yumem.io (blog, lang: Japanese) , LinkedIn, StackOverflow
I am a machine learning/ GIS engineer working for Northern System Service in Iwate, Japan.
- Professional Skills
- Web system architecture, implementation and operations
- Customer liaison
- 💻 Programming languages (
ORDER BY proficiency DESC
)- Python
- Shell (bash)
- JavaScript (vanilla/Node/React)
- TypeScript
- Java
- 🛰️ JADE
- Shows images of asteroid RYUGU collected by the HAYABUSA-2 Spacecraft
- Uses Cesium.js to visualize both the asteroid and the images in the 3-D space
- Contributed as the primary developer responsible for calculating ONC image boundaries (footprints)
- 🌱 Automated Plant Disease Diagnosis
- Uses EfficientNet and ShapeMask to identify plant diseases from smartphone images
- Published a paper discussing key challenges related to evaluation and dataset refinement
- ☁️ Google Cloud Certification
- Professional Machine Learning Engineer (credential)
- Professional Cloud Architect (credential)
- Associate Cloud Engineer (credential)
- 🏁 Microsoft Azure
- AZ-104: Azure Administrator Associate (credential)
- AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals (credential)
- ✏️ ITEE (Information Technology Engineers Examination; 情報処理技術者試験)
- System Architect (システムアーキテクト)
- Database Specialist (データベーススペシャリスト)
- Network Specialist (ネットワークスペシャリスト)
- Embedded Systems Specialist (エンベデッドシステムスペシャリスト)
- R. Wayama, Y. Sasaki, S. Kagiwada, N. Iwasaki, and H. Iyatomi, "Investigation to answer three key questions concerning plant pest identification and development of a practical identification framework," Comput. Electron. Agric., vol. 222, 2024, Art. no. 109021. [Online]. Available: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1j83HcFCSbGaT
- H. Kikuchi et al., "JAXA Asteroid Data Explorer (JADE) for Accessing and Retrieving Hayabusa2 ONC Image Data: 2023 Update," presented at the 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conf., The Woodlands, TX, Mar. 13-17, 2023. LPI Contribution No. 2806, id.2001. [Online]. Available: https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2023/pdf/2001.pdf
- I love 🚲cycling and 👒hiking.
- 🎵Music: I am a big fan of the soundtracks from the Touhou Project 1, a Danmaku game series popular in Japan.
- My username
was inspired by Yumemi Okazaki, a bizarre physicist and the final boss from "Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream", an old title in the game series.
- My username
I'm not a skilled Danmaku player, though. ↩