based on low-rank and sparse representation.
SMSL, Infrared dim and small target detection based on stable multisubspace learning in heterogeneous scene.
SRWS, Infrared small target detection via self-regularized weighted sparse model.
RIPT, Reweighted infrared patch-tensor model with both nonlocal and local priors for single-frame small target detection.
PSTNN, Infrared small target detection based on partial sum of the tensor nuclear norm.
MDvsFA cGan, Miss detection vs. false alarm: Adversarial learning for small object segmentation in infrared images.
ACM, Asymmetric contextual modulation for infrared small target detection.
MDFA, Miss detection vs. false alarm: Adversarial learning for small object segmentation in infrared images.
SIRST, Asymmetric contextual modulation for infrared small target detection.