First version of the game. Basic menus are there, map works and there are NPCs with basic "AI"
- e8f1532 Bootstraping app
- 504fdc7 Update README.md
- 22ec165 chore: add AI generated new mobs
- caf22fe chore: add IncrementTimeSinceBegin function
- 690cd26 chore: add NPCs reactions
- 1950816 chore: add README entry
- 10599fd chore: add Readme
- f0343ee chore: add first combat logic
- fc8d71f chore: add gitignore
- 9db76ff chore: add gitignore
- fd6c321 chore: add gold, xp and rework functions
- ad1c0da chore: add goreleaser for first 0.0.1 version
- a1687cf chore: add hack to set size and allow scrolling
- fc863af chore: add hostility boolean
- 02ec649 chore: add info about farmer
- 5929d07 chore: add info for latere
- 0e287ab chore: add infos
- e7636f0 chore: add logic on choices for aspect
- d96fdd9 chore: add message
- 9452049 chore: add more characteristics
- e23c4b1 chore: add more conditions on validate + fix layout
- c99f83d chore: add moving player
- 1b4fd31 chore: add package maps
- 1fe35ea chore: add possibility to go in diagonals
- 4f99ee9 chore: add safeguard on validate and gender selection
- f604a06 chore: add screens
- c2b9b99 chore: add static farmer as first PNJ
- 53035f3 chore: add theme
- 6f5647e chore: adding more assets
- 0a6b37d chore: allow resizing
- fe268de chore: clean a bit scrollable map
- c06c17f chore: clean checkWakable
- fa15acf chore: clean new game code
- 5f5ce17 chore: clean up a bit code
- ed8d013 chore: cosmetic modifications
- b8f6268 chore: extract character variables in a new model package
- a441626 chore: finish newgame screen
- 009eb1a chore: fix black border lines
- aace2d3 chore: fix theme and map
- a785ba9 chore: improve mapKeyListener, checkWalkable and movePlayer functions
- 7bba6ed chore: mega refactor / code cleanup
- aae174e chore: mega rework of the tiles to extract tiles from a tilese rather than copying individual tiles
- 44a19df chore: move background
- 148056c chore: move handleNPCDamage to package model
- f3b4931 chore: move hostiles together
- e364aa7 chore: move theme to model package
- bf0032d chore: reduce text size again
- 4eaba32 chore: refactor log entries and add log entries for attacks
- 5150ab5 chore: remove debug
- 2871eae chore: remove useless comments
- 4b6dd46 chore: rename game screen
- 147c090 chore: reorder readme
- 6c26d77 chore: reworked all the stats system + added levels
- e7302cf chore: scrollable map doesn't work yet
- 948a243 chore: set defaults to speedup dev
- 80afb95 chore: set some default to speedup dev
- 62027f3 chore: split code, add background, move buttons
- 5846bf3 chore: talk about layout issues
- 6194f7c chore: temporary version of map
- d346022 chore: tweak a bit font size
- 1a5c48d chore: tweak default before working on RPG system
- 2073de7 chore: work on new game screen
- 24dfb5e feat : add randomizeGoldLoot and fix IsNPCDead and CreateNPC
- 3297f5a feat: add a handleNPCDamage function
- e02f3ba feat: add basic AI for hostiles
- 59fc59d feat: add level up screen
- 0992232 feat: add leveling up and mega rework
- dcf8414 feat: add logentries box in the left down corner
- f508f38 feat: add name for maps
- c2d0fe3 feat: add stats box
- fd9787a feat: can't walk in walls
- c37dd3d feat: change levelup screen to popup
- 7b6c19a feat: first working moving character!
- 95d28a8 feat: major character+NPC rewrite
- 2d734eb feat: prepare work for stats box
- 5233621 feat: we can kill hostile NPCs
- eb0eccb first version of map, doesn't work due to grid spaces
- e6dd898 fix Map layout
- 410f0ff fix entry layout and add sliders logic
- 865bced fix: NPC generic instanciation
- f133dbd fix: NPC position
- 8b18aaf fix: UI
- 35e8544 fix: found that map was inverted due to x/y/h/v/row/columns mixup
- fc7ba85 fix: leveling up issues
- 7c1c857 fix: messed value for currentGold
- d4a5dec fix: missed all the files
- 1dbb589 fix: missing entry in readme
- d501686 fix: missing fixes
- ed426e6 fix: no reason to have vars accessible from other packages
- 42e5067 fix: switch back to ints
- caf56f6 fix: typos
- 7ac8ff6 fix: use layout.NewSpacer()
- f54e99a fix: variantTheme (light/dark) support
- 327b7ee fix: wrong max
- ab8046e fix; sliders
- 48b27de fix; typo
- 4797f68 fixes #7