This micropython MQTT client is a fork of the asynchronous micropython-mqtt/ lib. A stripped-down version tested on both micropython ESP32, ESP32-S2, unix port and CPython3. Mostly adapted for
- Drop wifi and connectivity management
- Runnability on both cpython and micropython
This version reports down on network read,write error and stops working.
User needs to recover link and try connect()
, then wait for up
event or check internal flag _has_connected
The following public interfaces are the same as original mqtt_as
everything else is either removed or dimmed as internal:
/ disconnect()
-> awaitable
is unnecessary before re- connect, socket is closed onconnect
subscribe(topic:str, qos)
/ unsubscribe(topic:str)
-> awaitable
publish(topic:str, msg:bytes, retain=False, qos=0, oneshot=False)
-> awaitable
- msg must be bytes/bytearray, otherwise error on cpython
- oneshot: construct full pkt in buffer, prone to OOM under constraint RAM, mainly used in cpython for performance.
/ _has_connected
blocks for a few seconds, to actively wait for ping response- Use
for immediate check on most recent status
/ down
/ queue
- up: connected
- down: disconnected
- queue: message queue
set_cb_on_event(event:str, cb:awaitable, udata=None, new_task=False)
- Create loops for above events (
for message queue) to call cbs. - udata is like user_data in paho_mqtt.
- Do not register same cb twice, no check for duplicated cb.
- Neither unregistering cbs nor stopping the loops is supported.
from mqtt_as import MQTT_base, config
import uasyncio as asyncio
import micropython
asyncio = micropython.patch_asyncio()
async def cb_on_message(tpc, msg, retained):
print(tpc, msg, retained)
# override defaults
config['server'] = '' # Change to suit
config["client_id"] = "client202311abc"
async def main():
client = MQTT_base(config)
#client.DEBUG = True
await client.connect(True)
await client.up.wait()
print("mqtt connected")
await client.subscribe("new_topic", qos=0)
client.set_cb_on_event("msg", cb_on_message)
await client.publish("new_topic", b"hello world")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await client.disconnect()
- CPython lacks time.ticks_ms() etc. is a shim.
- MQTT_base initializes async lock/queue/event on instance creation. It must be created from the same loop that awaits other mqtt_as coros e.g. connect/sub/unsub() etc. This will be frustrating on cpython, if not paying attention to.
All credit goes to the original author @peterhinch. Thanks for always answering my questions.