OpenSpades 0.1.1b
This version is outdated. See this for the latest version.
For Windows 8.1 or earlier users: While launching OpenSpades, you might get an error message that says api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0 is missing from your computer. If this happens, applying this Windows Update will solve the problem.
For macOS users: See this wiki page if you're having trouble starting OpenSpades.
See Trello for a more comprehensive list of new/updated features.
Bug Fixes
- More accurate weapon firing rate control (27d9320)
- Recoil amounts are updated to match the original client, thanks to experiments conducted by kmsiapps (#551)
- #254 block restocking doesn't work properly in /god mod
- Security and compatibility fixes
New Features
- SSAO and visual adjustments (takes in effect only with HDR) (#515, 6279c9e)
- Alt-Enter to toggle fullscreen mode (05156b5)
- Enhanced environmental audio (7a14c39)
- More perceivable tracer bullets (6d6e55b)
- Tracers are now displayed on the minimap (8349b4c)
- Network protocol extensions (#561), which would make awesome things including server message localization possible in a near future (with updated servers)!
- Updates can now be checked automatically! (#526)
- To package maintainers and redistributors: This feature is configured by
. Please contact us by posting here for details.
- To package maintainers and redistributors: This feature is configured by
Locale Support
- French translation by damienflament (#525, #567)
- Dutch translation by Tapmemer (#523)
- Spanish translation by brunodiazu(#543)
- New translation platform is here! Anyone can create an account and submit translations for their language! (If your language is not on the list, please contact me and I'll add it to the list)
Known Issues
- A graphical glitch can be visible if Volumetric Fog is enabled (#447)
- Vertical fog is still existent when the software renderer is selected.
Following binary packages are provided:
- for Windows users
- for macOS users
OpenSpades-0.1.1.pdb.7z is NOT needed unless you're a developer and intend to debug OpenSpades.
Additionally, non-English users are encouraged to download NotoFonts.pak. It contains beautifully designed Roboto and Noto Fonts by Google (see this for license), which cover all languages supported by OpenSpades. It can be installed by copying it to the Resource directory.
Binary packages for the version 0.1.1b aren't provided because changes introduced in 0.1.1b are irrelevant to binary distributions.