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ASN.1 Circom Parser

A generic ASN.1 DER/BER parser implemented in Circom for use in zero-knowledge proofs. This circuits can extract and verify key information from ASN.1 encoded data structures, enabling on-chain verification of certificates, signatures, and other ASN.1 encoded documents.

Note: This project is a work in progress and not yet recommended for production use


  1. AsnStartAndEndIndex: Identifies the start and end indices of various ASN.1 data types within the input array. It outputs several arrays:

    • outRangeForOID[maxlengthOfOid][2]: Contains start and end indices for each OID.
    • outRangeForUTF8[maxlengthOfString][2]: Contains start and end indices for each UTF8 string.
    • outRangeForUTC[maxlengthOfUtc][2]: Contains start and end indices for each UTC time.
    • outRangeForBitString[maxlengthOfBitString][2]: Contains start and end indices for each Bit String.
    • outRangeForOctetString[maxlengthOfOctetString][2]: Contains start and end indices for each Octet String.
    • image
  2. UTF8StringProver: Extracts and parses UTF8 string values from the ASN.1 structure.

    • image
  3. AsnParser (WIP): generic parser which extracts Integers,Signatures,UT8String and Date (WIP).

This project is supported by zkemail.

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UTF8StringParser App

Try out the UTF8StringParser zk app in action: UTF8StringParser Demo

This web application allows you to upload any vaild DER/BER/X.509 certificates and generate zero-knowledge proofs for specific UTF8 strings within the certificate. It demonstratesthe ASN.1 parsing circuits in verifying certificate data without revealing the entire certificate content.

Key features:

  • Certificate upload
  • UTF8 string and OID input
  • Zero-knowledge proof generation and verification

Project Milestone

  1. Phase-1 ASN.1 Parser
    • Extract certificate information from a given PDF.
    • Circom Circuit which take DER structure as input and extracting all information such as (e.g., issuer, subject, validity period, public key, signature algorithm, signature).
  2. Phase-2 ZK Proof to verify data (WIP)
    • Develop a circuit to prove specific aspects of the extracted data.
    • Whether document is signed with issuer name or not?

Phase-1 ASN.1 Parser

Things to Extract from PDF Certificate

Some of ASN.1 DER types.

  1. Integers
  2. UTF8String
  3. Date and Time
  4. Object Identifier which used to recognize algorithm
  5. Signature

Algorithm for ASN.1 Parser

  1. Step - 1 : converting base64/Hex string as input and returns the decoded binary data as  Uint8Array
  2. Step - 2 : Extracting Information from Uint8Array


  • Since most DER and BER structures are encoded in base64 format, we need a base64 decoder which takes a base64 encoded string as input and gives arrayOfBytes.
  • Most digital certificates are encoded with base64, and some also use hex encoding:
    • PKCS#7/CMS attached signature (DER) - BASE64 Encoded
    • PKCS#7/CMS attached BER - BASE64 Encoded
    • PKCS#8 RSA key - Base64 Encoded
  • Check whether it matches the valid regex /^\s*(?:[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]\s*)+$/ for base64.
  • Here is a lookup table for the base64 standard mentioned in RFC3548.


  • If we have encoded hex as “0x76696b6173”, it can be parsed into [ 118, 105, 107, 97, 115 ]. When we look up these values in the ASCII table, they give decoded character values.
  • By using this approach, for a given hex encoded string, we can get the ASCII equivalent.
  • for a given base64 encoded string we can get ASCII equivalent using following circuits

Flow of Base64 and Hex Decoding

  • Take any generic certificate which contains encoded data in DER and BER structures:
    1. Parse Information into Bytes:
    2. decodeText(entire_ber_or_der_certificate)
    3. Parse content in .pem file:
    4. -----BEGIN PKCS7------{encoded_info}------END PKCS7------
    5. Check whether encoded_info is hex or base64.
    6. If the encoding string is “hex”:
      1. Function: Hex.decode(hexString) → arrayOfBytes
    7. If the entire cert is encoded in base64:
      1. Function: Base64Decoder(base64string) → arrayOfBytes


2.(a) - ASN.1 Type-Length-Value (TLV) Encoding:

| Type (T) | Length (L) | Value (V) |

ASN.1 encoding follows the Type-Length-Value (TLV) format, where:

  1. Type (T): The tag that identifies the data type.
  2. Length (L): The length of the value field, encoded in a compact form.
  3. Value (V): The actual data value, encoded according to the specific data type and encoding rules.

Every value, an octet is an eight- bit unsigned integer. Bit 8 of the octet is the most significant and bit 1 is the least significant.

Type - ASN1Tag

Every ASN1 Tag is octet. ASN1 Tag Representation

| 7 6 | 5 | 4 3 2 1 0 |
| Class | C | Number |

- Bits 7-6 (Class): Represent the tag class.
- Bit 5 (C): Indicates if the tag is constructed.
- Bits 4-0 (Number): Represent the tag number.

2.(b) ASN.1 Tag Classes and Numbers

Here is a list of all universal class types which includes all these types.

Tag Class Tag Number Tag Name
Universal 0x00 EOC
Universal 0x01 BOOLEAN
Universal 0x02 INTEGER
Universal 0x03 BIT_STRING
Universal 0x04 OCTET_STRING
Universal 0x05 NULL
Universal 0x07 ObjectDescriptor
Universal 0x08 EXTERNAL
Universal 0x09 REAL
Universal 0x0A ENUMERATED
Universal 0x0B EMBEDDED_PDV
Universal 0x0C UTF8String
Universal 0x0D RELATIVE_OID
Universal 0x10 SEQUENCE
Universal 0x11 SET
Universal 0x12 NumericString
Universal 0x13 PrintableString
Universal 0x14 TeletexString
Universal 0x15 VideotexString
Universal 0x16 IA5String
Universal 0x17 UTCTime
Universal 0x18 GeneralizedTime
Universal 0x19 GraphicString
Universal 0x1A VisibleString
Universal 0x1B GeneralString
Universal 0x1C UniversalString
Universal 0x1E BMPString

Since we want to extract ASN1Tag from bytesArray:

  • Generally, since it follows T-L-V, the tag will be the first byte of the ASN structure.
  • We need to determine other things from class, form, and number.

                              ASNTag Representation

                          ASNTag Representation

Example of ASN.1 Calculating Tag Values

// given buff to find ASN1 Tag values
const buff = 42;

// 7th and 8th bit
const tagClass = buff >> 6;
// tagClass is 00 -> universal

// 0x20 => 00100000  we will get the 6th bit
const tagConstructed = (buff & 0x20) == 0;

// 0x1f => 0011111. we will get 0-4th bits of buffer
const tagNumber = buf & 0x1f;

2.(c) ASN.1 Length Decoding Algorithm

  1. Read the Length Byte:
    1. The second byte in ASN.1 indicates the length.
  2. Check the Most Significant Bit (MSB):
    • If the MSB is 0, the byte represents the length directly (short form).
    • If the MSB is 1, the byte indicates the number of subsequent bytes that encode the length (long form).
  3. Short Form Encoding:
    • If the MSB is 0, return the value of the byte as the length.
  4. Long Form Encoding:
    • If the MSB is 1, mask out the MSB to get the number of subsequent bytes.
    • Read the subsequent bytes and combine them to get the length.
// Given buff to find ASN1 Tag values
const buff = 0x82;

// Check whether most significant bit is set to zero
// If it's set to 1 then it's encoded in long bytes format
const mst = buff & 0x80;

if (mst === 0) {
  // Short form encoding
  return buff;
} else {
  // Long bytes encoding
  let numBytes = buff & 0x7f; // Get 7 bits of octet 0x7F => 01111111

  let length = 0;
  for (let i = 2; i < numBytes; i++) {
    // Read the next byte and combine to form the length
    length = (length << 8) | nextByte(); // nextByte index from starting bytes
    // Assume nextByte() returns the next byte in the sequence

  return length;

2.(d) ASN.1 Example

Extraction of TLV (Type Length, Values)

const simpleASN1 = [30 ,82 ,2A ,74, ....more];

1. Decoding the Type

  • The first byte 0x30 represents the Tag value.
  • The Tag value 0x30 corresponds to the SEQUENCE type in the universal class. This is a constructed type, meaning it can contain nested TLV triplets.
  1. Decode the Length
    • The second byte 0x82 has the most significant bit set to 1, indicating a long-form length encoding.
    • The remaining 7 bits 0x02 indicate that the Length value is encoded in the next 2 bytes.
  2. Decode the Value
    • The next 2 bytes are 0x2A, 0x74, which represent the Length value 10,868 (0x2A74 in hexadecimal) when combined.
  • Since SEQUENCE indicates how many values it consists of in this constructed type, we can iterate through the next bytes, starting to check the type and extract values from it.

Let's analyze how to parse the next few bytes of the ASN.1 structure following the same approach:

  1. Get the first byte and find the tag type.
  2. Get the length of the bytes.
  3. Get the values.
[30,82,2A,74,  06 ,09 ,2A, 86, 48, 86, F7, 0D, 01, 07, 02, ...asn2];
|-parent asn-||-----------child asn1---------------------|--child2-|

From the previous example, we know that there are two ASN.1 structures in the stream. We can move the offset by +4 and get ASN.1 and calculate TLV values for it:

const asn1 = [06 ,09 ,2A, 86, 48, 86, F7, 0D, 01, 07, 02]
  • Determine the Type (T):

    • The first byte 06 represents the Type (T) or the tag value.
    • This byte value 0x06 corresponds to the OBJECT_IDENTIFIER data type in the universal class.
  • Determine the Length (L):

    • The second byte 09 represents the Length (L) of the Value field.
    • Since the most significant bit (0x80) is not set, this is a short-form length encoding.
    • The value 0x09 (decimal 9) indicates that the length of the Value field is 9 bytes.
  • Determine the Value (V):

    • The remaining 9 bytes 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 07 02 represent the Value (V) field for the OBJECT_IDENTIFIER data type.

    • OBJECT_IDENTIFIER values are encoded using a specific set of rules:

      • The value is represented as a sequence of variable-length numbers.
      • The first two numbers are encoded in the first byte, and subsequent numbers are encoded in subsequent bytes.
      • Each number is encoded in base 128, with the most significant bit indicating whether more bytes follow for that number.
    • Decoding the Value 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 07 02:

      // reference :=
      function bytesToOID(bytes) {
        let s = ""; // Initialize an empty string to store the OID
        let n = 0; // Initialize a variable to accumulate the current number
        const len = bytes.length; // Length of the input bytes array
        for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
          let v = bytes[i]; // Current byte value
          n = (n << 7) | (v & 0x7f); // Append the lower 7 bits to n
          if (!(v & 0x80)) {
            // If highest bit is not set
            if (s === "") {
              // If s is empty, it's the first two numbers
              let first = Math.floor(n / 40); // Calculate the first number
              let second = n % 40; // Calculate the second number
              s = first + "." + second; // Add the first two numbers to s
            } else {
              s += "." + n; // Add the accumulated number to s
            n = 0; // Reset n for the next number
        return s;
      let bytes = [0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x07, 0x02];
      console.log(bytesToOID(bytes)); // Output: 1.2.840.113549.1.7.2
      let bytes2 = [0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02];
      console.log(bytesToOID(bytes2)); // Output: 1.2.840.10045.4.3.2
      console.log(bytesToOID([0x55, 0x1d, 0x0e])); // Output: 2.5.29

2.(e) Integrating ASN.1 Parsing in Circuits

To handle ASN.1 data types in circuits, i can think of two approaches:

  1. Individual Circuits for Specific Data Types: Write individual circuits for extracting specific data types.
  2. Extract Important Data Types: extracting important data types in circuits. We need to explore ways to return these values efficiently in Circom in a single circuit.
    • Important ASN.1 Data Types to Extract
        • versions
        • encryption algorithm used
        • signature values
        • content
      • UTCTime
      • UTF8String
        • issuer, country, states
      • BIT_STRING
        • subjectPublicKey

2.(f) ASN.1 Complete Parsing Algorithm

Here's the TypeScript implementation of the ASN.1 parsing algorithm in ./src/parser.ts:

function parse(data: number[]) {
  let ASN_ARRAY = [];
  let i = 0;
  while (i < data.length - 1) {
    const ASN_TAG = data[i];
    const ASN_LENGTH = data[i + 1];
    if (
      ASN_TAG === ASN1_TAGS.SET ||
    ) {
      const isLongForm = (ASN_LENGTH & 0x80) === 0 ? false : true;
      if (isLongForm) {
        const offset = this.calculateOffSet(ASN_LENGTH);
        const endIndex = i + offset + 2;
        ASN_ARRAY.push(data.slice(i, endIndex));
        i = endIndex;
      } else {
        ASN_ARRAY.push(data.slice(i, i + 2));
        i += 2;
    } else if (ASN_TAG == ASN1_TAGS.OCTET_STRING) {
      const isLongForm = (ASN_LENGTH & 0x80) === 0 ? false : true;
      let length = 0;
      if (isLongForm) {
        let numBytes = ASN_LENGTH & 0x7f;
        let temp = numBytes;
        let currentIndex = i + 2;
        while (numBytes > 0) {
          length = (length << 8) | data[currentIndex];
        const startIndex = i;
        const endIndex = startIndex + length + temp + 2;
        ASN_ARRAY.push(data.slice(i, endIndex));
        i = endIndex;
      } else {
        const startIndex = i;
        const endIndex = startIndex + ASN_LENGTH + 2;
        ASN_ARRAY.push(data.slice(i, endIndex));
        i = endIndex;
    } else {
      const startIndex = i;
      const endIndex = startIndex + ASN_LENGTH + 2;
      ASN_ARRAY.push(data.slice(i, endIndex));
      i = endIndex;
  return ASN_ARRAY;

Example Parsing for X.509 certificate:

const input = [
  0x30, 0x82, 0x04, 0x9f, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x07, 0x02, 0xa0, 0x82, 0x04, 0x90,
  0x30, 0x82, 0x04, 0x8c, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01,
  // ... (more bytes would follow in a complete certificate)

Now, let's walk through how the parsing algorithm would process the first 5 elements of this input:

  1. 30 82 04 9F

    • Tag: 30 (SEQUENCE)
    • Length: 82 04 9F (long form, 1183 bytes)
    • Algorithm:
      • Recognizes 30 as SEQUENCE
      • Identifies long form length (0x82)
      • Calculates total length (0x049F = 1183)
      • Pushes [30, 82, 04, 9F] to ASN_ARRAY
    • Index moves to: 4
  2. 06 09 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 07 02

    • Length: 09 (9 bytes)
    • Value: 2A 86 48 86 F7 0D 01 07 02
    • Algorithm:
      • Identifies 06 as OBJECT IDENTIFIER
      • Reads length 09
      • Pushes entire line [06, 09, 2A, 86, 48, 86, F7, 0D, 01, 07, 02] to ASN_ARRAY
    • Index moves to: 15
  3. A0 82 04 90

    • Length: 82 04 90 (long form, 1168 bytes)
    • Algorithm:
      • Recognizes A0 as CONTEXT SPECIFIC
      • Identifies long form length (0x82)
      • Calculates total length (0x0490 = 1168)
      • Pushes [A0, 82, 04, 90] to ASN_ARRAY
    • Index moves to: 19
  4. 30 82 04 8C

    • Tag: 30 (SEQUENCE)
    • Length: 82 04 8C (long form, 1164 bytes)
    • Algorithm:
      • Recognizes 30 as SEQUENCE
      • Identifies long form length (0x82)
      • Calculates total length (0x048C = 1164)
      • Pushes [30, 82, 04, 8C] to ASN_ARRAY
    • Index moves to: 23
  5. 02 01 01

    • Tag: 02 (INTEGER)
    • Length: 01 (1 byte)
    • Value: 01
    • Algorithm:
      • Identifies 02 as INTEGER
      • Reads length 01
      • Pushes entire line [02, 01, 01] to ASN_ARRAY
    • Index moves to: 26

Resulting ASN_ARRAY

After processing these 5 elements, the ASN_ARRAY would look like this:

  [30, 82, 04, 9F],
  [06, 09, 2A, 86, 48, 86, F7, 0D, 01, 07, 02],
  [A0, 82, 04, 90],
  [30, 82, 04, 8C],
  [02, 01, 01]

we can look at first bytes of each array and determine its tag class and decode according to get value.



A huge thank you to @lapo-luchini for creating the ASN.1 JavaScript decoder. This tool ASN.1 JavaScript decoder has been an invaluable reference for our project.