Release 1.0.0
Challenges 1.0.0
Challenges 1.0 comes with a new Challenge Type: STATISTICS. This type allows creating a challenge that checks players' statistics field and allows them to complete the challenge upon he has reached a certain value for it. It works together with InvSwitcher which allows to separate statistics per world to operate separately for each game mode.
Admins also can completely customize all user-accessible GUI's.
Items and challenges (levels) texts can now be translated per language so supporting multi-linguistic servers.
And there are some more new features and improvements.
Upgrade Note
Challenges 1.0+ stores data a bit differently than 0.8.4. If you are upgrading, you will need to migrate data to the new format: /[admin_cmd] challenges migrate
Challenges Locale got complete rework. It means that any customization that was done in 0.8.4 requires to be reworked, sorry.
✔️ BentoBox API 1.20.0.
✔️ Minecraft 1.17.1 (tested 1.18.2)
- 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
- ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
- 🔺 special attention needed.
New Features
- 🔺🔡 Customizable user panels (documentation)
- 🔺New challenge type: STATISTICS
- 🔺Creating and importing challenges via template file (documentation)
- ⚙️Customizable commands (
- 🔡 Complete locale rework
- 🔡Translatable challenges and levels
- 🔡Translatable materials, entities and items
- Cooldown for completing repeatable challenge. (#71)
- Ignore certain item metadata for completeling challenge (#261)
- New bugs
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue when kicking from the team did not reset challenges (#253)
- Fixes an issue when the level did not receive an update in the GUI after challenge completion (#187)
- Remove waiver amount for last level (Fixes #269)
- Fixes some bugs with new Panels.
Full Changelog: 0.8.4...1.0.0