BusTub是在卡耐基梅隆大学上建立的关系数据库管理系统,用于数据库系统简介(15-445 / 645)课程。 该系统是为教育目的而开发的,不应在生产环境中使用。
BusTub is a relational database management system built at Carnegie Mellon University for the Introduction to Database Systems (15-445/645) course. This system was developed for educational purposes and should not be used in production environments.
If you are a Java developer, it happens that your C ++ writing ability is not particularly strong, but you are very much like completing the course cmu15-445, then you must not miss this project.
The project was rebuilt in Java, and unit testing was done using Junit.
At the same time, this is a completed version. If you want an empty project, you can find it in my repository.