gdbOF is an attachable to GNU debugger (gdb) tool that includes macros to debug OpenFOAM's solvers and applications in an easier way.
Launched July 06th, 2011
**Created By: J.M. Gimenez(1), S.Marquez Damian(1), N. Nigro(1)
(1)CIMEC (UNL-CONICET), Santa Fe, Argentina**
- Rahul Vadrabade
gdbOF in Advances in Engineering Software
Version 1.01a (July 06th, 2011)
- Repairs instalation bug.
- See differents boundary types.
Version 1.02a (November 09th, 2011)
- psurfacevalues accepts every cell type (not only hexaedra)
- managment of temporal files improved
- add command "pfieldvalues" to see non-geometric fields
Version 1.03a (May 15th, 2014)
- Bug of temporal fails repaired
- Bugs on "pfvmatrixfull" and "pfvmatrixsparse" solved
- New command "pname"
Version 1.04a (August 9th, 2016)
- Fixing compatibility with OF 3.x and 4.x
Version 1.05a (March 30th, 2020)
- Launch repository version
Version 1.1a (April 14th, 2020)
- Fixing compatibility with OF v1912 and 6.x
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