We will continue to focus on this field and update relevant information.
Since 2024, we have been collecting papers WITH CODE. If you have any paper with code or an awesome ISTD project that is missing from this repository, please contact us.
Keywords: Infrared small targets detection, infrared small targets segmentation.
- Awesome Infrared Small Targets
- Acknowledgement
Tophat, Morphology-based algorithm for point target detection in infrared backgrounds.
MaxMedian, Max-mean and max-median filters for detection of small targets.
PFT, Spatio-temporal saliency detection using phase spectrum of Quaternion Fourier Transform.
LACM-LSK, Robust infrared small target detection using local steering kernel reconstruction.
Infrared Small Target Detection by Density Peaks Searching and Maximum-Gray Region Growing.
FKRW, Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Facet Kernel and Random Walker.
Structure-Adaptive Clutter Suppression for Infrared Small Target Detection: Chain-Growth Filtering.
Infrared small-target detection based on multiple morphological profiles.
LCM, A Local Contrast Method for Small Infrared Target Detection.
ILCM, A Robust Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithm Based on Human Visual System.
LSM, An Efficient Infrared Small Target Detection Method Based on Visual Contrast Mechanism.
WLDM, Small infrared target detection based on weighted local difference measure.
IDoGb, An infrared small target detecting algorithm based on human visual system.
NLCM, Effective infrared small target detection utilizing a novel local contrast method.
MPCM, Multiscale patch-based contrast measure for small infrared target detection.
LDM, Entropy-based window selection for detecting dim and small infrared targets.
DECM, Derivative entropy-based contrast measure for infrared small-target detection.
RLCM, Infrared small target detection utilizing the multiscale relative local contrast measure.
WMFD, Infrared small target detection based on flux density and direction diversity in gradient vector field.
HB-MLCM, High-boost-based multiscale local contrast measure for infrared small target detection.
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Derivative Dissimilarity Measure.
Infrared Small Target Detection Via Center-surround Gray Difference Measure with Local Image Block Analysis.
Weighted Local Ratio-Difference Contrast Method for Detecting an Infrared Small Target against Ground–Sky Background.
IPI, Infrared patch-image model for small target detection in a single image.
NIPPS, Non-negative infrared patch-image model: Robust target-background separation via partial sum minimization of singular values.
TV-PCP, Infrared dim target detection based on total variation regularization and principal component pursuit.
NRAM, Infrared small target detection via non-convex rank approximation minimization joint l2, 1 norm.
NOLC, Infrared small target detection based on non-convex optimization with Lp-norm constraint.
RS1/2NIPI, Detection of Small Target Using Schatten 1/2 Quasi-Norm Regularization with Reweighted Sparse Enhancement in Complex Infrared Scenes.
LRSR, Small infrared target detection based on low-rank and sparse representation.
SMSL, Infrared dim and small target detection based on stable multisubspace learning in heterogeneous scene.
SRWS, Infrared small target detection via self-regularized weighted sparse model.
RIPT, Reweighted infrared patch-tensor model with both nonlocal and local priors for single-frame small target detection.
PSTNN, Infrared small target detection based on partial sum of the tensor nuclear norm.
TCTHR, Infrared Small Target Detection via Low-Rank Tensor Completion With Top-Hat Regularization.
METTR, Infrared dim target detection via mode-k1k2 extension tensor tubal rank under complex ocean environment.
LogTFNN, Infrared Small Target Detection via Nonconvex Tensor Fibered Rank Approximation.
CMPG, Infrared Small Target Detection via L0 Sparse Gradient Regularized Tensor Spectral Support Low-Rank Decomposition.
STT: Small Target Detection in Infrared Videos Based on Spatio-Temporal Tensor Model.
ECA-STT: Edge and Corner Awareness-Based Spatial–Temporal Tensor Model for Infrared Small-Target Detection.
ASTTV-NTLA: Nonconvex Tensor Low-Rank Approximation for Infrared Small Target Detection.
IMNN-LWEC: A Novel Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Spatial–Temporal Tensor Model.
NPSTT, Infrared Small Target Detection Using Nonoverlapping Patch Spatial–Temporal Tensor Factorization With Capped Nuclear Norm Regularization.
SRSTT, Sparse Regularization-Based Spatial-Temporal Twist Tensor Model for Infrared Small Target Detection.
4-D TT/TR, Infrared Small Target Detection Using Spatiotemporal 4-D Tensor Train and Ring Unfolding.
WSWTNN-PnP, Combining Deep Denoiser and Low-rank Priors for Infrared Small Target Detection.
3DSTPM, Infrared Small Target Detection Combining Deep Spatial–Temporal Prior With Traditional Priors.
MDvsFA cGan, Miss detection vs. false alarm: Adversarial learning for small object segmentation in infrared images.
ACM, Asymmetric contextual modulation for infrared small target detection.
TBC-Net: A real-time detector for infrared small target detection using semantic constraint.
ALCNet, Attentional Local Contrast Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection.
DNANet, Dense Nested Attention Network for Infrared Small Target Detection.
Infrared Small-Dim Target Detection with Transformer under Complex Backgrounds.
EAAU-Net: Enhanced asymmetric attention U-Net for infrared small target detection.
AGPCNet, Attention-Guided Pyramid Context Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection.
IRSTFormer: A Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Infrared Small Target Detection.
APANet, Novel Asymmetric Pyramid Aggregation Network for Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection.
FC3-Net Exploring Feature Compensation and Cross-level Correlation for Infrared Small Target Detection.
Prior-Guided Data Augmentation for Infrared Small Target Detection.
IAANet, Interior attention-aware network for infrared small target detection.
ISNet: Shape matters for infrared small target detection.
UIUNet: U-Net in U-Net for Infrared Small Object Detection.
MTUNet: Multilevel TransUNet for Space-Based Infrared Tiny Ship Detection.
LESPS: Mapping Degeneration Meets Label Evolution: Learning Infrared Small Target Detection with Single Point Supervision.
RDIAN, Receptive-Field and Direction Induced Attention Network for Infrared Dim Small Target Detection With a Large-Scale Dataset IRDST.
Monte Carlo Linear Clustering with Single-Point Supervision is Enough for Infrared Small Target Detection
MSHNet: Infrared Small Target Detection with Scale and Location Sensitivity.
SCTransNet: Spatial-channel Cross Transformer Network for Infrared Small Target Detection.
MiM-ISTD: Mamba-in-Mamba for Efficient Infrared Small-Target Detection.
IRSAM: Advancing segment anything model for infrared small target detection.
SeRankDet: Pick of the Bunch: Detecting Infrared Small Targets Beyond Hit-Miss Trade-Offs via Selective Rank-Aware Attention.
A Spatial-Temporal Feature-Based Detection Framework for Infrared Dim Small Target.
STDMANet: Spatio-Temporal Differential Multiscale Attention Network for Small Moving Infrared Target Detection.
DTUM: Direction-Coded Temporal U-Shape Module for Multiframe Infrared Small Target Detection.
SSTNet: Sliced Spatio-Temporal Network With Cross-Slice ConvLSTM for Moving Infrared Dim-Small Target Detection.
DMIST: Toward Dense Moving Infrared Small Target Detection: New Datasets and Baseline.
Tridos: Triple-domain Feature Learning with Frequency-aware Memory Enhancement for Moving Infrared Small Target Detection.
LMAFormer: Local Motion Aware Transformer for Small Moving Infrared Target Detection.
- RPCANet: Deep Unfolding RPCA Based Infrared Small Target Detection.
MDFA: Miss detection vs. false alarm: Adversarial learning for small object segmentation in infrared images.
SIRST: Asymmetric contextual modulation for infrared small target detection.
SIRST-Aug: Attention-Guided Pyramid Context Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection.
NUDT-SIRST: Dense Nested Attention Network for Infrared Small Target Detection.
IRSTD-1k: Shape matters for infrared small target detection.
SIRST v2: One-Stage Cascade Refinement Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection,
NUDT-SIRST-Sea: MTU-Net: Multilevel TransUNet for Space-Based Infrared Tiny Ship Detection,
DenseSIRST: Background Semantics Matter: Cross-Task Feature Exchange Network for Clustered Infrared Small Target Detection With Sky-Annotated Dataset
A dataset for infrared detection and tracking of dim-small aircraft targets under ground / air background,
A dataset for infrared time-sensitive target detection and tracking for air-ground application,
SAITD: A dataset for small infrared moving target detection under clutter background,
IRDST: Receptive-field and Direction Induced Attention Network for Infrared Dim Small Target Detection with a Large-scale Dataset IRDST.
NUDT-MIRSDT: Direction-Coded Temporal U-Shape Module for Multiframe Infrared Small Target Detection.
SIRSTD: Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Infrared Small Target Detection in Sequential Images.
TSIRMT: LMAFormer: Local Motion Aware Transformer for Small Moving Infrared Target Detection,
IRSatVideo-LEO: Infrared Small Target Detection in Satellite Videos: A New Dataset and A Novel Recurrent Feature Refinement Framework,
Title | Date | Link |
ISTD Python | 2021 | https://github.com/Tianfang-Zhang/ISTD-python |
BasicIRSTD | 2023 | https://github.com/XinyiYing/BasicIRSTD |
ISTD-Benchmark | 2023 | https://github.com/Linaom1214/ISTD-Benchmark |
STD-EvalKit | 2024 | https://github.com/IRSTD/STD-EvalKit |
- Single-Frame Infrared Small-Target Detection: A survey.
- Infrared small target segmentation networks: A survey.
This repository was founded by Tianfang-Zhang, and is currently updated by fengyiwu98. If you have any issue, please contact us.