In terminal directory: python3 -m venv venv
In command palette:
python select interpreter enter interpreter path ./venv/bin/python
In terminal directory: source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn app.main:app or uvicorn app.main:app --reload
Fast API decorator specifies the path, response schema, and success status codes for the function it decorates The function itself is passed the input schema and dependencies like:
- Database sessions
- User authentication
Dependency functions allow FastAPI to execute common tasks and return their values before calling the main function
- This allows for separation of concerns and automatic documentation
- And sharing common objects like the database
Path operation = route
Http request methods:
- GET = retrieve data
- HEAD = GET but without a response body
- POST = submit data
- PUT = replace target with requested payload
- DELETE = deletes target
- CONNECT = establish a tunnel to the server
FastAPI runs whichever URL it encounters first in the file (order matters)
Use Postman to test your API without building a frontend
FastAPI allows you to explicitly define the schema (format) your user can send the data to, otherwise return an error, by using pydantic
- POST /posts"/posts")
- GET /posts/:id @app.get("/posts{id}")
- GET /posts @app.get("/posts")
- PUT/PATCH /posts/:id @app.put("/posts{id}")
- DELETE /posts/:id @app.delete("/posts{id}")
Never talk to a database directly, use a DBMS Relational (MYSQL, POSTGRESQL, etc) or NoSQL (MongoDB, DynamoDB, etc)
In PostgreSQL, use Not NULL rule to prevent blank entries in DB
Allows you to CRUD rows and tables in python instead of SQL Most popular is SQLalchemy contains the table schema contains the helper code to start a DB session When creating a table using SQLalchemy, it will look for tables of the same name And if none are found, it creates the table It cannot update table schema, so manually delete the table to make schema changes
Pydantic model defines how a request and response should look like (transfer)
- Pydantic performs variable validation and conversion
SQLalchemy model defines the columns and rules of the DB schema (DB)
JWT token based authentication is stateless (does not store info whether user is logged in or not) Client side stores information
- Client provides username and password to API
- If credentials are valid, API sends a token
- Client tries a CRUD operation with the token appended to the header
- If token is valid, API performs action and returns data
Components of JWT token:
- Header (signing algorithm, token type)
- Payload (user ID, role, etc)
- Signature (API-side secret)
Important: JWT tokens are not encrypted
How a token is made:
- Header, payload, and secret are hashed to create a signature
- The header, payload, and signature make up a token and is sent to the API
How a token is verified:
- Header, payload, and secret are hashed to create a test signature on API-side
- The client signature is compared with the test signature
We use the python-jose library based off pyjwt for token authentication
Check the return token here: FastAPI docs on using JWT: (we use a different library)
- Client sends email, plain text password
- API finds the user and their hashed password on the DB
- Clients password is hashed then compared to DB hashed password
We use the passlib.context library's CryptContext module to compare a user input plain text password against the DB stored hashed password
Create an environment and add a URL variable to make it easy to switch between dev and prod URLs Call the variable using {{URL}} Add a token variable using a post-res script for Login get request: pm.environment.set("JWT", pm.response.json().access_token);
Pass query parameters into Fast API by directly adding it into the function call In postman, append ?= to the query
- Add additional query parameters with &
- Add space to a search using %20
Example for GET POSTS: {{URL}}posts?limit=2&skip=0&search=2
Add all environmental variables into .env contains a pydantic settings class which loads, validates, and converts all env variables found in .env Why not just use os and load_dotenv functions?
- So that we can validate that all env variables are correctly passed before running the program
- This method works in production environments
Use a PK that corresponds multiple columns to make sure each post cannot be voted by more than one user
Note that while SQL join is a left outer join by default, SQLalchemy join is a left inner joint
Install alembic: pip install alembic
Initialize alembic to create directory: alembic init alembic
Modify with: from app.models import Base from app.config import settings config.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", f"postgresql+psycopg2://{settings.db_username}:{settings.db_password}@{settings.db_hostname}:{settings.db_port}/{settings.db_name}") target_metadata = Base.metadata
Create posts table: alembic revision -m "create posts table" And update def upgrade() and def downgrade()
To go to an alembic db history: alembic upgrade <revision_no>
To upgrade: alembic upgrade head
To downgrade: alembic downgrade -1
Auto-generate feature: Alembic can figure out what columns and tables are missing between the sqlalchemy model and postgres db, and make the changes without needing to drop the current tables alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<insert_comment_here>" alembic upgrade head
Allows you to make requests from a web browser on one domain to a server on a different domain By default, FastAPI only allows browsers running on the same domain as our server to make requests to it
Create a repo on github
In terminal: git init git add --all git commit -m "initial commit" git branch -M main git remote add origin<your_username>/<your_repo_name>.git git push -u origin main
Install Heroku and create a free account; use a github student discount for 24mo free access
In terminal: heroku login heroku create fastapi-<your_name> git push heroku main
git add --all git push origin main git push heroku main
heroku logs -t
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:essential-0 Set environment variables by going to<your_app_name>/settings Get the variable names from your postgres instance settings
Restart heroku instance (dyno): heroku ps:restart
Get your API URL: heroku apps:info <app_name>