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Merge branch 'integration' into stable
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zamdzhiev committed Feb 23, 2015
2 parents aa176bf + c8c2552 commit 9797e64
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Showing 961 changed files with 182,152 additions and 2,953 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,3 +20,7 @@ core/heaps
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions README.git
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ At appropriate points, current "stable" will be tagged for release. The
tag will be of the form "vx.y[.z]". eg: "v2.0" or "v2.1.3". These will
be packaged up for download.

35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions README.release
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@

Preparing a release for QuantoDerive

Releases should be prepared on the target OS. First, ensure the heap is built
for the version of poly that is going to be shipped with the bundle. This can be
done on OS X or Linux by running:

make clean
make heap-(osx|linux)-dist

...and on Windows, run the following at a DOS prompt:


Next, from the scala directory, run the appropriate command to build the bundle.


For Linux/OS X, you are done. For Windows, there is one more step. Open the AIP
file in dist/windows-dist in Advanced Installer, update the paths as necessary
and build an MSI.

If dependencies change

If the dependencies change, certain pieces of the bundling code need to be
updated. "dist/osx-dist/Info.plist" needs to be updated in include any new
JARs, as well as "dist/". Also, the launcher executable
"QuantoDerive.exe" will need to be regenerated using launch4j.

75 changes: 3 additions & 72 deletions core/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,73 +1,4 @@
# variables you might want to set in your own profile setup...
### your local install of PolyML and isaplib
# POLYML_HOME=/home/ldixon/local/polyml-cvs-version
# build the quantomatic heap (for development setup)

# general variables

# polyml executable
POLYML_HOME=$(shell ../tools/
POLYFLAGS=-H 200 $(if $(FAST),--disable-tests) $(if $(V),--test-log-level=$(V))

# dynamic variables checked on call to make.
ML_SRC_FILES = $(shell find . | grep ".ML$$" | grep -v "test/protocol/" | grep -v "test/PROTOCOLTEST.ML$$" | grep -v "toplevel/")
COSY_ML_SRC_FILES = $(shell find ../cosy | grep ".ML$$")
ISAP_ML_SRC_FILES = $(ISAPLIB_SOURCES)/Makefile $(shell find $(ISAPLIB_SOURCES)/* | grep ".ML$$")

# Fixed file locations
# quanto heap file
# binary file to produce
ALL_BINS=$(CORE_BIN) bin/quanto-xml-to-json

# Targets:
default: all

@mkdir -p heaps
POLYFLAGS="$(POLYFLAGS)" ../tools/poly-build-heap -p -o $@ ROOT.ML

heap: $(QUANTO_HEAP)

bin/%: toplevel/%.ML $(QUANTO_HEAP) $(shell find "toplevel/$%" | grep ".ML$$")
@mkdir -p bin
POLYFLAGS="$(POLYFLAGS)" ../tools/polyc -l $(QUANTO_HEAP) -o $@ $<

all: $(ALL_BINS)

protocol-tests: $(CORE_BIN)
$(POLYML) $(POLYFLAGS) -q --use "test/PROTOCOLTEST.ML" --core "$(CORE_BIN)" --log "test/protocol-tests.log"

test check: protocol-tests

# startup an ML shell using the quanto heap
ml-shell: $(QUANTO_HEAP)
@../tools/polyml-toplevel -l $<

run: ml-shell

rm -f heaps/*.heap
rm -f bin/*.o
find . -type d -name .polysave | xargs rm -rf
rm -f $(ALL_BINS)

clean: localclean

veryclean: clean
vclean: veryclean
cat build_heap.ML | poly
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions core/Pure/Concurrent/bash.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
(* Title: Pure/Concurrent/bash.ML
Author: Makarius
GNU bash processes, with propagation of interrupts.

signature BASH =
val process: string -> {out: string, err: string, rc: int, terminate: unit -> unit}

structure Bash: BASH =

val process = uninterruptible (fn restore_attributes => fn script =>
datatype result = Wait | Signal | Result of int;
val result = Synchronized.var "bash_result" Wait;

val id = serial_string ();
val script_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_script" ^ id));
val out_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_out" ^ id));
val err_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_err" ^ id));
val pid_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_pid" ^ id));

fun cleanup_files () =
(try File.rm script_path;
try File.rm out_path;
try File.rm err_path;
try File.rm pid_path);
val _ = cleanup_files ();

val system_thread =
Simple_Thread.fork false (fn () =>
Multithreading.with_attributes Multithreading.private_interrupts (fn _ =>
val _ = File.write script_path script;
val bash_script =
"exec bash " ^
File.shell_path script_path ^
" > " ^ File.shell_path out_path ^
" 2> " ^ File.shell_path err_path;
val _ = getenv_strict "EXEC_PROCESS";
val status =
("exec \"$EXEC_PROCESS\" " ^ File.shell_path pid_path ^ " " ^ quote bash_script);
val res =
(case Posix.Process.fromStatus status of
Posix.Process.W_EXITED => Result 0
| Posix.Process.W_EXITSTATUS 0wx82 => Signal
| Posix.Process.W_EXITSTATUS w => Result (Word8.toInt w)
| Posix.Process.W_SIGNALED s =>
if s = then Signal
else Result (256 + LargeWord.toInt (Posix.Signal.toWord s))
| Posix.Process.W_STOPPED s =>
Result (512 + LargeWord.toInt (Posix.Signal.toWord s)));
in Synchronized.change result (K res) end
handle exn =>
(Synchronized.change result (fn Wait => Signal | res => res); reraise exn)));

fun read_pid 0 = NONE
| read_pid count =
(case (Int.fromString ( pid_path) handle IO.Io _ => NONE) of
NONE => (OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.1); read_pid (count - 1))
| some => some);

fun terminate NONE = ()
| terminate (SOME pid) =
val sig_test = Posix.Signal.fromWord 0w0;

fun kill_group pid s =
(Posix.Process.K_GROUP (Posix.Process.wordToPid (LargeWord.fromInt pid)), s); true)
handle OS.SysErr _ => false;

fun kill s = (kill_group pid s; kill_group pid sig_test);

fun multi_kill count s =
count = 0 orelse
kill s andalso (OS.Process.sleep (seconds 0.1); multi_kill (count - 1) s);
val _ =
multi_kill 10 andalso
multi_kill 10 Posix.Signal.term andalso
multi_kill 10 Posix.Signal.kill;
in () end;

fun cleanup () =
(Simple_Thread.interrupt_unsynchronized system_thread;
cleanup_files ());
val _ =
restore_attributes (fn () =>
Synchronized.guarded_access result (fn Wait => NONE | x => SOME ((), x))) ();

val out = the_default "" (try out_path);
val err = the_default "" (try err_path);
val rc = (case Synchronized.value result of Signal => Exn.interrupt () | Result rc => rc);
val pid = read_pid 1;
val _ = cleanup ();
in {out = out, err = err, rc = rc, terminate = fn () => terminate pid} end
handle exn => (terminate (read_pid 10); cleanup (); reraise exn)


47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions core/Pure/Concurrent/bash_sequential.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
(* Title: Pure/Concurrent/bash_sequential.ML
Author: Makarius
Generic GNU bash processes (no provisions to propagate interrupts, but
could work via the controlling tty).

signature BASH =
val process: string -> {out: string, err: string, rc: int, terminate: unit -> unit}

structure Bash: BASH =

fun process script =
val id = serial_string ();
val script_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_script" ^ id));
val out_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_out" ^ id));
val err_path = File.tmp_path (Path.basic ("bash_err" ^ id));
fun cleanup () = (try File.rm script_path; try File.rm out_path; try File.rm err_path);
val _ = File.write script_path script;
val status =
("exec \"$ISABELLE_HOME/lib/scripts/process\" no_group /dev/null" ^
" script \"exec bash " ^ File.shell_path script_path ^
" > " ^ File.shell_path out_path ^
" 2> " ^ File.shell_path err_path ^ "\"");
val rc =
(case Posix.Process.fromStatus status of
Posix.Process.W_EXITED => 0
| Posix.Process.W_EXITSTATUS w => Word8.toInt w
| Posix.Process.W_SIGNALED s => 256 + LargeWord.toInt (Posix.Signal.toWord s)
| Posix.Process.W_STOPPED s => 512 + LargeWord.toInt (Posix.Signal.toWord s));

val out = the_default "" (try out_path);
val err = the_default "" (try err_path);
val _ = cleanup ();
in {out = out, err = err, rc = rc, terminate = fn () => ()} end
handle exn => (cleanup (); reraise exn)


32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions core/Pure/Concurrent/cache.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
(* Title: Pure/Concurrent/cache.ML
Author: Makarius
Concurrently cached values, with minimal locking time and singleton
evaluation due to lazy storage.

signature CACHE =
val create: 'table -> ('table -> 'key -> 'value lazy option) ->
('key * 'value lazy -> 'table -> 'table) -> ('key -> 'value) -> 'key -> 'value

structure Cache: CACHE =

fun create empty lookup update f =
val cache = Synchronized.var "cache" empty;
fun apply x =
Synchronized.change_result cache
(fn tab =>
(case lookup tab x of
SOME y => (y, tab)
| NONE =>
let val y = Lazy.lazy (fn () => f x)
in (y, update (x, y) tab) end))
|> Lazy.force;
in apply end;



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