Store the datacards used for combinations
The name of the datacard reflects the channel and mass point considered.
The first three letters define the signal type:
- XZh: neutral Z'
- XWh: charged W'
The following letters determine the number and flavor of the leptons in the final state:
- nn: 0 leptons
- en: 1 electron
- mn: 1 muon
- ee: 2 electrons
- mm: 2 muons
The last one or two letters represent the number of b-tags:
- b: 1 b-tag
- bb: 2 b-tag
In the name does not distinguish some of the previous categories, it means that these catogories are combined. E.g.: if there is no b nor bb, the 1 and 2 b-tag channels are combined. If there is no lepton specification, all the corresponding leptonic channels are combined.
So far, all the signal samples are normalized to sigma x Br(X->VH) = 1 pb