2.注册Spotify开发者账号并创建一个应用。访问Spotify开发者网站。 登录后,创建一个新应用,获取客户端ID(Client ID)和客户端密钥(Client Secret)。
3.访问 https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?client_id=your_client_id&response_type=code&redirect_uri=your_redirect_uri&scope=user-library-read (更换为你刚才获取的Client ID与填写的redirect_uri),获取到auth code。
4.本地运行以下脚本,获得Refresh Token
import requests
import base64
CLIENT_ID = '**your_client_id**'
CLIENT_SECRET = '**your_client_secret**'
REDIRECT_URI = '**your_redirect_uri**'
AUTH_CODE = '**your_authorization_code**' # 替换为你获取的授权码
def get_tokens(auth_code):
token_url = 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token'
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Basic {base64.b64encode((CLIENT_ID + ":" + CLIENT_SECRET).encode()).decode()}',
data = {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'code': auth_code,
'redirect_uri': REDIRECT_URI,
response = requests.post(token_url, headers=headers, data=data)
return response.json()
tokens = get_tokens(AUTH_CODE)
print(tokens) # 这将包含 access_token 和 refresh_token
5.从脚本返回的数据中得到refresh_token,并填写到GitHub Secrets中:
- 进入你的GitHub仓库。
- 导航到 "Settings" -> "Secrets and variables" -> "Actions"。
- 点击 "New repository secret",然后添加以下Secrets:
Automatically sync Spotify likes songs with the specified song list to generate a json file.
Fork this project and delete all Json files in the root directory.
Sign up for a Spotify developer account and create an app. Visit the Spotify developer website. After logging in, create a new application and obtain the client ID and client secret.
Visit https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize? client_id=your_client_id&response_type=code&redirect_uri=your_redirect_uri&scope=user-library-read (Replace with the Client ID you just obtained and the redirect_uri you filled in) to get the auth code.
Run the following script locally to obtain the Refresh Token
import requests
import base64
CLIENT_ID = '**your_client_id**'
CLIENT_SECRET = '**your_client_secret**'
REDIRECT_URI = '**your_redirect_uri**'
AUTH_CODE = '**your_authorization_code**' #Replace with the authorization code you obtained
def get_tokens(auth_code):
token_url = 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token'
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Basic {base64.b64encode((CLIENT_ID + ":" + CLIENT_SECRET).encode()).decode()}',
data = {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'code': auth_code,
'redirect_uri': REDIRECT_URI,
response = requests.post(token_url, headers=headers, data=data)
return response.json()
tokens = get_tokens(AUTH_CODE)
print(tokens) #This will include access_token and refresh_token
- Get refresh_token from the data returned by the script and fill it in GitHub Secrets:
- Go to your GitHub repository.
- Navigate to "Settings" -> "Secrets and variables" -> "Actions".
- Click "New repository secret" and add the following Secrets:
- SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN (obtained from the code above)
- Completed