####EC601 project
Our Emotion-based Spotify project is a web app developed to analyze facial emotion and return the playlist to user. It can recognize the following emotions: happy, sad, fear, angry, surprise and neutral.
####Our project highlight
- Website frontend design and backend setup
- Dynamic web hosting
- Face recognition with Opencv
- MySQL Databse
####User Manual
- Open our website in Firefox:
- Click"Try it out" in our homepage
- After directing to our main test page, enable the webcam access in your brower pop-up window.
- Take a selfie and you could immediately see the preview on the side
- Use the "Find playlist" button to get the playlist we find for you
####Build Instructions
- The following software is required:
- Python 3
- OpenCV 3.1
- To run Python program for recognition in local, the following files in "python code" folder are required:
- emotion_recognition_v1.1.py
- fishface_mode.XML
- haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml
- haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml
- haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml
- haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml