In this phase, tokenization and specific Persian normalization were developed in the following order:
- Tokenization --> tokenize()
- Normalization
- equalize_chars()
- delete_pishvand()
- root_of_verbs()
- del_stop_w()
- del_punctuations()
- mokasar()
- del_pasvand()
- Building inverted indexes
- Answering single and multi word queries (not in a ranked display) by outputting the relative link.
This phase contains the implementation of some famous efficiency boosting techniques in NLP. The developed methods respectively are:
- Building Weighted Inverted Index using tf-idf vector representation, resulting from the following equation:
Where ft,d stands for the number of repetitions of word t in document d, and nt is the number of documents in which the word t has appeared.
- Employing Index elimination technique to reduce the occupied space.
- Similarity calculation using cosine-sim through the following equation:
- Building tf based Champion lists
- Outputting K-top results using max-heap
Phase 3: Optimizing the retrieval system with the assistance of K-means clustering and KNN classification.
When the volume of our data increases, we need to apply more efficient methods to exceed the time and space limitations, using the following algorithms:
K-means: we cluster the documents through this algorithm with k = 10 and 30 iterations. Responding to a query is by first computing the similarity of the query to the centroids, choosing the highest one, and then finding the responses in that cluster.
KNN: Using this algorithm, we implement a classification system with 5 categories including "health", "politics", "sports", "culture",and "economy". This engine labels the documents and sets k to 5. The input query format should be as follows:
cat:<cat> <query>
For example:
cat:health کرونا