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High efficiency and quality: large graphs matching

3 Problem statement

$G(V,E)$:图G $V(G)$:表示节点集合 $E(G)$:表示边缘集合 $$score(M)=\frac{\sum_{(u1,v1) \in M}\sum_{(u2,v2)\in M} e_{u1,u2}\times e_{v1,v2} }{2}\tag{1}$$

5 Matching construction

5.1 Global and local node similarity

$S_{[u, v]} = S_{g[u, v]} × S_{l[u, v]}$

$S_{[u, v]}$:表示节点相似度

$S_{g[u, v]}$:表示全局相似度

$S_{l[u, v]}$:表示局部相似度

Global node similarity




$L_1,L_2$是对称的,正半定的,一定存在$L_1=U_1∧_1U_1^T$,$L_2=U_2∧_2U_2^T$,$U_1,U_2$是正交矩阵,$∧_1=diag(α_i),∧_2=diag(β_i)$是 如果$G_1$和$G_2$是同构的,一定存在置换矩阵P,$PU_1∧_1U_1^TP^T=U_2∧_2U_2^T$,让$P=U_2D'U_1^T$,其中$D'= diag(d_1,..., d_n)$,$di \in {+1; −1}$

当$G_1$和$G_2$是同构的,最优置换矩阵是P,其中最大tr($P^T \overline U_2 \overline U^T_1$),其中$ \overline U_1, \overline U_2$是$U_1,U_2$每个值的绝对值,让$c=min{|V(G_1)|,|V(G_2)|}$,$\overline U'_1,\overline U'_1$是$\overline U_1,\overline U_2$的前c列

$S_g = \overline U'_1 \overline U'^T_2$ $S_g \in [0,1]$

Example 1

Alternative global node similarity measures

$S'_g=r_1r_2^T$:分别是Katz score,RWR score

Local node similarity



  1. 不包括v本身
  2. 对于任意的节点u属于nk(v),u到v的最短RWR距离不大于k




$n_{min} = min{|N_k(u)|,|N_k(v)|}$



5.2 Anchor selection and expansion

Anchor Selection

Anchor two conditions

  1. $min\lbrace d(u),d(v)\rbrace\ge\delta$(两个节点中平均度数更大的那个)

    $\delta = max\left\lbrace \frac{2\times|E(G_1)|}{|V(G_1)|},\frac{2\times|E(G_2)|}{|V(G_2)|}\right\rbrace$

  2. $S_l[u,v]\ge τ$ τ是阈值,往往大于0.5




Algorithm 2 anchor-selection (G1, G2)
Require: two graphs G1 and G2;
Ensure: a list of matched anchor pairs A;

1: compute the similarity matrix S;
2: A ← ∅; S1 ← ∅; S2 ← ∅;
3: for all u ∈ V(G1) and v ∈ V(G2) in decreasing order of their similarity S[u, v] do
4: if S[u, v] ≥ τ and min{d(u), d(v)} ≥ δ and u ∈/ S1 and v /∈ S2 then
5: A ← A ∪ {(u, v)}; S1 ← S1 ∪ {u}; S2 ← S2 ∪ {v};

时间复杂度$O(|V(G_1)|^2·(|V(G_1)|+|E(G_1)|) + |V(G_2)|^2 · (|V(G_2)| + |E(G_2)|))$

Anchor Expansion



Algorithm 3 anchor-expansion (G1, G2, A)
Require: two graphs, G1 and G2, and the anchor pairs A;
Ensure: a graph matching M;

1: M ← A; Q ← ∅; S1 ← ∅; S2 ← ∅;
2: for all (u, v) ∈ A do
3: S1 ← S1 ∪ {u}; S2 ← S2 ∪ {v}; Q ← Q ∪ (N(u) × N(v));
4: while Q not equl ∅ do
5: remove (u, v) from Q with the largest similarity Sl[u, v];
6: if u ∈/ S1 and v /∈ S2 then
7: M ← M ∪ {(u, v)}; S1 ← S1 ∪ {u}; S2 ← S2 ∪ {v}; Q ← Q ∪ (N(u) × N(v));
8: return M;

时间复杂度$O(|V(G_1)|·|V(G_2)| · min{|V(G_1)|, |V(G_2)|})$

5.3 Discussion on τ for anchor selection

τ的选择很重要,因为τ如果过大,初始匹配点过少,很难匹配,如果τ过小,初始点过多,存在错误的初始匹配的几率就越大,根据错误的匹配的匹配错误率更大。所以采用算法4步进的方法调整τ,找到一个最优值,由于这个步进的方法Anchor Selection已经完成,主要是完成Anchor-Expansion步骤,并且通过table可以看出,Anchor-Expansion的占用的时间是少数的,所以这个步进方法占用了很少的时间。

Algorithm 4 construct-opt (G1, G2)
Require: two graphs, G1 and G2;
Ensure: a graph matching between G1 and G2;

1: τ ← 0.5; Mopt ← ∅;
2: AI ←anchor-selection (G1,G2); {Algorithm 2}
3: for all τi = 0.5 + i × l such that τi ∈ [0.5, 1] do
4: A ← {(u, v)|(u, v) ∈ AI , S[u, v] ≥ τi};
5: M ← anchor-expansion (G1, G2, A); {Algorithm 3}
6: if score(M) > score(Mopt) then
7: Mopt ← M;
8: return Mopt ;

时间复杂度$O(|V(G_1)|^2 · (|V(G_1)|+|E(G_1)|) + |V(G_2)|^2 · (|V(G_2)| +|E(G_2)|))v$

6 Matching refinement

6.1 Vertex cover based refinement



I:I=V(G)-C I是V(G)的子集,并且对于任意的两个节点属于I,这两个节点之间的边都不属于E(G)


F:$C \cap P $

6.2 Refinement and its optimality

$G_b$:$V(G_1)-C$ 和$V(G_2)-F2$的二分图

$w(u,v)=|M[N(u) \cap F_1] \cap (N(v) \cap F_2)|$:$G_b$的匹配的边的权重



  1. $|\mathcal{M}| = \sum_{i=9}^{min}\frac{min!\times max!}{i!\times (min-i)!\times (max-i)!}$
  2. $M \in \mathcal{M}$
  3. $M^+(C) \in \mathcal{M}$
  4. $M^+(C)$是$\mathcal{M}$中最优的匹配情况,$M^+(C)=(M \cap (F_1\times F_2))\cup M_b$

M':属于$\mathcal{M}$且$M' \cap (F_1\times F_2)$,$M' \cap ((C-F_1))= \emptyset $

6.3 Randomly refinement excluding $C − F_1$


Lemma 1

对于任意的$G_1中C_1和G_2中C_2$,如果$C_1\subseteq C_2$,则$score(M^+(C_1)) \ge score(M^+(C_2))$

Algorithm 5 select-random-cover (G)
Require: a graph G;
Ensure: a randomly selected minimal cover of G;

1: L ← shuffled nodes in V (G); C ← ∅;
2: for all u ∈ L do
3: if ∃(u, v) ∈ E(G), s.t. v /∈ C then C ← C ∪ {u};
4: for all u ∈ C do
5: if C − {u} is a vertex cover of G then C ← C − {u};
6: return C;


Lemma 2

对于图G的任意的极小覆盖C,至少有$|C|!\times |V(G)-C|!种排列组合可以生成C

Algorithm 6 refine (G1, G2, M)
Require: two graphs G1 and G2, and the matching M;
Ensure: a refined matching M;

1: while M is updated or it is the first iteration do
2: for i = 1 to X do
3: G ← random selection between G1 and G2;
4: C ← select-random-cover (G);
5: compute M+(C);
6: if score(M+(C)) > score(M) then M ← M+(C);
7: return M;

时间复杂度$O(m·n^3)$,$m=min{|E(G_1)|,|E(G_)|} and n=max{|V(G_1)|,|V(G_2)|}$

6.4 Randomly refinement including C − F1



$M^*(F_1)$:上述的新匹配,$M^∗(F_1)=(M \cap (F_1 \times F_2)) \cup M^∗$



  1. $M' \cap (F1 \times F2) = M \cap (F1 \times F2)$
  2. $F_1 ∪ (V(G_1) − P1 − M'^{−1}[V(G_2) − P_2])$ is a vertex cover of $G_1$

$\mathcal M \subseteq \mathcal M^\ast$,假设$M^{\ast}_\mathcal{M}$是最优匹配在$\mathcal{M^\ast}$中,

我们一定有$score(M^{\ast}(F_1)) \ge score(M^{\ast}_{\mathcal{M}}) \ge score(M^+(C))$

7 Labeled graph handling


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