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ZHLINH'S TECH BLOG based on the template Skinny Bones.

screenshot of Skinny Bones


  • Stylesheet built using Sass. Requires Jekyll 2.x
  • Data files for easier customization of the site navigation/footer and for supporting multiple authors.
  • Optional Disqus comments, table of contents, social sharing links, and Google AdSense ads.
  • And more.



$ bundle install

# If got stuck or 'bundler' (2.3.11) required by ... ERROR
# Maybe should change another gem source
$ gem sources
$ gem sources --remove
$ gem sources -a

# Also set config on bundle based project
bundle config mirror.

Script to run Jekyll:

$ bundle exec jekyll build
$ bundle exec jekyll serve



project root
├── _site                               # compiled site ready to deploy
├── _images                             # unoptimized images
├── _includes                           # reusable blocks for _layouts
├── _layouts
|    ├── archive.html                   # archive listing of a group of posts or collection
|    ├── article.html                   # articles, blog posts, text heavy material layout
|    ├── default.html                   # base
|    ├── home.html                      # home page
|    └── media.html                     # portfolio, work, media layout
├── _posts                              # posts grouped by category for sanity
├── _sass
|   ├── vendor
|   |   ├── bourbon                     # Bourbon mixin library
|   |   └── neat                        # Neat grid library
|   ├── _animations.scss                # CSS3 animations
|   ├── _badges.scss                    # small badges
|   ├── _bullets.scss                   # visual bullets
|   ├── _buttons.scss                   # buttons
|   ├── _grid-settings.scss             # Neat settings
|   ├── _helpers.scss                   # site wide helper classes
|   ├── _layout.scss                    # structure and placement, the bulk of the design
|   ├── _mixins.scss                    # custom mixins
|   ├── _notices.scss                   # notice blocks
|   ├── _syntax.scss                    # Pygments.rb syntax highlighting
|   ├── _reset.scss                     # normalize and reset elements
|   ├── _sliding-menu.scss              # sliding menu overlay
|   ├── _variables.scss                 # global colors and fonts
|   ├── css
|   └── main.scss                       # loads all Sass partials
├── fonts                               # webfonts
├── images                              # images
├── js
|   ├── plugins                         # jQuery plugins
|   ├── vendor                          # vendor scripts that don't get combined with the rest
|   ├── _main.js                        # site scripts and plugin settings go here
|   └── main.min.js                     # concatenated and minified site scripts
├── apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png    # 152x152 px for iOS
├── favicon.ico                         # 32x32 px for browsers
└──                            # homepage content
└── _config.yml                         # Jekyll settings


Create new MarkDown (.md) files in _posts. You can organize it like _posts/category-name/

The only YAML Front Matter required for posts and pages are title, layout and permalink, everything else is optional. The following is some examples.

Title & Layout

tilte: About
layout: article
permalink: /about/

title: Latest Posts
layout: home
permalink: /

Modified Date

modified: 2014-08-27
modified: 2014-08-27T11:57:41-04:00 # more verbose, also acceptable


  feature: feature-image-filename.jpg
  credit: Michael Rose #name of the person or site you want to credit
  creditlink: #url to their site or licensing


# Table of contents
toc: true
# Advertisement
ads: true
# Disqus comments
comments: true



Modify layouts (.html) files in _layouts.


Maintaining pretty URLs for your site can be handled in two ways when creating new pages.

Place a .md file at the root level and add the appropriate permalink to the YAML Front Matter. For example if you want your About page to live at create a file named / and add permalink: /about/ to its YAML Front Matter.

Or you can create /about/ and omit the YAML permalink. Up to you how you’d like to organize your pages.

You can also group pages in a _pages folder similiar to _posts.


_includes/navigation.html and _includes/navigation-sliding.html retrieve the links from the definition in _data/navigation.yml and _data/navigation-sliding.yml.


The content of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA), and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.