Crawl Weibo user and their tweets, and store in Mysql. Maybe Sina has modified the dom setting or ajax of their website, so my code may not work. But it's still can be a helpful demo
- Build Mysql database and tables, execute sina_weibo.sql. Insert a line in table
, the id is short id (length=10) of Weibo. This is the root of breadth-first search. - Fill your cookies in cookies.txt.
- Modify userCrawler.py, including Mysql config and MY_UID.
- Runing userCrawler.py for 3~4 times. Each time is one level deeper of breadth-first search.
The weiboCrawler.py can be used in almost the same way as userCrawler.py. It will crawl tweets of users in table user
Based on work of https://github.com/chyanju/wCrawler, Thanks Yanju Chen.