Migrate to eslint 9 and flat config #2192
63 passed, 2 failed and 2 skipped
✅ @ama-sdk/create/dist-test/it-report.xml
7 tests were completed in 973s with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Create new sdk command | 7✅ | 962s |
✅ Create new sdk command
Create new sdk command should generate a light SDK when the specification is provided
✅ Create new sdk command should generate a light SDK when the specification is provided
Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided
✅ Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided
Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided as npm dependency
✅ Create new sdk command should generate a full SDK when the specification is provided as npm dependency
Create new sdk command should generate an SDK with no package scope
✅ Create new sdk command should generate an SDK with no package scope
Create new sdk command should generate an empty SDK ready to be used
✅ Create new sdk command should generate an empty SDK ready to be used
Create new sdk command should fail when there is an error
✅ Create new sdk command should fail when there is an error
Create new sdk command should use pinned versions when --exact-o3r-version is used
✅ Create new sdk command should use pinned versions when --exact-o3r-version is used
✅ @ama-sdk/schematics/dist-test/it-report.xml
No tests found
✅ @o3r/analytics/dist-test/it-report.xml
2 tests were completed in 291s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
ng add analytics | 2✅ | 273s |
✅ ng add analytics
ng add analytics should add analytics to an application
✅ ng add analytics should add analytics to an application
ng add analytics should add analytics to a library
✅ ng add analytics should add analytics to a library
✅ @o3r/apis-manager/dist-test/it-report.xml
1 tests were completed in 114s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new otter application with apis-manager | 1✅ | 99s |
✅ new otter application with apis-manager
new otter application with apis-manager should add apis-manager to existing application
✅ new otter application with apis-manager should add apis-manager to existing application
✅ @o3r/application/dist-test/it-report.xml
1 tests were completed in 111s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new Angular application | 1✅ | 95s |
✅ new Angular application
new Angular application should add Otter Application to existing Angular app
✅ new Angular application should add Otter Application to existing Angular app
✅ @o3r/components/dist-test/it-report.xml
8 tests were completed in 840s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
check metadata migration | 6✅ | 818s | ||
ng add components | 2✅ | 276s |
✅ check metadata migration
check metadata migration should not throw
✅ check metadata migration should not throw
check metadata migration should not throw on prerelease
✅ check metadata migration should not throw on prerelease
check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
✅ check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
✅ check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
✅ check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
check metadata migration should throw because of unused migration data
✅ check metadata migration should throw because of unused migration data
✅ ng add components
ng add components should add components to an application
✅ ng add components should add components to an application
ng add components should add components to a library
✅ ng add components should add components to a library
✅ @o3r/configuration/dist-test/it-report.xml
2 tests were completed in 232s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new otter application with configuration | 2✅ | 216s |
✅ new otter application with configuration
new otter application with configuration should add configuration to an application
✅ new otter application with configuration should add configuration to an application
new otter application with configuration should add configuration to a library
✅ new otter application with configuration should add configuration to a library
✅ @o3r/core/dist-test/it-report.xml
1 tests were completed in 655s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new otter application | 1✅ | 633s |
✅ new otter application
new otter application should build empty app
✅ new otter application should build empty app
✅ @o3r/create/dist-test/it-report.xml
3 tests were completed in 380s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Create new otter project command | 3✅ | 369s |
✅ Create new otter project command
Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application
✅ Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application
Create new otter project command should generate a project with a library
✅ Create new otter project command should generate a project with a library
Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version
✅ Create new otter project command should generate a project with an application with --exact-o3r-version
✅ @o3r/design/dist-test/it-report.xml
1 tests were completed in 114s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new otter application with Design | 1✅ | 97s |
✅ new otter application with Design
new otter application with Design should add design to existing application
✅ new otter application with Design should add design to existing application
❌ @o3r/eslint-config-otter/dist-test/it-report.xml
2 tests were completed in 99s with 0 passed, 2 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
ng add eslint-config | 2❌ | 86s |
❌ ng add eslint-config
ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to an application
❌ ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to an application
Error: Command failed: npm exec ng add @o3r/eslint-config-otter@~999 -- --skip-confirmation --project-name test-app
ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to a library
❌ ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to a library
Error: Command failed: npm exec ng add @o3r/eslint-config-otter@~999 -- --skip-confirmation --project-name test-lib
✅ @o3r/eslint-config/dist-test/it-report.xml
3 tests were completed in 580s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new otter application with eslint config | 3✅ | 558s |
✅ new otter application with eslint config
new otter application with eslint config should add eslint config to existing application
✅ new otter application with eslint config should add eslint config to existing application
new otter application with eslint config should add eslint config to existing library
✅ new otter application with eslint config should add eslint config to existing library
new otter application with eslint config should add eslint config to existing repository
✅ new otter application with eslint config should add eslint config to existing repository
✅ @o3r/extractors/dist-test/it-report.xml
3 tests were completed in 420s with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
aggregate migration scripts | 1✅ | 316s | ||
ng add extractors | 2✅ | 397s |
✅ aggregate migration scripts
aggregate migration scripts should create migration scripts including lib content
✅ aggregate migration scripts should create migration scripts including lib content
✅ ng add extractors
ng add extractors should add extractors to an application
✅ ng add extractors should add extractors to an application
ng add extractors should add extractors to a library
✅ ng add extractors should add extractors to a library
✅ @o3r/localization/dist-test/it-report.xml
8 tests were completed in 973s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
check metadata migration | 6✅ | 955s | ||
ng add otter localization | 2✅ | 335s |
✅ check metadata migration
check metadata migration should not throw
✅ check metadata migration should not throw
check metadata migration should not throw on prerelease
✅ check metadata migration should not throw on prerelease
check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
✅ check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
✅ check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
✅ check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
check metadata migration should throw because of unused migration data
✅ check metadata migration should throw because of unused migration data
✅ ng add otter localization
ng add otter localization should add localization to an application
✅ ng add otter localization should add localization to an application
ng add otter localization should add localization to a library
✅ ng add otter localization should add localization to a library
✅ @o3r/new-version/dist-test/it-report.xml
1 tests were completed in 104s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
undefined | 1✅ | 90s |
✅ undefined
should add Otter Application to existing Angular app
✅ should add Otter Application to existing Angular app
✅ @o3r/pipeline/dist-test/it-report.xml
2 tests were completed in 179s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new otter project | 2✅ | 164s |
✅ new otter project
new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project
✅ new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project
new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project with custom runner and registry
✅ new otter project should add a GitHub pipeline to existing project with custom runner and registry
✅ @o3r/rules-engine/dist-test/it-report.xml
2 tests were completed in 212s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
ng add rules-engine | 2✅ | 196s |
✅ ng add rules-engine
ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to an application
✅ ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to an application
ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to a library
✅ ng add rules-engine should add rules engine to a library
✅ @o3r/stylelint-plugin/dist-test/it-report.xml
2 tests were completed in 189s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
ng add stylelint-plugin | 2✅ | 176s |
✅ ng add stylelint-plugin
ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to an application
✅ ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to an application
ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to a library
✅ ng add stylelint-plugin should add stylelint-plugin to a library
✅ @o3r/styling/dist-test/it-report.xml
8 tests were completed in 923s with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
check metadata migration | 6✅ | 905s | ||
ng add styling | 2✅ | 322s |
✅ check metadata migration
check metadata migration should not throw
✅ check metadata migration should not throw
check metadata migration should not throw on prerelease
✅ check metadata migration should not throw on prerelease
check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
✅ check metadata migration should throw because no migration data
check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
✅ check metadata migration should throw because migration data invalid
check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
✅ check metadata migration should throw because breaking changes are not allowed
check metadata migration should throw because of unused migration data
✅ check metadata migration should throw because of unused migration data
✅ ng add styling
ng add styling should add styling to an application
✅ ng add styling should add styling to an application
ng add styling should add styling to a library
✅ ng add styling should add styling to a library
✅ @o3r/testing/dist-test/it-report.xml
4 tests were completed in 363s with 2 passed, 0 failed and 2 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
ng add testing | 2✅ | 2⚪ | 346s |
✅ ng add testing
ng add testing should add testing to an application
✅ ng add testing should add testing to an application
ng add testing should add testing to an application and fixture to component
✅ ng add testing should add testing to an application and fixture to component
ng add testing should add testing to a library
⚪ ng add testing should add testing to a library
ng add testing should add testing to a library and fixture to component
⚪ ng add testing should add testing to a library and fixture to component
✅ @o3r/third-party/dist-test/it-report.xml
1 tests were completed in 133s with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new Angular application | 1✅ | 115s |
✅ new Angular application
new Angular application should add Otter Third Party to existing Angular app
✅ new Angular application should add Otter Third Party to existing Angular app
✅ @o3r/workspace/dist-test/it-report.xml
5 tests were completed in 829s with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
new otter workspace | 5✅ | 814s |
✅ new otter workspace
new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace
✅ new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace
new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with local spec
✅ new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with local spec
new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with spec package name
✅ new otter workspace should add sdk to an existing workspace with spec package name
new otter workspace should add a library to an existing workspace
✅ new otter workspace should add a library to an existing workspace
new otter workspace should generate a monorepo setup
✅ new otter workspace should generate a monorepo setup
Check failure on line 0 in @o3r/eslint-config-otter/dist-test/it-report.xml
github-actions / IT Tests report-windows-latest-npm
ng add eslint-config ► ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to an application ► ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to an application
Failed test found in:
Error: Command failed: npm exec ng add @o3r/eslint-config-otter@~999 -- --skip-confirmation --project-name test-app
Raw output
Error: Command failed: npm exec ng add @o3r/eslint-config-otter@~999 -- --skip-confirmation --project-name test-app
npm error code ERESOLVE
npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm error
npm error While resolving: [email protected]
npm error Found: [email protected]
npm error node_modules/eslint
npm error peer eslint@">=8.57.0 <9.15.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peer eslint@"^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/builder
npm error peerOptional @angular-eslint/builder@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error 9 more (@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin, ...)
npm error
npm error Could not resolve dependency:
npm error peer eslint@"^8.56.0" from @typescript-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser
npm error peer @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.14.1 || ^8.0.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peerOptional @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.11.0 || ^8.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/test-utils
npm error peer @angular-eslint/test-utils@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-plugin
npm error peer @o3r/eslint-plugin@"^999.0.1732302337797" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error 1 more (@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)
npm error
npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
npm error
npm error
npm error For a full report see:
npm error D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_06_880Z-eresolve-report.txt
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_06_880Z-debug-0.log
✖ Installing package [FAILED: Unable to install package]
,❯ Determining Package Manager
› Using package manager: npm
✔ Determining Package Manager
❯ Loading package information from registry
✔ Loading package information from registry
,npm error code ERESOLVE
npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm error
npm error While resolving: [email protected]
npm error Found: [email protected]
npm error node_modules/eslint
npm error peer eslint@">=8.57.0 <9.15.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peer eslint@"^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/builder
npm error peerOptional @angular-eslint/builder@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error 9 more (@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin, ...)
npm error
npm error Could not resolve dependency:
npm error peer eslint@"^8.56.0" from @typescript-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser
npm error peer @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.14.1 || ^8.0.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peerOptional @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.11.0 || ^8.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/test-utils
npm error peer @angular-eslint/test-utils@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-plugin
npm error peer @o3r/eslint-plugin@"^999.0.1732302337797" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error 1 more (@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)
npm error
npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
npm error
npm error
npm error For a full report see:
npm error D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_06_880Z-eresolve-report.txt
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_06_880Z-debug-0.log
✖ Installing package [FAILED: Unable to install package]
at execCmd (D:\a\otter\otter\packages\@o3r\test-helpers\src\utilities\package-manager.ts:117:11)
at packageManagerExec (D:\a\otter\otter\packages\@o3r\test-helpers\src\utilities\package-manager.ts:178:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\a\otter\otter\packages\@o3r\eslint-config-otter\schematics\index.it.spec.ts:21:23)
at Promise.then.completed (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\utils.js:298:28)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at callAsyncCircusFn (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\utils.js:231:10)
at _callCircusTest (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:316:40)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at _runTest (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:252:3)
at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:126:9)
at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:121:9)
at run (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:71:3)
at runAndTransformResultsToJestFormat (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\legacy-code-todo-rewrite\jestAdapterInit.js:122:21)
at jestAdapter (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\legacy-code-todo-rewrite\jestAdapter.js:79:19)
at runTestInternal (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-runner-npm-29.7.0-3bc9f82b58-9d8748a494.zip\node_modules\jest-runner\build\runTest.js:367:16)
at runTest (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-runner-npm-29.7.0-3bc9f82b58-9d8748a494.zip\node_modules\jest-runner\build\runTest.js:444:34)
at Object.worker (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-runner-npm-29.7.0-3bc9f82b58-9d8748a494.zip\node_modules\jest-runner\build\testWorker.js:106:12)
Check failure on line 0 in @o3r/eslint-config-otter/dist-test/it-report.xml
github-actions / IT Tests report-windows-latest-npm
ng add eslint-config ► ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to a library ► ng add eslint-config should add eslint-config to a library
Failed test found in:
Error: Command failed: npm exec ng add @o3r/eslint-config-otter@~999 -- --skip-confirmation --project-name test-lib
Raw output
Error: Command failed: npm exec ng add @o3r/eslint-config-otter@~999 -- --skip-confirmation --project-name test-lib
npm error code ERESOLVE
npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm error
npm error While resolving: [email protected]
npm error Found: [email protected]
npm error node_modules/eslint
npm error peer eslint@">=8.57.0 <9.15.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peer eslint@"^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/builder
npm error peerOptional @angular-eslint/builder@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error 9 more (@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin, ...)
npm error
npm error Could not resolve dependency:
npm error peer eslint@"^8.56.0" from @typescript-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser
npm error peer @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.14.1 || ^8.0.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peerOptional @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.11.0 || ^8.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/test-utils
npm error peer @angular-eslint/test-utils@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-plugin
npm error peer @o3r/eslint-plugin@"^999.0.1732302337797" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error 1 more (@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)
npm error
npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
npm error
npm error
npm error For a full report see:
npm error D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_51_611Z-eresolve-report.txt
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_51_611Z-debug-0.log
✖ Installing package [FAILED: Unable to install package]
,❯ Determining Package Manager
› Using package manager: npm
✔ Determining Package Manager
❯ Loading package information from registry
✔ Loading package information from registry
,npm error code ERESOLVE
npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm error
npm error While resolving: [email protected]
npm error Found: [email protected]
npm error node_modules/eslint
npm error peer eslint@">=8.57.0 <9.15.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peer eslint@"^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/builder
npm error peerOptional @angular-eslint/builder@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error 9 more (@angular-eslint/eslint-plugin, ...)
npm error
npm error Could not resolve dependency:
npm error peer eslint@"^8.56.0" from @typescript-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser
npm error peer @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.14.1 || ^8.0.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error @o3r/eslint-config-otter@"~999" from the root project
npm error peerOptional @typescript-eslint/parser@"^7.11.0 || ^8.0.0" from @angular-eslint/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@angular-eslint/test-utils
npm error peer @angular-eslint/test-utils@"~18.4.0" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-plugin
npm error peer @o3r/eslint-plugin@"^999.0.1732302337797" from @o3r/[email protected]
npm error node_modules/@o3r/eslint-config-otter
npm error 1 more (@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)
npm error
npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps
npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
npm error
npm error
npm error For a full report see:
npm error D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_51_611Z-eresolve-report.txt
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: D:\a\otter\otter\.cache\test-app\npm-cache\_logs\2024-11-22T19_46_51_611Z-debug-0.log
✖ Installing package [FAILED: Unable to install package]
at execCmd (D:\a\otter\otter\packages\@o3r\test-helpers\src\utilities\package-manager.ts:117:11)
at packageManagerExec (D:\a\otter\otter\packages\@o3r\test-helpers\src\utilities\package-manager.ts:178:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\a\otter\otter\packages\@o3r\eslint-config-otter\schematics\index.it.spec.ts:50:23)
at Promise.then.completed (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\utils.js:298:28)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at callAsyncCircusFn (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\utils.js:231:10)
at _callCircusTest (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:316:40)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at _runTest (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:252:3)
at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:126:9)
at _runTestsForDescribeBlock (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:121:9)
at run (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\run.js:71:3)
at runAndTransformResultsToJestFormat (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\legacy-code-todo-rewrite\jestAdapterInit.js:122:21)
at jestAdapter (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-circus-npm-29.7.0-f7679858c6-716a8e3f40.zip\node_modules\jest-circus\build\legacy-code-todo-rewrite\jestAdapter.js:79:19)
at runTestInternal (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-runner-npm-29.7.0-3bc9f82b58-9d8748a494.zip\node_modules\jest-runner\build\runTest.js:367:16)
at runTest (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-runner-npm-29.7.0-3bc9f82b58-9d8748a494.zip\node_modules\jest-runner\build\runTest.js:444:34)
at Object.worker (D:\a\otter\otter\.yarn\cache\jest-runner-npm-29.7.0-3bc9f82b58-9d8748a494.zip\node_modules\jest-runner\build\testWorker.js:106:12)