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Releases: BentoBoxWorld/Challenges

Release 1.5.0

23 Feb 21:14
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This release requires the latest version of BentoBox (3.2.4+) to run, as it utilizes new features in BentoBox.

New Features in Challenges

🏆 Multiple Statistic Challenges

  • Previously, only one statistic could be checked per challenge. Now, multiple statistics can be verified simultaneously.
    • Example: A challenge can now require defeating 10 zombies, 10 skeletons, and 10 creepers instead of just one type.

🏝️ Expanded Island Challenges

  • You can now use Block Groups and Entity Groups in addition to individual blocks or entities.
    • Example: A challenge could require placing 10 of any type of sign, bed, or door.
    • Similarly, it could involve defeating any raider, arthropod, or undead instead of specifying exact entities.

🔢 PAPI Placeholder Requirements in Other Challenges

  • Challenges can now use PAPI placeholders as requirements. The challenge completes if the formula evaluates to true.
    • Example:
      %Level_aoneblock_island_level% > 100 OR %player_name% = tasty bento  
  • String comparisons can be:
    • Case-sensitive: == (equals), != (not equals)
    • Case-insensitive: = (equals), <> (not equals)

🎖️ Advancements as Challenge Requirements

  • Challenges can now require Minecraft Advancements.
    • Players must complete an advancement (or a set of advancements) and then will be able to complete the challenge. The challenge is not automatically completed when the Advancement is achieved.
    • Example: A challenge could reward players for achieving "Diamonds!" and "Enchanter" advancements. After the player has those, they can request to complete the challenge.

These new features provide greater flexibility in designing challenges, making gameplay more engaging and customizable!

Note: as Statistics and Advancements can be achieved in other worlds, it is highly recommended to use the InvSwitcher Addon to have them become world-specific so that players have to obtain them in the game world.


✔️ BentoBox API 3.2.4+ only - not backwards compatible
✔️ Minecraft 1.21.3 not backwards compatible


  1. Stop server
  2. Take a back up of the server, particularly the database
  3. Replace the addon with this one
  4. Restart
  5. That should be it!
  6. (Optional) Create new challenges that use the new settings



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.4.0...1.5.0

Release 1.4.0

17 Nov 03:44
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✔️ BentoBox API 2.7.1+ only - not backwards compatible
✔️ Minecraft 1.21.3 not backwards compatible



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.3.1...1.4.0

Release 1.3.1

10 Aug 17:13
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✔️ BentoBox API 2.0.0
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.3.1

Release 1.3.0

16 Mar 17:39
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✔️ BentoBox API 2.0.0
✔️ Minecraft 1.20.x



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

What's Changed

  • 🔡 @GIGABAIT93 Add Ukrainian locale #326
  • Update to latest APIs
  • Show money as formatted. Addresses #324
  • Fixes enchanted book meta not displayed (#328)
  • Fixes crash when player in CREATIVE shift+clicks on INVENTORY challenge.
  • 🔡 Update en-US.yml
  • Release 1.3.0 by @tastybento in #331

Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0

Release 1.2.0

17 Apr 06:06
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✔️ BentoBox API 1.23.0.
✔️ Minecraft 1.19



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

New Features

  • Implement ability to not count undepoloyed challenges for level completion
  • Fixes some bugs with Statistics challenges not parsing
  • Fixes some localization bugs

Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.2.0

Release 1.1.0

05 Jan 19:49
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✔️ BentoBox API 1.21.0.
✔️ Minecraft 1.17.1 (tested 1.18.2 and 1.19.3)



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

New Features

  • Add extra parameters for completion commands. #309
  • Rewrite action display logic. Should now be not showing unusable options. #308
  • Fixes incorrect permission for admin commands.
  • Fixes level requirement text #298
  • Fixes crash in challenge ordering #296

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0

Release 1.0.0

16 May 11:41
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Challenges 1.0.0

Challenges 1.0 comes with a new Challenge Type: STATISTICS. This type allows creating a challenge that checks players' statistics field and allows them to complete the challenge upon he has reached a certain value for it. It works together with InvSwitcher which allows to separate statistics per world to operate separately for each game mode.
Admins also can completely customize all user-accessible GUI's.
Items and challenges (levels) texts can now be translated per language so supporting multi-linguistic servers.
And there are some more new features and improvements.

Upgrade Note

Challenges 1.0+ stores data a bit differently than 0.8.4. If you are upgrading, you will need to migrate data to the new format: /[admin_cmd] challenges migrate.
Challenges Locale got complete rework. It means that any customization that was done in 0.8.4 requires to be reworked, sorry.


✔️ BentoBox API 1.20.0.
✔️ Minecraft 1.17.1 (tested 1.18.2)



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue when kicking from the team did not reset challenges (#253)
  • Fixes an issue when the level did not receive an update in the GUI after challenge completion (#187)
  • Remove waiver amount for last level (Fixes #269)
  • Fixes some bugs with new Panels.

Full Changelog: 0.8.4...1.0.0

Release 0.8.4

07 Mar 21:37
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✔️ BentoBox API 1.15.4.
✔️ Minecraft 1.15.2 (tested 1.16.4)



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Rewards lore (#248) (commit: 7060799)
  • Add validation methods to challenge and challengeLevel. (commit: 504c0b4)
  • Fix a bug with Vault Economy not found in loading process. (commit: 27d10f2)
  • Fixes #263 (commit: 93f07b9)
  • Fixes #265 (commit: e1f27c8)
  • Add proper Bukkit API event usage. (commit: 2a31fc9)

Challenges 0.8.3

09 Jul 22:18
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Challenges addon continues to improve little by little. This release solves some old standing bugs and adds implements some new placeholders.
Mostly this release in preparation for fully integrating Minecraft 1.16 new entities. As the current version supports both 1.15 and 1.16, then it does not do it by default. Default challenges still are with 1.15 entities and blocks.


✔️ BentoBox API 1.14.0.
✔️ Minecraft 1.15.2 (tested with 1.16.4)



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.

New Features

  • Added 1.16 compatibility
  • Added 1.16 Mob Heads.
  • Updated to BentoBox API 1.14
  • Implemented Placeholders:
    • [gamemode]_challenges_latest_level_completed_count
    • [gamemode]_challenges_latest_level_uncompleted_count

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue when corrupted player data cannot be reset. (#222)
  • Fixed issue with illegal item stack in default challenge set (#241)
  • Fixed issue when calling Web Library GUI update from async task (#239)
  • Fixed incorrect waiver amount usage (#243)
  • Fixed issue when the database was not saved after importing challenges from the web library.
  • Removed config saving on addon disabling.
  • Added null-pointer protection in challenge loading.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect messages in the config file.
  • Fixed incorrect placeholder return message (#231)
    -🔺Fixed placeholder name generation: it will follow [gamemode]_[addon]_[placeholder] template.

Challenges 0.8.2

01 May 21:23
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Just a small bug fix that prevents users from getting valid input via Chat.


✔️ BentoBox API 1.7.0.
✔️ Minecraft 1.14.4



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.


  • Fix issue with chat API that prevented from getting valid input.